Monday, August 15, 2016


Dear Friends~

I never thought my wee little blog would be reduced to an occasional update on my health...but I's the latest news on the aftermath of the car accident my hubby, daughter and I had in late May~

Hubby is doing better and so is our daughter, Adrienne.  I've been in physical therapy for a while now and still struggling to get back to 'normal'.  Finally, today I went back to my orthopedic doctor and I have to have another MRI on my neck before they can proceed with the next plan of action.

I'm beyond anxious and want to get back to work.  I fight off becoming moody every single day, but grateful I'm healing...even though it's taking a lot longer than I would like.

I hope to return to my blog and website work soon.  Fall days are coming...cooler crisp weather...

I can't wait to enjoy it!

Love to you~
