Thursday, September 17, 2009



Just a quick reminder that the drawing for the FREE sweet PINK Christmas Stocking you see in the middle (top right) is only a couple of days away!

Get your name in and just MAYBE YOU WILL WIN! Somebody will walk away with this romantic little find and it might as well be you! Right?

Click onto the Stocking to get the details!

The clock is ticking!

Blessings to you as enjoy another FREEBIE from A Gathering Place...Rebecca


Mary H said...

~~Hi Rebecca~~Did I miss the "Love is...." memo this week?? I have been so preoccupied with my girl and her baby on the way, that I haven't been able to check on my friends on a daily basis.
Just checkin' & hugs, Mary H.

Debra@CommonGround said...

Hey Rebecca, if you make it up this way be sure to let me know. I'd love to meet you somewhere, maybe IH,(you also need to hit Leola's in Ozark - really close) and say Hi and give you a big hug. I'd love to meet you in person!(since I feel like I already know you!)

Anonymous said...

Hi Rebecca!
Chilly here this a.m. (in the low 50's).... I love to visit your blog. I get my "pink addiction" fix all filled up!! Love it!
Have a Blessed Weekend!

Sharon's Cottage Quilts said...

Good Morning Rebecca!! Bless you! I love your new cards!!! Beautiful!

cottagepinkperfection said...

Hi Rebecca,
I went to Tuesday Mornings yesterday to try and see if I was lucky enough to find some of the ephemera you have mentioned before. No luck though :{ I saw mentioned on one of your earlier blogs "Victoria At Home With White" and found myself a copy on Ebay. Can't wait to get it! You have a blessed day!

Tanza said...

Good morning sweet ~r~,
yep, I'm doing the "pink stocking jig"..can you see me ?! Ooohhh this is soo sweet and sugery and pink.. LoVe it !! But, what don't I LoVe that you create ?! mmmm..soo terrible to want everything..hoping your day is good, and you get alot done !! I KNOW you're the busy girlie right now !!
make it a happy day ~
hugs ~ tea ~ xo

Margie said...

Hi Rebecca! I've added your button to my blog so sign me up for that super cute stocking:)

Ana said...

Hi Sweet Rebecca,
I'm keeping my fingers crossed. Can't wait. Have a wonderful weekend.

Blessings and Hugs,

A Rose Without A Thorn said...

Rebecca, Me, Me, Me!!!!!


Hi Rebecca. I'm on my way to the lake this evening after a week of painting, so here's a quick note for you.

ATT: How about printing up some Christmas gift tags with your beautiful images of stockings?! I think little stockings would be adorable in pinks and whites and blues for Christmas presents!!!


Rebecca Nelson said...

To Sweet Brook...

You aren't going to believe this my longtime friend, but they are in the works! They are! They will be another item that will be offered up on my website and HOPEFULLY to the retail world before long! I think GREAT MINDS THINK ALIKE! :) *wink*

Seriously...I'm excited about where some of my work is taking me! Your encouragement means the WORLD TO ME! I love your work and HIGHLY value your opinion!

Love to you dearest~


Pink Roses and Teacups said...

Hello Rebecca,

I am indeed a follower of your blog. I also have one of your beautiful signs. I will put your link on my sidebar. Please enter me in your drawing. I would love to own one of your beautiful stockings.


Julie Marie said...

Hello Rebecca... yes, you scared me!!! And yes, I want to win!!! So pretty! Bisous... Juie Marie

Barb said...

Rebecca, just popping in to say hello. Have a blessed weekend.

Love, Barb ♥

Ana~A Petite Cottage said...

Hi Rebecca,
It's me again. Just wanted to let you know that I put your beautiful button on my blog. It's scrolling around on my sidebar under "Sweet Places to Visit". Thank you.


My Pink & Cream Cottage said...

Im kinda thinking this is my last chance to make a comment..... have a great weekend my friend....

Lyn xxx

DeeDee said...

your puppy is adorbale...I have missed alot since I could visit schedule change doesn't allow me so much bloggin itme..

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