Monday, May 31, 2010


“Humility is perpetual quietness of heart. It is to have no trouble. It is never to be fretted or vexed, irritable or sore, to wonder at nothing that is done to me, to feel nothing done against me. It is to be at rest when nobody praises me and when I am blamed or despised; it is to have a blessed home in myself where I can go in and shut the door and kneel to my Father in secret and be at peace, as in a deep sea of calmness, when all around and about is trouble.”

Have a blessed Memorial Day as you honor those who gave all they had...and then some.
  Love to you~

Saturday, May 29, 2010



For as long as I live I will never ever match the generous hearts of some of people I've met online in my life.  No kidding.  I never will.

For years I only THOUGHT I was a generous person.  But, since being introduced to the world of blogging I've been proven wrong over and over and over again.  I've decided that some people are just blessed with the gift of giving.  Whether it be their time, talents or lovely little presents birthed from somewhere deep in the heart, they just give and give and give some more.

I've known Melissa since early in my eBay days and today enjoy reading about her life and loves on her Blog, PINEY ROSE.  She is a sweet, amazingly talented friend and never fails to inspire those around her!  So, when she emailed me last week asking me for my snail mail address I was more than happy to forward it along!  As Melissa put it, she'd found something on one of her little shopping jaunts she thought I would like to have and wanted to send it my way...

How special is that? EXCITING!

Presents!  PreSENTS! PRESENTS!!!!

Well...after a day of doing super boring stuff that involved buying things like FENCE and DECK STAIN and plastic conduit for underground wiring projects (all things on my Mr. AGPMan 2-Do-Lists!) I couldn't wait to escape return to the comfort of my studio for some creative fun.  After we pulled into the driveway of our La Chaumiere de Briarwood I grabbed our Saturday  mail and  headed inside.  Safe at last!

It was then I found it.  A petite little package hand addressed to me with the return address of my Tennessean friend.  

I carefully pulled the pretty wrapped package from it's mailing envelope and set it down in front of me so I could read the note penned by Melissa's hand (don't you LOVE hand written notes?  It's beginning to be a lost art!)...

"Dearest Rebecca" it began...

(I always feel tears begin to burn in my eyes when someone begins a sentence with DEAREST!)

As I made my way down the page I couldn't believe how kind and thoughtful her words were to me.  They did what I'm sure she meant them to do...they blessed me.  And so, I read it again...and then they blessed me again.

Soft pink tissue and dainty flowers surrounded an unknown treasure.

"What did Melissa send me?"  I just couldn't imagine!

As I pulled back the pastel paper I stood in silence before letting out a soft, but audible gasp.  Right there, held between my two hands was the most lovely silver keepsake I'd seen in many a moon.  It is, what I believe to be, a vintage silver Calling Card Case, complete with working clasp and original chain handle.  Engraved on one side are the initials of someone I know must have been very special and on the other side is the single letter R.  

"R" for Rebecca...

I turned the piece over and over in my hands and then gently opened it up.  The Case, still in wonderful condition, was so well cared for that  I could barely believe my eyes.

Now, I'm not 100% positive the Case was designed for Calling Cards...maybe it was for notes or maybe it was originally a compact.  I can't say for certain.  I only know  I absolutely love it.

"Miss M...thank you!  Truly, THANK YOU from the deepest part of my heart.  Not only for the generous, most beautiful gift, but for all the words of encouragement you've spoken to me and in my behalf over the past several years.  Additionally, I'll never forget your gracious praise back in 2004 and all it led to.  I still owe you so very much.   May God Bless you my hundred-zillion fold~ Love,Rebecca"

 Experiencing the generosity of others has taught me something very precious about my walk with my Lord...  No matter how things may be going in my life...good, great or even not-so-good, God cares about every tiny moment of it.  He never ever fails to guide His children my way.  And they always come, just when I'm in need of them most~

Blessings to you today as you lovingly, generously, bless others!

Love to you~


Today marks the second birthday of Pink Saturday!  I can't believe it.  Thank you Beverly from HOW SWEET THE SOUND for making all the pinkalicious posts possible.  Please check out Miss B's wonderful bloggie (it's fab) and all the other PINK SATURDAY peeps, too!

Now...this has been a week that I really needed a PINK ME UP! :)  With this being a holiday weekend I've found myself coming and going and not at all organized when it came to picking out my favorite PINKS!  Still...I managed to round up a few that I hope you will LOVE!
 ~PINK AD 1950's~

First...I've been a super huge fan of Charles of the Ritz Classic Perfume since I was 18 years old.  It's been long discontinued in America so I have to spend my hard earned cash and have it shipped to the USA from who knows where.  I love this vintage PINK AD!  Sooo sweet!  Can you image shopping in that frock?  What fun!
by Sandy Lynam Clough
I purchased a grouping of these precious teacup prints back in the early 1990's when I owned a brick and mortar store.  This one is my favorite of the four I still have today.  It's hand signed, too.  Love Miss Clough's work!

Is this sweet or what?  I love this pink rose candle.  Last year I shared how to make them in a Candle Tutorial...  This one is still my favorite!

This charming pair of vintage pink rose teacups are heaven-sent.  One is white on the inside and the other is pink.  Other than that they are identical.  I drink tea in the pink one every morning! :)  Tea!  Tea!  Tea!  Yes...I LOVEEEEEE Tea!

Last April I visited my sister in Tennessee and while we were out junkin' one day I found these darling little Salt and Pepper Shakers.  They are hand painted and I just had to bring them home with me!

I love making Pillows using vintage ephemera and aging graphics.  This is one I just recently finished.  I just may have to keep it...

I absolutely love this old print!  I have it hanging in my home in a place where I can see it every day.  It reminds me to continually seek out the things of God first!

And that is all my PINK for this busy, busy weekend!  Thank you so much for stopping by again...  I'm going to try and get to as many of you as I can!

Blessings for a lovely holiday.  Love to you~

Thursday, May 27, 2010



For our wedding anniversary in 2013, my Mr. AGPMan and I have a trip planned to visit Europe.  I am more excited about it than I can say!  We plan on touring all the beautiful places we've only read about since we married in 1978.  Three years seems like a long time to wait...but, the years will pass by anyway and we might as well spend part of them planning something very, very special.

I've been in love with all things Italian since I was seven.  It was around that time when Anne and Dominick Ducato immigrated from Italy and moved into the tiny track home directly across the street from our family.  It was also the year that I learned that really good spaghetti was NEVER going to be found in a can (Chef Boyardee comes to mind here!).  Today I continue to love Italian Cooking and faithfully watch Lydia's Italy on the CREATE Channel.  I'm in love with vintage Italian linens and have been known to look far and wide to find great prices on textiles produced by Sferra Brothers (Tuesday Morning is a great place to find new, off-priced Italian Linens).

Today I'm back in my studio working on some sweet projects for my website, but I couldn't let the morning hours pass without sharing with you two gorgeous women who have blessed me and my business...and they just happen to live in Italy!  Because I love to put a face with a name, I asked begged each of them to send me a picture showing them in their homeland...

From all accounts, and from what I understand about both of these beautiful ladies, they are the BEST of friends.  I hope someday, when we finally make it to Italy, I will be able to meet them in person, dine with them, and thank them personally for their friendship as well as all the business they've given me over the years.  I've been more blessed than I can say.

Aren't they beautiful women?  Thank you Valeria and Debby!  You mean more to me than I can say!

Blessings as you value the friendships you've made both here in America and abroad.

 Love to you~

Wednesday, May 26, 2010


~Miss K at Age 3~

Last Saturday, like nearly every Saturday during the Spring and Summer months, I went Estate Sale-ing.  With my hubby and our Miss K in tow we set out early for a day of treasure hunting.

I had ten houses on my list to visit and I was hoping to make it to every single one.  That's a lot of homes to crowd into just a few hours.  Miss K has been with me a couple of times during my junkin' excursions... although I do believe the last time she tagged along was back when she was only about 5.  Today she is 7.

A lot can change in the mind of a little girl in two years.
~Sweet At 5~

Anyway, the first house on our list was in a grand neighborhood in Oklahoma City.  The house wasn't terribly ancient...maybe 45 years old.  But, it was large and a bit overwhelming at first sight.  That didn't stop me from taking the hand of my only grandchild and walking excitedly through the front door.

"Now, you remember the rules, right?  No touching!"  I said!

"I KNOW Nana!  I won't!"  she quipped...

After walking around for just a few minutes and wading through the sea of people crowding in on my sale :) I was ready to check out.  I was purchasing a lovely vintage damask tablecloth and twelve matching napkins (in pink, of course!), a set of vintage (never used) linen place mats and matching napkins in a rose-pink color, a package of linen napkins in cream (also never used), two oval needlepoint pictures, an old Quaker Lace tablecloth, two silver-plate sugar shakers and a pair of white bisque-style figurines.  As you can imagine my hands were quite full.

(A pretty good haul for one sale!)

While I was waiting impatiently patiently in line to pay I listened intently as my Miss K chatted non-stop to the men and women standing around us. 
 ~Acting Cool at 7~

"We are going to TEN SALES today!  This is our very first one!" she blurted out!

Then she continued, this time directing her comments to me...

"Where's the lady who lives here anyway, Nana?  Doesn't she want all her stuff anymore?"

I thought for a second, realizing for the first time my granddaughter had no real understanding of what an 'estate sale' was...  My first thought was to just say "No!  She doesn't want all this stuff anymore!"  but that would have been too easy for me.  No Noooo Nooooooo!  I had to TRY to EXPLAIN...

And so...I began to say it this way...

"Well honey...sometimes when people get older and find they don't need big houses and lots of  'things' anymore they move into a smaller place and sell off some of their favorite treasures.  Or~sometimes they get weak, kinda like Papaboo, and so they go and live in a nursing home with other people who need extra care~


Sometimes they, ummmmmmmmm, well grow old or get sick and um...then go to heaven!!"

I actually felt pretty proud of myself at this point as our bright-eyed girl SEEMED to understand exactly what I was saying!

Then all of a sudden I heard this...

"YOU MEAN SHE'S DEAD!?  Nana!  Is the lady who lived in this house DEAD?"

Instantly all the eyes in the room were on me!  Iknow I turned five shades of white...or red...or maybe even green...

I couldn't pay and get out of that house fast enough!
I can tell you this~next time I will be shopping alone!  All alone!!!!

Blessings as you enjoy hump-day!

Love to you~

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

~SHABBY COTTAGE CHIC MIRROR...Romance for Pennies~

~Vintage 1940's Frame~

Shopping Estate and Tag Sales are one of the highlights of both spring and summertime living for me here in Oklahoma.  I'm not afraid to venture anywhere in our gorgeous Red Earth State if it means I just MIGHT find a deal that is too good to pass up!  Even so, there are times when I find myself slinking, slithering my way into what are often Grand Estate Auctions hoping against hope that I'll be able to come away with maybe ONE tiny little treasure.  Most times the merchandise goes sky high making it impossible for me to purchase a single solitary thing.  And so...I have a tendency to favor Sales that might not seem at first glance to be as grandiose.  I almost ALWAYS come away with something fantabulous! :)

Take the mirror you see above.  I found it last year at a neighborhood, family-run estate sale.  Back then it wasn't a mirror at all, but the picture you see below.
~Old Landscape Print~

Now...I love landscape artwork.  I do.  It's just I favor flowers and mirrors more.  Besides, this picture was way too dark for my home and besides it appeared to be faded and discolored...probably from smoke.


The WOODEN FRAME with its bits of detailed plaster and corner accents was LOVELY!  Ticketed price was $10.  Originally the Frame was gold.  Flat, ugly, discolored Greyish-GOLD!!!  :(  Still, her lines were beautiful and I knew immediately I wanted to make her into a mirror.
 ~Gorgeous Details~

 ~New Mirror Cut for $35~

Originally I had plans to hang the fabulous aging piece in my bedroom, but~once our dining room makeover was underway because of her overall size I opted to hang her in our beautifully redesigned space
~Final Price...About $50~ are some tips when refashioning old framed prints or even mirrors.

If you don't like the outside color of your frame you can easily change it with paint.  I opted NOT to spray paint this frame because sometimes it can cause the decorative plaster and/or resin to chemically melt!  Instead I used a sponge brush (those cheap 2" wide ones at Home Depot and Lowe's) and lightly covered it with my Favorite Zinsser Primer.  I gave it too good coats (front, back and edges) opting to leave bits of the original color in place.  After allowing the frame to dry I then coated it with my FAV PAINT, Behr's Cottage White Satin from Home Depot.  Again, I purposefully left areas of the original color in place.

After curing for a couple of days I then went back and gently distressed areas of the frame that were raised.  Next, the new mirror was added (I found that going to a small independent glass shop is WAY less expensive than having a mirror cut at the big chain stores!). can't see the entire room in this shot because I'm quite sure I'll end up moving some things around before I'm completely satisfied.  I've given you a few peeks here and there but now that the French Doors are painted I'll be sharing more with you soon!

I'm sooo happy you visited today!  Blessings for a wonderful Tuesday! 

Love to you~

Monday, May 24, 2010


I usually do my Monday post late in the evening on Sunday.  But, yesterday was a super full day for me and before I knew it the clock was striking midnight and I was done for the day.  I'm sure my exhaustion had SOMETHING to do with the simple fact that I'd cared for my Miss K all weekend  And, if I wasn't entertaining her then I was cleaning up the debris field left by the numerous mini-tornadoes she caused by twirling about in my home...

Anyway, by the time I got her off to school this morning I was more than beat.  I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror as I hurried her off to the car and all I could think of was that I looked like Cinderella BEFORE she'd been visited by her Fairy Godmother.   I looked as though I'd been sleeping by the ashes for more than a fortnight...

"HURRY!  HURRY!  HURRY!" and "I should KNOW how to do this by now!" are the two thoughts that came to my mind.

Still...I loved the pleasure of our Miss K's company and the gentleness in which she sings and plays...

I remember well days just like this from back when my two children were growing up.  I'd hurry them out of bed in the morning and then hurry them through their breakfast.  Then I'd hurry them along as they got dressed, brushed their teeth and combed their hair.  All this while I would hurry myself through packing their lunches and backpacks and hurrying to sign numerous permission slips for camp, t-ball or dance...all things I didn't get done because I was too busy hurrying the day before... I was hurrying my children out the front gate I'd give them a  hurried hug and hurry them into the car.  Then, before we reached the schoolyard I'd hurry to give each one a kiss before they hurried to slam the car's door.

I'd hurry my way home and hurry my way around my house changing linens, re-making beds and then picking up stuff I'd been in too big of a hurry to put away the night before. Then I'd hurry my way through a cup of hot tea, several loads of laundry and maybe a devotional passage or two (usually though I was in too big a hurry)!

I'd hurry out to get the mail then hurried to write out the bills, walk the dog and water the plants.  Then I would hurry my way back up to the school to pick up the kids and then hurry home to start dinner.  I'd hurry my babes through their homework, hurry them into the bath, through their prayers and into bed.

And then, without me realizing it, it would all start all over again.

What was I trying to achieve with all that rushing and hurrying around anyway?  Hindsight tells me my young life was way out of balance.  If I've learned one thing through successfully raising two amazing kids it is this...
The journey through life is brief..."Our days on earth are like a shadow." (1 Chronicles 29:15 NIV)

(Note:  To Brandon and Adrienne...I MISS YOU! xoxoMom)

Blessings as you slow your pace and enjoy this lovely Monday...
Love to you~

Sunday, May 23, 2010


"Sing to Him, sing psalms to Him; talk of all His wondrous works!
Psalm 105:2 NKJV

"The birdies in the treetops sing their song.
The angels chant their chorus all day long.
The flowers in their garden, blend their hues,
So why shouldn't I, why shouldn't you,
Praise Him too?"

Blessings for a beautiful Sunday...

Love to you~

Saturday, May 22, 2010

~PINK SATURDAY - Shabby Cottage Chic Pinkalicious Stuff~

~My Favorite 'Huldah" Print~
Dressed All in Pink

OK Peeps!  It's time again for a quick PINK-ME-UP!  This is now my third week to take part in PINK SATURDAY which is hosted by the ever lovely BEVERLY at How Sweet The Sound!  I hope you'll take a few minutes out of your schedule and visit as many of the participants as possible!

Now...I've loved PINK for as long as I can remember!  The picture you see below  is of my most precious daughter, Adrienne, when she was two.  This charming little frock she has on was made out of pastel pink broadcloth and trimmed out with matching eyelet lace.  I routinely sold her clothes after she outgrew them and this is ONE I wish I had kept.  :....(  I loved it so much that I made her another one almost exactly like it when she was five.  I kept that one!
~My Baby Girl - Age 2~
Our Pink Princess in 1986
~Vintage Pink Rose Box~
Creamy White, Gold & Pink

After my Mr. AGPMan and I married in 1978 we were broker than broke.  We stopped at a road-side sale in East Texas one day and picked up this darling little beauty for fifty cents.  I've had it for 30 years now...
~A Precious Pink Book~
Filled with Scriptures & Love~

A few years ago my niece, April, sent me this beautiful keepsake book!  It is filled with passages from the Bible and timeless words of love.  One of my most favorite pink gifts ever!
~Cottage Chic Compote~
Filled with Pink Roses & Pink Glass Grapes

This sweet little ensemble can be found just inside the door of my china cabinet.  I just love it for some reason.  It makes me SMILE!
~Open Hands~
Lefton Pink Roses

This is one of my favorite little shabby pieces.  Whenever I see these beautiful 'open hands' I'm reminded to keep my palms up so I can receive all of the good things God has for me...

~PIN Money Bank~

You know...I really think this sweet little bank should say 'PINK MONEY'!  It is, after all, where nearly ALL my mad money goes...
~Vintage Nippon Pink Rose China~
Family Keepsakes

This beautiful two handle soup bowl and saucer are part of a set of fifty pieces lovingly given to my hubby by an aging family friend.  She had no children of her own and gifted my Mr. AGPMan with a choice of this beautiful vintage Nippon China or vintage Fiesta Ware.  My 19 year old self said "PICK THE CHINA!"  We found out years later it was worth less than half of the Fiestaware....but, I still don't care.  Loved the PINK ROSE CHINA then.  Love it now!

~Pink Rose Teacup Pillow~
Lovely Needlepoint

My last offering for PINK SATURDAY is this feather-filled Pillow!  I found the newer needlepoint in a dusty old shop framed in a dark green plaid.  Well...I couldn't have that so I remade into something I could use.  One of my favorite Pillows ever...and I kept it! :) 

Thank you soooo much for stopping by again!  Soooo nice to have you!  You are welcomed to come back again and again!

Love to you~

Friday, May 21, 2010


Dear Friends...

While visiting our fellow blogger, Dawn of The Feathered Nest, I learned today that another sweet blogger's family is in need of prayer.  Ashley, daughter of Rose of My Bella Rosa,  was in a car accident along with her boyfriend last night.   She has a broken pelvis and is in a lot of pain.  Her boyfriend was released from the hospital after being treated and if I understand correctly the driver of the other car was driving drunk.  He also sustained injuries.

I'm not sure there is anything worse than seeing those we love suffer. I believe prayer changes things and I know all of the families involved would appreciate your prayers as well.

I don't know any of the details but I wanted to let you know just in case you don't follow the blogs of these two amazing women. 

I had something else planned for you today but I will let this serve as my Friday Post and be back tomorrow for PINK SATURDAY.
 Love to you~

Thursday, May 20, 2010


I'm back working in my studio today and I'm excited about the sweet new things I'll be uploading to my website over the weekend.  Remember that sweet vintage dresser I told you about a couple of weeks ago?

Yep...this one... SOLD from my booth yesterday and so I had to mosey my way down there and fill up the big hole it left in my space.  You much as I LOVE "nickles, nickles, nickels" (and I do!  I do!!!),  sometimes I wish the really super cute stuff would just sit for a little bit.  Now I have to get myself into super-duper high gear (it's actually the only one I have!) and finish the next piece in line.

Now...guess who bought it?  A sweet lady who is a NEW Gramma!  She purchased it for her brand new granddaughter and is taking it to Dallas this weekend.  Ahh...a Nana after my own heart!

Sooooo long my pretty pink rosy friend...I will miss you!

Now...I've been a BUSY GIRL working in our formal dining room.  The first set of French Doors my guy installed earlier this year have been a BEAR to paint.  If I have to mask off one more window pane I might very well kill myself die!  All that repetitive stuff makes me mean nervous!  I'm sooo glad the second set is already white.  They will be easier to transform!  A peek at the new entrance to our Dining Room is coming soon!

Anyway, my Mr. AGPMan continues to rip out the Master Bath I told you about a couple of days ago.  I barely peeked my head in yesterday and this is what I saw...

I ducked my little head RIGHT BACK OUT!

Some things I am more than happy to leave to "Mr. He Can Do Anything" man! :)

Blessings as you go about your day...may it be filled with good things!  Only good things!

Love to you~

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

~Vintage Ombre Ribbon - And A Note Filled With Love~

~A Most Beautiful Note~

A couple of weeks ago my little Miss K spent the night right here at her Nana's house.  She is growing up so very fast and in just about a week or so she'll complete her very last day of first grade.  Time is moving right along...

 "Cats In The Cradle" seems to continually run in and out of my mind these days...

Whenever our only grandchild sleeps over I have so much fun.  By the time she leaves it's as if a mini tornado has swept through my home.  She is a total split between her daddy and his little sister and for the life of me I don't know who she favors more.  Both in spirit and in style, she reminds me of the two children I bore and was blessed to raise.

Yesterday morning I was doing some sprucing up in our guestroom, the little place Miss K sleeps when she visits, when I came across a simply precious site.  Sitting neatly amidst lots of fluffy pink rose pillows was Spearmint (her frothy green bunny), and Homer (an even bigger pink bunny), her favorite stuffed critters in all the world.  And when the lights are turned low you can count on finding at least ONE of them snuggled up tightly beside her as she nods off to dreamland...

Sitting on Homer's lap I found the note you see above.

It read...

"I love you Nana!!! With all my haet (heart)." 
Early May 2010

My Miss K is seven and ever since her birth she has completely stolen my heart away.  Although still young and innocent, she's ever mindful of the world around her.  She understands fully her place in our family and how deeply she is loved by us all.

The little note she left for me is more special that I can say.  Aside from the fact she used the most EXPENSIVE French Ombre Ribbon I own to decorate it (she's in heaven when in my studio!), it serves to remind me of how terribly fragile childhood is and how quickly the years pass by.

  Seems like it was yesterday I was tucking her now 28 year old Daddy into bed at night in that very same room...
~My Favorite Picture~
April 2009

I was, am, a praying Momma.  Never once have I underestimated the power that comes when a mother or father pleads with God in behalf of their child.  I can't help but wonder how many prayers are being answered right now because my Mr. AGPMan and I  never wavered in lifting our son and daughter up to the Most High all those years ago.  I believe those prayers changed the course of my children's lives...

As I tucked Miss K's love-note into my favorite devotional book last night I found myself asking God to draw nigh unto her and to protect her in all things.  Just like I prayed over her Daddy and Auntie, I asked Him to bless her and guide her steps as He covers her with His far-reaching love and grace.

And...I specifically prayed for her sweet spirit to remain unchanged...

Thankfully, I know He listens...and answers.

"All your children will be taught by the Lord, and they will have much peace."  Isaiah 54:13

Blessings as you enjoy HUMP-DAY!

Love to you~