Tuesday, February 23, 2010

~ALTERED de PAPIER and Lovin' All Things FRENCH~

All Things French and Lovely

Over the past couple of weeks I thought for sure someone was jumping up and down on my LAST NERVE. I think I'm finally grasping the concept of "Paint Shop Pro X". Even though I have tons more to learn about the Program I can't begin to tell you how happy I am I decided to sit still long enough and LISTEN to my instructor. My Teach was none other than my Mr. AGPMan... The computer analyst/guru himself suffered through days and days and DAYS of blank, mindless stares, endless questions about things he'd already answered at least a hundred times and he even witnessed a few full-fledged temper-tantrums.

I'm not a good student.

I nearly flunked out.

Plus, I really hate it when my guy tells me what to do. :)

The song "I WILL SURVIVE" kept running through my brain...

Now...of all the card designs swimming inside my head this one is my favorite so far. I'm IN LOVE with France and have been for as long as I can remember. I'm a fairly frugal person but when it comes to things like French Lace, French Ribbon, French Perfume or French Food...well I can lay down some serious ca$h!

The sweet little card above has a sewing theme to it. It showcases vintage scissors, an old silk ribbon spool, a vintage Eiffel Tower Stamp, aging buttons, an old French letter, gorgeous lace and it's original vintage lace packaging! Matching note cards and hang tags are also in the works!

For those of you who have written to me about the product line I can tell you it's in production! We just received the first designs back from the printer and the next grouping will be sent out this week!

More soon! Promise!

~My Grandpa's Grandfather~
Marcus Lafayette Martinique

I've always heard that the people of France would rather buy one item of great quality rather than lots of little lesser things.

I've always wondered if that was true.

Maybe Karyn over at French Charming would know.

Surely Janet over at Shabby FuFu would know. She's been to France a gazillion times, I think...(which is totally Not Fair! NOT FAIR!).

The picture you see above is of my SCOUNDREL (that's what my Grandpa called him) Great-Great-Grandfather, Marcus (Markus) Lafayette Martinique. He came to America from France in the mid 1800's and promptly fathered a large, large, large brood of children. He also had two wives (at the same time)!!! To 'appear' more American (can you image his accent?), he changed the spelling of his first name (K to a C) and also changed his last name to MARTIN.

I'm thinking he needed to shave off what looks like to me was a HEAVILY WAXED MUSTACHE! :) And...HOW can a man sit for a professional photograph and NOT straighten his tie???? Where was his wife? Or rather, WIVES????

Anyway...maybe my love for all things French comes naturally for me.



Anonymous said...

Just love all things French!! Can't wait to see your new line....

Julie Marie said...

Hello Rebecca... what a beautiful card! Yes, the French would rather buy just one simply exquisite something rather than alot of little ones... somehow, I seem to break family tradition of my French ancestors... what can I say... there are Soooo many beautiful things to buy! ... Bisous... Julie Marie PS Your great~great~grandfather looks rather dashing to me!

Lori @ Katies Rose Cottage Designs said...

Rebecca ~ I love your new line ~ sooo pretty !!!
You are cracking me up with the picture ~ isn't it interesting to imagine the lives that they led and what life was like ~
What a neat picture to have ~

Unknown said...

G'morn, sweet Rebecca ~ Good for you, sitting thru instructions with Mr. AGPman ... we'd be in divorce court by now, chuckle.

Your card line is awesome but this latest rose/sewing creation is the best of them all thus far! It is so sweet, warm & inviting a design. You've got it down well, R. You have a real talent for creating exquisite items ...

I am so glad that your designs & business is taking off so well ... no one can deserve it more than you.

Hugs of love, Marydon

Sandi@ Rose Chintz Cottage said...

I love all things French too! I can't help but swoon every time I come here. Have a lovely day.


Connie said...

Just the opposite around this house, chick! Love Bunny is not a good pupil and I'm NOT a good teacher for HIM. He gets so frustrated when I try to show him something on the computer that it usually ends with a tiff and me swearing I'll never show him anything on the puter again...EVER!!! However, I must say he has some great qualities: he cleans showers well and can shake the dust out of my rugs quite exquisitely. ;-) He also can change light bulbs, hang shelves and change wall plugs with the best of the macho men. I think I'll keep him - even if I may have to "knee cap" him.....

Unknown said...

Rebecca, you are so cute!! I love the way you write :):) That card is gorgeous!! You are amazing! Everything you come up with is stunning!! The picture cracks me up, you are so right, lol! Where was his wife?? tee hee!
Big Hugs,

Cherished Treasures said...

Dear Sweet Rebecca, Just love the sewing themed cards. Can't wait for the full line to be ready !!! Since I am an heirloom sewer of fine childrens fashions I definately need to have the French Sewing themed cards and tags. Hurry - Hurry - Hurry Up and Get them Ready For Production !!! ;-)
Wishing you much success in all you endeavor to do. XOXOOXO, Carol

Pat @ My Tattered Elegance said...

Rebecca, your card is gorgeous and I loved the pic of your great, great grandfather. I just love the old pics of anyone. And I'm giving you BEST WISHES with your new line.
Hope you have a wonderful day!
Hugs, Pat

Winchester Manor said...

Oh Rebecca...I just adore your new cards! I must get my hands on them...I see they are coming soon!

I feel your pain with trying to learn new computer skills...I have little to no patience when it comes to that sort of thing.

Well, although I'm not French...I'm just a wanna be French girl, I would have to say that it would be quality rather than quantity. The French do make exquisite treasures, don't they?

Love the photo of your great grandfather and you gave me a good chuckle. He sounds like he was something else! Yes indeed, one of his wives should have straightened his tie. lol

VM Creation Atelier said...

What an amazing work!-)*
I like this card it's so stylish and indeed realy,hoopless french...

Thank you very much for share you beautiful creations!-)*

Many love and blessings,


Tanza said...

Hi my friend,
These are gorgeous !! But, IS there anything you create, that I'm not on the floor about ?! You are amazingly, wonderfully gifted beyond words !! Just LoVe all these beauties, I'm still waiting to hold my in my pinky hands .. can't wait .. Have a fun day sweet one ~

stefanie said...

ooh la la, gorgeous!!! you are tooooooo talented!

Terra said...

That is a very pretty card. I will check back, that's easy cuz I'm a follower.
I studied French in Paris as a college student and that is a world class city.

karen said...

Wonderful card. So pretty. I just have to say it again. Girl you got talent. I think a trip to Franch should be in the works for you and your teacher. He did a good job.

Unknown said...

I think it is in you blood...:)
I am French, born and raised in Paris. All my ancestors are French. I love to learn about them...
It is true in France we go for quality, never for quantity... You can ask me all the questions you want...Come to my blog and say hi!
Gros bisous!

Winchester Manor said...

Goodness...where are my manners?! I wanted to thank you for the mention and linking my blog...you are a doll!


Unknown said...

Thank you for following my blog and your comment!. I will gladly be your friend...:)
Gros bisous et a bientot!

Ginger said...

Love the new card, can't wait to get my hands on some of these. I want to go to France also, lets go!! LOL I can dream can't I? Check out my post today, it is about you.


Rita said...

Rebecca, you have such beautiful things! Congratulations on learning the new computer program from your Agapman. It's not easy to learn from your mate!

Secondhandrose said...

I really like your new art, the cards and tags. I think that pic of great-great-grandpa was taken after the two wives found out about each other and kicked him to the curb. Don't believe me?! Look at his surprised expression!


June said...

You are a crack-up girlie.
Your GGGrandfather really does look like a bad boy doesn't he. Too cute for his own good. Serves him right to have to answer to two women.
I love the card, it is beautiful. Hang in there...I know you will be great at this.

Barbara Jean said...

What a acute post. I have a husband who is patiently teaching me how to do my books/inventory on the computer. Not fun end results like you will have, but do so appreciate his patience in teaching me. =)

Love your new cards!!
Sweeeeeet is not enough to say.

About your great, great, grandfather. I think in those days a tousled looking tie was kind of like our movie stars and their tousled hair do's for awhile.
(I just made that up, but sounded good don't you think?) =0)

On the serous side, I am so blessed each time i see you have come by!!
Thanks for leaving me encouraging notes.


barbara jean

Melissa/Piney Rose said...

Hi dear sweet Rebecca, I too love all things French, and even though my last name is pronounced "basket", I don't correct anyone who pronounces it like it is spelled "bask-e-t-t-e". I like that better - it sounds so French!

Deanna said...

Wee Wee!
That's about all the french I speak. Think it's an interesting sounding language and I hope by the time I'm 60 I will be able to speak more french!!!
If it takes longer than that...I'll just have to keep trying.
Take care and God Bless,

Pink Roses and Teacups said...

Hello sweet Rebecca,

thank you for the sweet comment on my blog! I feel honored. :) Oh, this card is beautiful. I think I am going to frame it. Can't wait til the line is ready. Glad your learning the program on the computer. It took me a long time just to learn the basics. lol Cool picture of your great grandfather.


Unknown said...

Oh good for you! I gave up on Paint Shop. My poor unfortunate husband is also the expert in our home. He finally said "forget it. I'll try to find you some easy tools." I guess my big thing is that I don't want to pay big bucks for a program that I'm afraid to use. I am going to try and find a class here in town before I buy it. Love your card!
Have a great week!

Charlene said...

I LOVE your card. And I am soooo jealous you are learning the program. I purchased Photoshop 7 & even bought an online tutorial & I did not do well. The teacher was working on a differnet version (older) & when I aksed questions about what mine was doing she couldn't help me. Oh I want to learn to do this so badly. LOVE YOURS! Go give your teacher a HUG & tell him thank you because you did learn really well. My hubby comes to Edmund sometimes to work. It would be fun if we could go to lunch sometime. Charlene

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