Sunday, March 29, 2009


Have you ever heard the hymn “It Is Well With My Soul”? Being a “Preacher’s Kid” I was in church every Sunday as a child and I heard this song a lot! I easily memorized the words and melody to this deeply loved hymn and to this day it is one of my favorite congregational songs to sing…

Several years ago our pastor gave my hubbs a book called “Hymn Stories” hoping it might give him some insight as he selected the music for our Sunday’s church services. Inside the book’s pages one can read the inspiring, factual backgrounds and experiences that prompted the writing of so many beloved inspirational songs. The song begins:

“It Is Well With My Soul”

“When peace like a river attendeth my way,
When sorrows like sea billows roll-
Whatever my lot, Thou hast taught me to say,
It is well, it is well with my soul.

Tho Satan should buffet, tho trails should come,
Let this blest assurance control,
That Christ hath regarded my helpless estate,
And hath shed his own blood for my soul.
My sin- O the bliss of this glorious tho’t-
My sin not in part, but the whole,
Is nailed to the cross, and I bear it no more;
Praise the Lord, Praise the Lord, O my soul!

And, Lord, haste the day when my faith shall be sight,
The clouds be rolled back as a scroll-
The trump shall re-sound and the Lord shall descend,
‘Even-so”- It is well with my soul.

It is well….With my soul…It is well, it is well with my soul.”

Although I’ve read the story behind this hymn many times before, something today prompted me to read it again. I want to share just a bit of it with you. After you read this condensed version I hope you will then go back and re-read the words above (you can also listen to the melody on my playlist below or hear it sung by following the link)...

“It Is Well With My Soul” was written by a Church Layman, named Horatio G. Spafford in 1828. As a young man he established a very successful legal practice in Chicago. Even thou he enjoyed great financial success, he held fast to his Christian Faith as well as the close relationship he had with D.L. Moody and other evangelical leaders of that time.

A few months before the Chicago Fire of 1871, Spafford had invested heavily in real estate on the shore of Lake Michigan. All of his holdings were wiped out by the disaster which came on the heels of him losing his only son to Scarlet Fever. Desiring rest for his grieving wife and four daughters, Spafford planned a European trip for his family in 1873. However, due to some last minute business developments, he was unable to travel. Instead he sent his wife and children ahead, promising to follow in a few days.

In early November the ship his family was traveling on was struck by the Lochearn, an English vessel, and sank in twelve minutes. Several days later the survivors landed in Wales. Mrs. Spafford cabled her husband, “Saved Alone.”

Shortly afterward Spafford left by ship to join his devastated wife. It is speculated that on the sea near the area where it was thought his four daughters had drowned, Spafford penned this text with words so significantly describing his own personal grief- “When sorrows like sea billows roll…”

Can you even imagine losing your entire family...all five of your children?

It is amazing to me that Mr. Spafford could experience such personal loss and immeasurable tragedy and still be able to pen the words: “It Is Well With My Soul”

It is my prayer for each of you that you will always remember there is nothing too big for our God! I've had many trials in my own life and have numerous concerns that I constantly place at the feet of Jesus. As you face the days ahead, I pray that you, too, will be able to say with such convincing clarity, “It is well with my soul!”

“God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Psalm 46:1

Blessings to you this beautiful Sunday...Rebecca

Friday, March 27, 2009



My Mr. AGPMan and I were just a young married couple living in a small Texas town when we snagged our first piece of vintage furniture. If the truth be known we didn't have much more than a dime to our name so buying anything we didn't absolutely need was truly sacrificial. I mean...our goal was to buy and then EAT food! Simple as that!

I couldn't have possibly have understood it then, but scrounging up the $15 bucks (of which $5 was loaned to me by my dad!) to purchase a tiny wooden love-seat and matching chair (circa 1935) put into motion a love affair with all things old. It's a deep love that remains to this day! (By the way...I STILL have those two old pieces and I promise to share them with you before long!)

The vintage Sewing Chair you see above is another old piece I own-I actually have two! They are such sweet little beauties and they are impossible for me to pass up! I've sold a few (thank you Michele-my California friend) over the years, but because of their diminutive size it is difficult to part with them. They fit almost anywhere and I simply adore how they look once they are transformed!


Check out this "before shot". Sweet, but nothing especially wonderful! But, after a quick sanding, several coats of fresh paint and some 2die4 fabric, beautiful old finds such as this one can be lovingly transformed for use in our cottage homes of today!


How we did it:

We began by removing all the wooden pieces from the square base of the chair. Each piece was sanded down and primed and then hand painted (not sprayed). I opted to paint both the interior and exterior of the base (I did use spray paint for the inside).

After the pieces were all dry and cured (at least three days or MORE!), the chair was reassembled (except for the lid). The flounce (skirt) was then attached with a staple gun (use upholstery strips for a neat, clean lines) up near the top edge. I left the inside of this one plain, but you can also line them with fabric!


A tiny hand gathered ruffle was added to the lid after being re-padded with quilt batting (I opted to remove the vinyl cover on this part). The inside lid cover was replaced and then it was re-attached to the body of the chair!

Lastly, shabby cottage chic roses (in pink, of course) were hand painted on both the front and back of the chair. Wahhhhhh Lahhhhhhhhh! Done!

I placed this charming old find in front of a vintage sewing cabinet I found at yet another tag sale. The circa 1920's cabinet is much, much older...but I still LOVE how they look paired together!


Use your imagination when you're out shopping in your area for charming old finds! Hope you enjoyed another peek into my home! Promise...much more will be shared in the future! Would love to have you follow along...

"A thing of beauty is a joy forever. It's loveliness increases; it will never pass into nothingness..." Keats

Blessings to you on this rainy, snowy and stormin' Oklahoma day...Rebecca

Wednesday, March 25, 2009





A couple of years ago I found this fabulousHTML clipboard Tell City Bench (tag still underneath!) at an Oklahoma City Thrift Store for a good price.  I could barely believe it because Benches like this lovely lady are almost impossible to find anymore! They are still considered high-end pieces and are highly sought after by many a collector!!

Now-I have a great Hubbs...really, I do! But, I had a hard time convincing my Mr. AGPMan we had room for this spindally gal! To be honest with you, at the time I found her we were in the middle of planning our daughter's wedding and there wasn't a even a tiny bit of spare space in which we could squeeze her in. That didn't stop me from begging to bring her home tho... And, as you can see I WON the toss!! I convinced my guy to find room to store her until I could carve out time for the transformation!

Last summer I dragged her from storage, sanded off her old varnish and gave her several coats of fresh cottage white paint! She is currently living in my shabby cottage style office and there isn't a day that passes that I don't find myself enjoying her company! You can't see this in the pictures, but her "seat" was once OPEN. My Hubbs re-strapped her (like webbing) and fluffy feather/down filled cushions were added making her sooo comfortable.

It never ceases to amaze me what can be found at Second Hand Shoppes! I'd LOVE to hear about your favorite finds...

Blessings as you uncover your neighbor's JUNQUE...Rebecca

Sunday, March 22, 2009


"The Lord knows those who belong to Him"
2 Timothy 2:19

About a year ago I made a decision to carve out consistent, daily "quiet time" for my life. I need it and when I skip even a day of devotions or meditating on God's word then the very life I share so much about easily spins out of control. I so wish I had done this when I was a young mother. I was always too busy doing other things that I felt were more important...

Life sure has a way of teaching us some valuable lessons, doesn't it?

Lately I've been reading some of the writings from the well-known Christian Author, Max Lucado. His words minister to me and I never fail to be inspired by his wisdom and the powerful testimony he imparts. He speaks often of the grace and love of God...and of His forgiveness.

I have a tendency to get hung up on my past mistakes and my list is a long one!

"Remember the time I...."

Then I remember His words found in Hebrews: 8:12 (RSV)

"And I will remember their sins no more."

What a beautiful promise!

God doesn't just forgive us of our transgressions...He forgets them, too. I'm so thankful He refuses to keep a list of our wrongs...

Oh to be like you, Lord! Oh to be like you...

Blessings for a beautiful Spring week...Rebecca

Saturday, March 21, 2009


As most of you who follow my BLOG know, I simply LOVE LOVE LOVE Second Hand Shoppes, Thrift Stores, Tag Sales AND....Estate Sale Shopping! If I miss a Saturday morning of "Junking Around" I feel like someone had a party and forgot to invite me. Bummer! Try as I might I can't shake the feeling that some other pink rose lovin' lady took home a treasure that was surely INTENDED to be MINE...

Come to think about it, even as a child I was never good at sharing... :)

This is what I found today...look closely! Some of these pretties you are sure to see offered up before long on my website (which I'm AGAIN working at restocking)! That is IF (and I do mean IF) I can bear to part with any of them...

I think it's that "sharing thing" again...


"What is (my) favorite find?" you ask? Hummm! That is hard to say! I love the Slated Basket and that old wooden Paddle (great for pink rose painting)! But~ I also love the precious 1940's Coffee Pot, dainty Tin Cup and that fabulous vintage Oil Can!!! Still...I'm drawn to the thoroughly romantic vintage Dusting Powder Jar, those sweet and timeless Jingle Bells and the PINK Lefton Hands are 2die4! And of goes WITHOUT SAYING that I dearly love the pretty hat with that GORGEOUS PINK ROSE...


What do I love most....hummmm...

Maybe it is THIS...


Alone in a box with a bunch of crummy old newspapers and some fairly new diet magazines was a 1987 Premier Edition of VICTORIA MAGAZINE...

BE STILL MY HEART... I truly thought I might faint!

I gently picked up the aging beauty and held her close! I hadn't seen one like her since I loaned my ONLY COPY to my neighbor over twenty years ago (don't get me started!). Back when I was still a young Momma living on Cimmaron Road and before ANY of us knew what that Magazine would one day represent! I was too excited to faint, but I DID feel light-headed! The HTF (Hard To Find), HSA (Highly Sought After), CAHP (Commands a High Price) circa 1987 collectible was in wonderful condition! Especially for being over two decades old...

Now...before you all REALLY hate me...

Here is her price:

I'm going to sleep really well tonight! :)


Blessings to you as you hunt for treasures in YOUR town...please stay away from mine~ ('s that sharing thing again!)... Rebecca :)




The beginning of this past week brought with it much anticipation!!! My hubbs knew how excited I was to place the vintage cabinet we found a couple of weeks ago (that fabulous 2die4 piece above) in her new corner! She sure needed a lot more work than I thought she was going to take to return her to her once glorious condition! She is simply Shabby Cottage Chic WONDERFUL now! Couldn't wait to share with you the details of her transformation!

This gal's makeover list is a tad lengthy! Hubbs had to do a little repair to her dainty spine, a bit of wood filler was needed to camouflage some scaring left by shoddy nail removal, a good sanding off of the old oil-based paint was absolutely necessary as well as a thorough cleaning! Once she was sturdy and strong she was given three generous coats of fresh cottage white paint! Taaah Daaah and WHOOOO HOOOOO!


The newest addition to our family is now safe and sound in a tiny nook in the upstairs landing! She looks simply divine and I'm soooo happy! She sits directly across from the vintage pink rose door showcased in one of my recent Postings! Want to know her age? Almost 100 YEARS OLD! The date 1911 was written in black crayon across her back...

Newly decorated with some of my favorite finds, I'm proud to have this beauty in my home. She was originally handmade with great attention to detail and I suspect she will stay right where she is for many, many years to come!

Gracing her shelves (including the top!) you'll find a vintage Fenton Hobnail Lamp, lots of old pieces of lace and crochet, old rose plates, vintage books in PINK (of course), hand painted pretties, fragrant sachets, vintage glassware and even an old Bible Box... There is a jar filled with vintage buttons and a gorgeous pink glass necklace...

Hope you love the peek at this charming transformation! Isn't it a blast to turn something that has lived past it's prime into something functional again? I think so!!!

Note to Hubbs: THANK YOU BABER! YOU ARE AWESOME!!!! This HIGH-MAINTENANCE GAL of yours PROMISES TO LET YOU REST FOR A LITTLE WHILE before asking you to start working on that table she just bought! :) :) :) xoxoxoxo

Blessings to you as you work towards finishing what you have started...Rebecca

Friday, March 20, 2009


One of the greatest privileges in my life has come from being the mother of a beautiful daughter. My girl’s name is Adrienne, and she is truly one of the most kind and gentle people I’ve ever known. If she wasn’t my daughter I would choose her as a friend. In the 24 plus years she’s been in my life I’ve never known her to intentionally hurt anyone. She has a heart of gold and carries upon her young shoulders more burdens than I even begin to share with you… During my entire life she has never failed to bless me for deep inside her she shines with the presence of the Lord.

So…when I answered the phone this afternoon and heard sobbing on the other end I knew instantly something serious was up. Unlike me my girl isn’t a crier. She is more like her father…stoic and strong and holds her emotions close to her chest. Even as a little girl she would run into her bedroom before shedding a tear in front of her family. It was and always will be, Adrie’s way…

I struggled at first to understand the words on the other end of the phone. My first thought was that deep sadness had overcome my girl as both she and her hubbs attended the funeral this morning of his beloved Aunt Anne… She had passed earlier in the week…much too young to leave this earth. Still…her sorrow seemed compounded by more than death and I wasn’t sure why… So…I continued to listen.

“Mom…I need you to pray! Right now…PRAY!”

Adrie began to share with me something serious that was pressing in on her young life…a concern that was greater than she and one that would require the help of a healing, loving God. Through her sobs I listened as she spoke of the sorrow of a friend…there was so much tragedy and real fear. I promised her I would pray; all the while assuring her that NOTHING was too big for our Lord…

As I hung up the phone I immediately offered up my prayers to the Most High. I’m so grateful and thankful that even though my prayers sometimes feel a bit awkward and my attempts to talk with the Creator of all life often sound a little feeble, I must remember the real POWER is in HIM…the ONE who HEARS all of our prayers...

“The Lord is close to the brokenhearted, and He saves those whose spirits have been crushed. (Psalm 34:18)

Blessings to you as you cast every care upon Him…Rebecca

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


(Through My Hubby's Car Window!)

I shared with you all last week that my hubbs had to travel out of town for business. He made a quick trip down south to Little Rock, Arkansas, and I truly wish I could have gone with him! We lived in the state for a few months right after we were married and the countryside was easy to fall in love with...the land is amazingly beautiful!

My Mr. AGPMan knows I simply adore vintage homes. I can't pass one by without begging to stop for a roadside visit. Since I couldn't join him on his business jaunt he took it upon himself to watch out for those sweet old homes for his high-maintenance, pink rose lovin' gal! On his way through Pine Bluff he passed this charming PINK Victorian and couldn't resisit snapping a picture for me. Pretty good for a camera phone, huh?


Even though the gorgeous old home needs some TLC (and probably some seriously big bucks!), I would love to make it mine... The next time my guy makes his way to Arkansas you can believe I'm going to be with him!

Couldn't resist showing this beautiful pink beauty off to you! Hope you love it, too!

Blessings as you make your house a home...Rebecca

Monday, March 16, 2009



Even though I've been missing in action over the past few days I've been busy working! With my hubbs out of town last week I took some time away from stocking my website (new pretties coming this week!) to work on a FEW personal projects that I started several months ago but remained half finished. I couldn't wait to show you the end result of something that truly proved to be cottage least I think so!

When I first started my Blog (January '09) I shared with all of you a story of a cottage down the lane (a REAL Cottage, mind you!) that was being demolished to make space for ANOTHER retail shopping center. In the story I explained how we (um, my hubbs!) hauled all the vintage doors and windows to our storage shed for decorative use in both our home and a shoppe I hope to open later this year! My idea was to use one or two :) as a backdrop in some sort of decorative vignette! I've seen vintage doors used as "walls" for years in antique shoppes and I LOVED the idea. So, I incorporated that thought into something I hoped might work in my own home! This is now the second refurbished door we've chosen to showcase as something other than a DOOR! I think it adds so much interest and charm to our shabby cottage chic decor...


The beautiful old door you see was once the back entrance to the French Style Cottage that once stood dainty and proud! It's been totally re-purposed and now is proudly displayed in my upstairs landing!

After a thorough cleaning, the door was primed (sometimes old paint colors are difficult to cover) and then painted a soft and creamy pink. My hubbs used garden brackets to support the shelf he added to the top (at the crown of the door he also added a metal garden-rose arch~it is hard to see because I snapped the picture in the evening). As an afterthought we (um, HE!) added metal hooks to the sides. Delightful for hanging those sweet old hats! The shelf on top is perfect for displaying a pillow or two or even a favorite old photograph...


Because our landing is fairly small we had to come up with a decorative find that was both functional and narrow. Across the front I hand painted a spray of fluffy pink roses and soft leaves in basil and pale fern. All the original hardware was in place making the door an even sweeter find!

Hope to share more with you later this week! Don't forget that gorgeous vintage corner cabinet is coming up soon! Now that's a sweetie and a real treasured find for sure!

Be creative, challenged and changed!


Friday, March 13, 2009


Early, early this morning I took my disappointments and fears to God. I have them. A lot of them. I felt weighted down by yesterday's failures and overcome by a heart that is too often full of clutter. Sometimes it gets so jam packed with junk that I'm certain there isn't room for anything good...

Corrie ten Boom (Author of "The Hiding Place" and Ravensbrück Concentration Camp Holocaust Survivor) used to say, "When the train goes through a tunnel and the world gets dark, do you jump out? Of course not. You sit still and trust the engineer to get your thorough."...

Boy am I glad I'm not the one behind the wheel as I face tough days and difficult times. I'm incredibly thankful I don't have to steer my way through the peeks and valleys and meet head-on the uncertainties lurking around every corner alone! I'm certain a real train wreck would be on the horizon if I was making the decisions for the fast-moving locomotive I've come to know as my life...

Tucked inside my favorite devotional book I found the words to a simple song I'd like to share with you. It was written by a very talented Christian writer by the name of Don Moen. In these days of financial devastation and tangible loss, I pray they will be encouraging to you. Remember, the one who created you, fashioned you within your mother's womb, knows all of what is ahead. Trust Him to get you back up the mountain and through the ravine. He promises to make a way...

Blessings for a fabulous day... Rebecca

God Will Make A Way

God will make a way,
Where there seems to be no way
He works in ways we cannot see
He will make a way for me
He will be my guide
Hold me closely to His side
With love and strength for each new day
He will make a way, He will make a way.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009



My AGP man had to leave on a short business trip late this afternoon and even after 30 years of marriage I hate it when he goes. I just HATE IT! Not feeling well today seemed to make his leaving even worse. I know...I know...I'm wimpy! But, after being happily married to a wonderful man for soooo long I'm lonely when he's gone. I assure you, I'll be counting down the hours until he returns. Thankfully my sweet daughter and her strong-armed man are both staying with me! :)

Oh...I'll fill up the time without my hubbs here with lots of things! I'll deep clean my house (I actually LOVE doing that!) and I expect to work late into the night on both sewing and painting projects for my website (AND--- I suspect I'll CONTINUE TO STRUGGLE getting those products uploaded without his help...but, I'll DO IT...PROMISE!). It just won't be the same around here without his smiling face and simply hysterical, sarcastic wit encouraging me along...

My hubbs was gone for only about an hour when I made my way downstairs and found a lovely bouquet (above) of deep pink roses accented with pale pink carnations. Attached to the beautiful blooms was a sweet card with the pet name we've called each other for years "Baber"....

Make no mistake about it...I KNOW, KNOW, KNOW I'm blessed!

Blessings to you, too....Rebecca

Monday, March 9, 2009


(w/Hand Painted Pink Roses)

Over the past few weeks I've been busily working refurbishing pretty finds for my home. Aside from reopening my website and working towards keeping it stocked, (head's-up... I'll be uploading new painted pretties during the day tomorrow) , I've made a commitment to whittle down the things in my storage shed. Even though I don't make New Year's Resolutions (for the obvious reasons), I do set goals for myself each year. Starting last January I scheduled something to complete each month and so far I'm right on track! This is HUGE for me because my head is always spinning away with ideas. It's easy for me to lose sight of why I even bought something if I'm not careful.

The clock you see above was a real steal a few years ago. The only problem is that it was black! For at least 24 months I've whined about repainting it...well~ I finally did! I absolutely LOVE how it came out and couldn't wait to show it off. I placed it in my upstairs landing, just to the left of our guestroom door. Inside each door (top, middle and bottom) the clock holds all of our Miss K's DVD's! Since the little TV she watches is upstairs, it is a great place to store all her favorite Movies...


Even when the clock was black it truly was a delightful piece! It just didn't go with any of my things! Now that it's repainted I can't believe I put off doing it for soooo long! I love it! ACK! Sometimes I just hate my weaknesses! :(


This shot was taken at the top of my stairs (see the banister?). The room you see is our guestroom. This room was in Romantic Homes Magazine (2006) but has since be redecorated. Love it even more now! Change is good! Even when decorating in Shabby Cottage Chic style, every now and then I believe an update is sometimes necessary!

I painted the entire clock with a sponge brush a soft cottage white. The face of the clock was removed and in the corners I hand painted pink roses! I opted not to paint roses on the front of the clock's body (doors). As much as I love PINK ROSES (And I do! I DO!), sometimes I just think less is know? Besides, I'm really wanting to hand paint some sweet little roses on the wall and if I also paint them on the clock, well...for me it will just be too much!
I left the original numbers and lettering on the clock's face in tact. I painted out the decor in the corners and replaced it with my own artwork!
In the end I'm very pleased with the results. I just wish I wasn't the world's worst procrastinator. I do well when it comes to getting things done for others...but I'm really terrible at keeping up with finishing projects in my own home! My hubbs helps keep me on track...
Hope you enjoyed a peek into my home. The closer we get to Spring I promise to upload more pictures, including those of the outside. I think it's lovely!
Blessings as you work at beautifying your own home...Rebecca

Saturday, March 7, 2009



One of the greatest joys I have comes from the making of handmade pretties. Aside from my love of painting PINK ROSES, I simply love working with fine old laces, linens, charming vintage ribbons, buttons and the ever lovely, (and getting harder to find), vintage millinery flowers and blooms. Creating new works of art from snippets of the past just seems to call out to me… Repurposing old finds has easily become my passion. I just can’t resist the allure of an old keepsake I know was once dearly loved.

I do a lot of shopping, but I spend a lot of time looking, too! Boy am I picky and more often than not I’ve found one must wade through a lot of JUNQUE before uncovering the perfect treasure! If I stumble upon vintage goodies, such as these, at estate sales, tag sales, thrift stores (yeah, I’m dreaming here!) or even antique shoppes, more than likely most of the highly sought after Lots come home with me...

With Easter and Mother’s Day on the horizon I’ve spent many hours making Sachet Pillows and decorative Hangers for gift giving. I’ve included a picture of the latest pretties that will be listed on my website later today…

Why not try your hand at fashioning a Sachet for your own Momma (don’t forget that loving MIL), sister or friend? They aren’t nearly as difficult as they may seem and are gifts that will last for years and years to come. Those you love will greatly appreciate the effort and time spent creating something with your own hands!

Blessings to you as you seek to uncover your own passion…Rebecca

Friday, March 6, 2009


(The picture above was taken when I was a "Pixie". Something created by my mother when my older sister was a Brownie Girl Scout and I was too young to be in the Troop. About 1965)

I spent a little bit of time out shopping today and I had a truly wonderful time! I brought home some amazing treasures…some to sell (“whoo hoo” for you!) and some to keep (and another "whoo hoo” for me) and even met up with an old friend. Peter and I talked and laughed for a bit and thoroughly enjoyed reminiscing about the days when we shared a space at an Antique Mall here in Oklahoma City. I’d forgotten how much I liked him! Pete showed me around and we chatted until the busyness of the store called for his attention…

Left alone to wander about I found myself eagerly walking down each aisle and visiting every booth. Weaving through a maze of interesting old finds and quite a bit of junk, my eyes were looking for the “good stuff”. However, while moseying slowly down the last row my eyes fixed upon something I hadn’t seen in years. A Brownie Beanie like the one I wore during my Girl Scout days. I was instantly, frightfully pulled me back in time. Back to the worst days of my childhood…back to being eight years old and attending elementary school on the Texas Coast. Back to third grade life and sitting under a wench of a teacher named Miss P…back to the year 1967…back to living life in a parsonage built on top of a church…and…back to the year I met Delores.

You can ask me a million questions about being a “Brownie”, but all I truly can remember is the copper-roofed church (Moody Memorial Methodist) where we had our Troop meetings and the little girl who was born without legs and with only one arm…

It was during a year of great childhood want, the closest I ever hope to come to knowing and understanding real poverty, I first recall learning about the physical disabilities of others. My family had precious little during the months we lived in Galveston and it must have been sacrificial for my parents to even allow me to participate in Scouting. The dues alone would have bought a loaf of bread back then and the cost of providing a full uniform must have been impossible to bear…to this day I don’t know where mine came from...

Delores and I were in the same Troop and as I walked towards the stately church for our weekly Scout meetings she would roll her wheelchair along side of me. My mother insisted on starching my dress and my orange tie. My brownie socks, coin purse, belt and beanie were expected to be neatly in place as well (we might have been poor, but we were “neat-poor” if that makes sense!). One spring day as we hurried to the church I noticed how Delores’ uniform always seemed wrinkled and how she would never have a need for socks… This certainly set my childhood heart to wondering…

One spring day in particular caused much excitement for our little Troop of ten. We donned long-hair wigs and dressed up as like the Fab-Four (The Beatles) for an amusing, fanciful skit performed for fellow Brownie Troop members in the City. When it was over I recall us all being in a panic to sort out our mixed up uniforms before heading back towards our school and homes…

Delores was particularly upset because she couldn’t find her Beanie. She was after all, by all appearances, even poorer than me, and loosing any part of your uniform was cause for great trouble! She wheeled herself closer to me as I put on my socks and black Mary Jane shoes. When I wasn’t looking, with her one good arm she picked up my Beanie, and began to place it on top of her head…

I quickly grabbed it away and screamed out~

“It’s mine! Don’t touch it! Don’t touch it!”

I don’t remember much after that except running as fast as I could to our modest home in hopes of convincing my mother to wash my Beanie.

“MY BEANIE! MY BEANIE!" I cried out to my mother! "You have to wash my Beanie?”

“Wash your Beanie” she said? “But WHY?”

Through my tears I blurted out “Delores touched it!”

It was then my loving mother explained to me about the sufferings of Delores as she knew more about her history than I did. “Her mother was given some dangerous medicine* while she was waiting for Delores to come into the world…this caused her to be born without arms and legs. Touching and playing with her won’t hurt you, Becky! I promise” she said. “Don’t be afraid! She’s just like you and she needs you as a friend!” (*Thalidomide)

As I stood in the Antique Shoppe turning the Beanie over and over in my hands my thoughts turned once again to the little girl who had so greatly impacted my life. I couldn’t help but remember the wise and timely words of my mother, and how grateful I felt for having been spared such suffering…

I bought the Beanie for eight bucks. A small price to pay for a gentle reminder that love and kindness offered up to others is always in order. When our sweet Miss K is over next I'm going to set aside a little time to chat. I plan on sharing with her the story of Delores and passing along the words of wisdom voiced from her aging, but ever lovely great-grandmother...

“…you should practice tenderhearted mercy and kindness to others…Most of all let love guide your life…” Colossians 3:12, 14 (TLB)

Blessings as you do good unto others…Rebecca

Thursday, March 5, 2009


My beautiful friend, ~TeaGirl~ and my sweet friend Mary at "Isabella's Closet" both passed this sweet award onto me! Thank you so much! Still learning the tricks of the trade ladies... there is still so much I don't know!

Here are the award rules:

List 7 things that you "Love" and then pass this award on to 7 Bloggers that you love!Be sure to tag them and let them know they have won! You can copy the graphic by clicking onto the Award Icon and then placing it on your sideboard. This lets the whole world know that you are KREATIV!

Seven things I love...
1. I love God & his Son, Jesus Christ
2. I love my family- Bran, Adrie, Mr. AGP, Micah, Sarah & Miss K.
3. I love my amazing girlfriends...both in and out of Bloggieland
4. I love to shop at Second Hand Stores, Estate Sales, etc.
5. I love to decorate my home in shabby cottage chic...yum!
6. I love to entertain & host small dinners for close friends..
7. I love to paint and earthly passion

Tammy - A Stitch in Time
Mary - Mimi's Corner
Linda - Threads of Loveliness
Lucy - English Cottage in Georgia
Sarah - Shabby Roses & Pretty Things
Rhonda - The Cozy Loft
Lee - A Southern Rose

Blessings to all these talented are all a huge inspiration to me...Rebecca

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


My Father and I - March 2009 (79 years old)

Tomorrow my father will celebrate 79 years of living on this planet and more than ever I’m grateful he is still with me.

Life hasn’t been easy for the man I still call “daddy”. I use to spend a lot of time concentrating on his many imperfections… but, now that he is ill I try not to waste a second speaking of things that are impossible for me to change. Instead, I choose to celebrate the things he did that were right and pray for my heart to lead me as I work out the details of everything else.

My Father and I - October 1976 (46 years old)

My father was a dreamer. He once longed to be a Professional Boxer until a devastating injury changed the course of his life when he was just fifteen. He was forced to leave school after only the eighth grade and yet went on to be the only one of his siblings to attend and then graduate college. He was a Pastor and a Poet and will forever be the keeper of my mother’s heart. I’ve doubted and questioned many things during my lifetime but never, ever the love my father had for me and my three siblings…


In honor of the one who… raised me and called me daughter, encouraged me, believed in me, prayed over me, spanked my naughty bum, kissed my undeserving check, held my ever growing hand, combed my mousy brown hair, calmed my fears, wiped away my tears, and led me to believe in a healing, forgiving, merciful, loving God… I wish A BLESSED BIRTHDAY… I will love you forever! Thank you, thank you, thank you for loving me, too.... Becky Sue

Blessings to you as you travel this earth with those you love…Rebecca

Monday, March 2, 2009


Over the weekend my hubbs and I took a little drive to our old college stomping grounds to do a little shopping! Bethany, Oklahoma, is about 20 miles from our home and truly has some wonderful little Antique Stores and Thrift Shoppes where one can make for a fun day of shopping! The stores always seem to house the most interesting finds and I never come away empty handed. They seem more than happy to take my money, too!

Several years ago, long before my eBay days, I rented a little “nook” inside one of the Shoppes off Main Street. I sold mostly vintage linens, handmade pillows, pretty rose dishes and even some painted furniture. I loved those days of peddling my wares and had such a wonderful time decorating my space. Even now when I visit the room I once leased it’s fun to see the painting of pink hydrangeas and rosey-pink grapes I painted on the PALE PINK WALLS! The artwork is still there after ten years! I’ve included a picture of how the room looks now for you to see…TEN YEARS ago…Wow!

On this trip I found the most delightfully sweet things! My favorite though has got to be the gorgeous hand crocheted, natural white coverlet I snagged for $26. I couldn’t wait to bring it home and try it out for size! It is fabulous…no holes, pulled threads or stains! What a steal! My hubbs snapped a picture of me holding onto it for dear life! I’ve included the pics and one after the spread was freshly laundered and layered on top of my four poster bed!

Hope your weekend was as fun and exciting! Did you find anything wonderful? Promise to share more soon!

Blessings to you…Rebecca