Thursday, March 29, 2012



I will be away for a few days!  I'll be back in a week or so and share with you then what I've been up to!

My Mr.AGPMan will be running things alone around at our La Chaumière de Briarwood while I'm gone and my A Gathering Place business, too!  He'll also be taking care of my wee little Yorkie Dog, Miss Mollie.
Hope your week is wonderful!  By the time I get back Easter will almost be here!  Golly...this year is moving right along, isn't it?

Blessings...I'll be missing you!

Love to you...

Tuesday, March 27, 2012


 I love finding old vintage treasures and every once in awhile I stumble upon something I believe is more than wonderful!
While visiting northern Oklahoma last weekend I found this charming little Shoeshine Box that was obviously handmade for a child.  The little foot stay/rest is small and I just love it's petite size and form!  Originally a soft white it's been lightly washed with a coat of fresh white paint before being hand painted with soft pink roses!

My next great find was this vintage Sewing Basket by Harvey.  Generally I don't repaint these sweet old finds but someone (I'm hoping it was a child) scribbled all over the top of this one with black marker. was repainted a fresh white and the top was hand painted with pink roses!

I'm always on the hunt for neat things to repaint.  Old or new if the item is unique or has some great bones then I drag it home with me! :)

This Basket is a reproduction of a sweet vintage Basket from the 1930's.   I love the wooden handle in the back!  Great for a bath with rolled up towels or washcloths!

I'm not sure what I'll be working on next!  There are some sweet things base painted just waiting for artwork!
Today I'm linking up with Kathleen over a Faded Charm for White Wednesday!  Be sure to check out all the sweet whites when you have time!  Lots of things to make you swoon!

Hope your day is fabulous!

Love to you...


When I was a teenager growing up in the mid 70's I dreamed of the following things for my wardrobe:

Shoes with clicky heels.
Fashionable jeans with appliques.
Belts with gemstone inlays.
T-shirts with pink, pink, PINK!

Now that I'm all grown up I'm amazed to find I dream of the following things for my wardrobe:

Shoes with clicky heels.
Fashionable jeans with appliques.
Belts with gemstone inlays.
T-shirts with pink, pink, PINK!
Funny how the more I change the more I stay the same!
 ~My Family in 1976~
(a bad copy of a great photo-I'm on the right))


The funniest thing happened on Monday!

My hubby works for a major copier corporation and yesterday he was at a local account overseeing some network changes when one of the employees (a guy!) came up to him and said:

"Are you Mr. AGPMan???????"
(I've decided blogging has taken over my life!!!!)


 Hope your day is wonderful.

Love to you...

Monday, March 26, 2012


 After enjoying the lovely hospitality of Miss Tammy last Saturday, before returning to Oklahoma City I just had to pay a visit to a couple of junky style haunts her north Oklahoma city had to offer!  I am happy to say I was not disappointed!  Great old finds and neat antiques can be found in almost any town in my great state and Enid, Oklahoma, didn't disappoint!  
 I found these three old Huldah Jeffe (1901-2001) prints in these incredible mid-century Syrocco frames.  I actually love some of Huldah Cherry Jeffe's work and I was surprised to read she had (and still has!) a lot of critics.  Apparently there are people in the art world who don't favor the dark eyes on her subjects.  I happen to like them.
 Anyway...I have a couple of these prints already so I'm sure I'll be reselling them as is!  Simply fabulous old prints.
Aren't they wonderful?  I love each one!  The ones of the children are especially rare!  They are a lot harder to find!
But...the find of the day were the seven bundles of vintage lace one particular booth offered!  The gal had them marked $1.00 each and that was a fabulous price.  Three of the lace bundles were French and that made me very, very happy.  I don't know why but lace just finds ME! does!  It doesn't matter where I go or where I shop but it seems I always uncover the best vintage trims for not a lot of money!  We all know the laces made today can't compare to the fabulous old stuff!

All this great technology out there and yet in some areas we've gone backwards!  Most of the lace made today (except the super-high-end trims) is cheap polyester and it's simply crummy!
 Today I'm back in my studio working on painting things with a ground of WHITE!  So much still to do but I'm loving it!

Hope your Monday is wonderful.  I'm off to paint roses for my newly reopened website!

Love to you...

Sunday, March 25, 2012

~~~~THOUGHTS ON A SUNDAY MORNING~~~~ Springtime Tea With Friends

"Friends...they cherish one
another's hopes.  They are kind
to one another's dreams."
Henry David Thoreau

On Saturday I joined some of my sweet blogger friends
for an absolutely precious
Springtime Tea.

The Tea was hosted by Tammy from
at her delightfully sweet home
here in Oklahoma.

Both Tammy's Mother, Miss Ginger from
and her lovely Grandmother,
Miss Mary,
were in attendance.

I was so honored to be invited!!!

When I arrived at Tammy's address I
walked into the most charming
cottage I've ever seen!

Magazine worthy!!!
Tammy's entire home was beautifully
decorated with a a darling Easter-time theme.  
The weather was perfect and the
sun was shinning bright!

We couldn't have asked for a
lovelier day!

And the food!  Well...I was too busy eating it
to take any pictures!  Spinach Salad with 
fresh strawberries, walnuts and raspberry
vinagrette dressing!  We lunched on Chicken
Croissant Sandwiches and sipped on tea and
sweet lemonade.

Not only was the food scrumptious but
the favors took my breath away!
There were precious cupcakes and sweet
treats made from Marshmallows dipped into
white chocolate.  I couldn't believe it!

Tammy was such a
gracious hostess and her talent is
like nothing I've ever seen.  I've been to many 
parties, showers and teas in my lifetime, but 
never have I seen everything so 
beautifully appointed or so 
lovingly prepared.

I'm still speechless!
(And I am NEVER Speechless!)

 Tammy's gifted ways, no doubt in part, come to her
by way of her mother, Miss Ginger!  Ginger
helped make the most precious little bags
filled with tea and candy and all
sorts of take-home treasures.

She even sent me something home for my
sweet Miss K.

Aside from the wonderful food and fellowship
Tammy shared a lovely little devotional
that truly made my heart sing!
I love to hear about the love my 
friends have for our loving Father
and His precious Son.
"Dear Tammy...

Thank you for including me in your
very special day.  I want you to know
how much I loved spending the afternoon
with you, your mother and grandmother
and will remember always your grace 
and beautiful hospitality.  God has
blessed you with the spirit of giving
and again I was honored to be so
welcomed in your home.

Thank you for sharing your
hopes for the future with me!
I'm excited to see how God works out
all the details and for those
dreams of yours to take flight!
I can't wait to watch you soar!
All those special things that God
has placed within your heart will
one day come true!
In His time.
In His time.
He makes all things beautiful
In His time.

I love you, friend. xoxoR"


Blessings to you today as you share life
and fellowship with those you love.

Love to you...

PS:  My Website Reopens SOMETIME today!!!

Friday, March 23, 2012


No time to blog today as I'm working behind the scenes on my A Gathering Place website in hopes of reopening it on Sunday (March 25th).  We are having lots of issues with it and the entire process is making me a tad-bit-nuts.  If we aren't able to iron things out I'll have to push the reopening back a couple of days...

This isn't making me tooooo happy!


I'll share more tomorrow!

Love to you...

Wednesday, March 21, 2012



life gets really busy
and I forget who I am,
where I am going
and just who it is that's helping me get there.

For over thirty years
my beloved and I 
have journeyed together
down a path towards oneness.

The long, winding roads
have taken us deep into the valley,
directed us towards the highest mountain
and somewhere in between.

On a daily basis the 
husband of my youth
reminds me to live
life to the fullest...

To face each new morning
with renewed hope and purpose
and to never wander far
from the pathway God has prepared for me.

"Now and then it's good to pause in our
pursuit of happiness and just be happy."
Guillaume Apollnaire

Love to you...

Monday, March 19, 2012



In April 2009 I shared with you a few pictures of the Stairwell in my La Chaumière de Briarwood.  Nothing has changed over the past few years because I still love the way all the mirrors look and don't have any plans to change them out anytime soon.  I may not ever....

But, with all the makeover stuff we've been doing of late we've had to move things around quite a bit and that has left several decorative pieces without a home.  Some of those things have been taken out to the storage shed we have on our property and a few things have been propped up in our garage (which I absolutely hate!).

As my Mr. AGPMan and I have worked to de-clutter our home we've happily donated tons of stuff to Goodwill, but the one thing I just couldn't let go of was a very large mirror that was original to our home.

The mirror once hung over the very large and dated bathroom counter in our main upstairs bath.  But when we remodeled it in 2005 we changed it out to update the look and feel of the room.  The wooden frame was an antique gold color but it sort of greened-out over the years and it wasn't very appealing.  Still the mirror itself was lovely and even a little bit sentimental.  The manufacturer's date was on the back August 16, 1969.  That means this summer it will be 43 years old...

Instead of parting with the mirror we decided to add it to our stairwell mirrors and hang it on the opposite wall.  I love how it looks coated in my favorite Cottage White Paint (Behr/Home Depot).  Dry brushing allowed lots of the original patina to show through, too!

Hanging this big old thing was a huge hassle, but I was happy to get the chance to really clean the mirrors and remove all the dust brought about with so much remodeling!

Hope you Monday is fab!  I'm off to work...

Love to you...

Sunday, March 18, 2012

~~~~THOUGHTS ON A SUNDAY MORNING~~~~ One Single Thought


"I need Thee ev'ry hour, 
Most gracious Lord;
No tender voice like Thine
Can peace afford.
I need Thee,
O I need Thee,
Ev'ry hour I need Thee;
O bless me now, my Savior,
I come to Thee.

I need Thee ev'ry hour,
Stay Thou near by;
Temptations lose their powe'r,
When Thou art nigh.

I need Thee,
O I need Thee,
Ev'ry hour I need Thee;
O bless me now, my Savior,
I come to Thee.

I need Thee ev'ry hour,
In joy or pain;
Come quickly and abide,
Or life is vain.

I need Thee,
O I need Thee,
Ev'ry hour I need Thee;
O bless me now, my Savior,
I come to Thee.

I need Thee ev'ry hour,
Teach me Thy will;
And Thy rich promises
In me fulfill.

I need Thee,
O I need Thee,
Ev'ry hour I need Thee;
O bless me now, my Savior,
I come to Thee.

I need thee ev'ry hour,
Most holy One;
O make me Thine indeed,
Thou blessed Son.

I need Thee,
O I need Thee,
Ev'ry hour I need Thee;
O bless me now, my Savior,
I come to Thee."
 (Annie C. Hawks)


I've shared this beautiful old hymn before but today I couldn't resist writing out the lyrics for you again.  When life gets hectic and sometimes overwhelming I'm reminded, ofttimes by those I love, I am always in need of my Savior.


My daughter, Adrienne, is a sweet soul.  No doubt like Annie C. Hawks.  One day last week I was having a pretty stressful morning when I heard an unexpected knock at my front door.
  Nothing major was happening...
(just life-stuff)
My house needed attention.
Laundry in the hamper needed washing.
Letters needed to be written.
Product needed to be mailed.

But...that knock irritated me.
Messed up the flow of my work
and concentration.
I had to get up.
Answer the door.
"Go Away!" was the
one single thought
running through my mind.
 When I opened the door an older gentleman with a smiling face stood in front of me with a gorgeous bouquet of flowers.

"Are you Rebecca?" he said.

My loving, generous, gracious and most beloved daughter sent me beautiful spring blooms...

No reason.
Just because.
  As I closed the door this
one single thought
was running through my mind...
 "I need Thee.  O I need Thee."

(Thank you, AdrieGirl. You honor me!)

May your Sunday be blessed.

Love to you...