Friday, August 30, 2013


The other day while working in my studio a passage of scripture regarding The Virtuous Woman (found in Proverbs 31:10-31) kept running through my mind.  When I was a young wife and mother I had a small card I kept in my wallet with the very words that have been bouncing around inside my head...  My father gave it to me when I became engaged to my Mr. AGP Man and I still have it after all these years.  It's tattered and old now.  So, in order to preserve it I've tucked it away for safe keeping...
 Truthfully, I've failed miserably at following such profound words and teachings.  But I try.  I do.

While re-working the decor in one of my upstairs guest rooms I decided to include a gentle reminder of the passage I far too often forget...  

I actually found the wood/board at a thrift store a few months ago.  It was originally a hunting sign (or something like that!).  I like it much better painted in my favorite shade of soft white!  I found the lettering online and the florals came from The Graphics Fairy!
  I'm most familiar with the passage in the King James Version (my favorite), but I thought the version found in THE MESSAGE was easy to read and so I'm sharing it with you today...

(The Virtuous Woman)

A good woman is hard to find,
    and worth far more than diamonds.
Her husband trusts her without reserve,
    and never has reason to regret it.
Never spiteful, she treats him generously
    all her life long.
She shops around for the best yarns and cottons,
    and enjoys knitting and sewing.
She’s like a trading ship that sails to faraway places
    and brings back exotic surprises.
She’s up before dawn, preparing breakfast
    for her family and organizing her day.
She looks over a field and buys it,
    then, with money she’s put aside, plants a garden.
First thing in the morning, she dresses for work,
    rolls up her sleeves, eager to get started.
She senses the worth of her work,
    is in no hurry to call it quits for the day.
She’s skilled in the crafts of home and hearth,
    diligent in homemaking.
She’s quick to assist anyone in need,
    reaches out to help the poor.
She doesn’t worry about her family when it snows;
    their winter clothes are all mended and ready to wear.
She makes her own clothing,
    and dresses in colorful linens and silks.
Her husband is greatly respected
    when he deliberates with the city fathers.
She designs gowns and sells them,
    brings the sweaters she knits to the dress shops.
Her clothes are well-made and elegant,
    and she always faces tomorrow with a smile.
When she speaks she has something worthwhile to say,
    and she always says it kindly.
She keeps an eye on everyone in her household,
    and keeps them all busy and productive.
Her children respect and bless her;
    her husband joins in with words of praise:
“Many women have done wonderful things,
    but you’ve outclassed them all!”
Charm can mislead and beauty soon fades.
    The woman to be admired and praised
    is the woman who lives in the fear of God.
Give her everything she deserves!
    Festoon her life with praises!


Hope your Friday is wonderful!  

Love to you...

Wednesday, August 28, 2013


Way back in May of 2012 I shared with you a POST about the antique iron bed I found at a local thrift store for $45...  It's been sooo long ago you may have forgotten!  Not me!  I've been dreaming about the day when this awesome vintage find would make it's way into one of my upstairs guest rooms and I'm happy to tell you today is the day.
The hold-up you ask?

A couple of things. guy was in school when I found the bed and since it was in need of a MAJOR repair it was put on the back burner.  Simmered out-of-sight for a long, long time!   After all...we've been super busy with a humongous kitchen remodel and that has honestly taken precedence over almost everything. back the the repair.  Someone out there in GoogleLand will one day stumble upon this post and be sooo happy to find a way to actually fix a broken iron bed.  Repairs to broken iron bed brackets are very expensive and that is IF you can find someone to do it for you!
  My Mr. AGPMan promised me he would get to the bed this summer and get to it he did!  Because one of the brackets on the foot-board (that held the left bed rail in place) was broken off it would no longer support a mattress.  He racked his brain for a long time before coming up with the idea of shoving a new metal rod up the legs of the bed and then drilling into that to attach a new bracket.  This by-passed the original bracket and raised the bed up about 1".
Here's another picture/view of the repair (above)...   You can see the new rail sits right above the old bracket that was snapped off.  The new bracket bolts from the inside into the iron post of the bed so no bolts/screws show from the outside.  The new rods that are inside the legs support the new bolts, etc.
Makes sense? didn't to me either...not until I actually saw it all repaired.  Then I understood perfectly!  The repair may seem simple, but it wasn't.  Took hours upon hours to do and metal shavings were everywhere!
Because I wanted the intricate details of the bed to show up I decided to first paint it with a mix of golden umber, cream and black. Layered one after another allowing each color to dry about an hour.  After letting the entire thing dry overnight I went back over everything with my favorite soft white paint.  This allowed the darker colors to show thru just a bit so the entire bed looks aged and fabulous.   Much safer than led-based-paint, too! It almost looks like it would have looked after years of use and most certainly BEFORE someone painted it bright a gold and green (the colors when I found it!).  Finished it up with two tones of clear wax. 

This guestroom will soon be transformed.  I've grown very tired of all the clutter and stuff in this room and it's ready for a facelift.  Since the room also doubles as my office I'm in there a lot.  Just ready for something fresh, updated and...well...less complicated.

My plan is to use natural linens and cottons.  I'd love to make a wispy tattered linen bed-skirt if I can find the fabric.  Found one pre-made that I LOVED, but it was $400 and if you know me then you KNOW that ain't gonna happen!

And so now you know what's been taking so much of my focus.  Love working on my own home and finishing half-completed projects.  My guy is amazing!

Hope your day is wonderful.

Love to you... 

Tuesday, August 27, 2013



Popping in today to show you our latest furniture transformation/makeover!  Found this amazing 1958 Chest at a local estate sale a couple of weeks ago and hauled it home!  Originally it had a cheval oval mirror (dated on the back) attached to the top that was truly wonderful...but, the mirror was cracked and since I didn't want to spent $100+ to have it replaced we forged ahead with the makeover without it!

The Chest was in excellent condition except for one problem...  If you look closely at the before picture you'll see the back left leg (larger inset photo) was missing.  At some point over the past 55 years it broke off at the glue/joint seam!  Not a hard repair for my Mr. AGPMan!  He traced the right back leg and cut a new left leg from hard oak.  A wee bit of wood glue and a couple glue claps later it was as good as new.  It's an incredible piece of furniture~solid maple and so lovely!

Painted it out with a soft white chalk paint and then gently distressed it.  Clear coated it and then buffed it out!  Done!  It's going to my Booth at Serendipity Market tomorrow!

Summer is winding down...can you believe it?  I'm busy enjoying what I hope are our final HOT DAYS of the Season.

Hope you are well.

Love to you...

Saturday, August 17, 2013


 Snagged this French Provincial Coffee Table at a thrift store a couple of months ago.  I love how the sides fold down and it's height as well!  
No before pics...forgot to snap any.  :(  Sorry!  You'll just have to imagine her a dark cherry wood with a super-high-gloss finish.  The piece was actually in great shape...all wood, too!  
No MDF Board or wood products here.  Nooo...Noooo...Nooo!  This little lady is the real-wood-deal.  Not sure how old she is...maybe from the 1950's or 1960's.  Anyway...cleaned her up, sanded her down, painted her out and added one of my favorite vintage French images!

Lightly distressed the sides and edges and then applied a protective top coat!  Tahhh Dahhh!  Done!
I had every intention of taking the table to my Booth...but....I've decided to keep her.  I like her so much better than the one I've been using!  It's slightly smaller, but taller and I've always thought it was a wee bit unbalanced for the room!  Sooo...I'll be giving my old table a tiny facelift and that one will be destined for a new home!

Hope your weekend is awesome!

Love to you...

Friday, August 16, 2013


Our 1960's era home (built in 1969, but sold for the first time in 1970) was featured this month in the online magazine, Simply Shabbilicious.  I hope you'll check it out when you have time.  Several other homes and businesses have been showcased and I think you'll enjoy seeing what everyone has to offer.

Thank you, Kerryanne, for including parts of our Oklahoma home, my studio and my Booth at Serendipity Market in Edmond.  You've blessed and honored me.

I'd love it if you'd FOLLOW me on PINTEREST and LIKE ME from your personal page on FACEBOOK!  It  helps my wee little business get noticed out there in a sea of amazing and talented artisans.

Danka, Merci, Grazie and Thank You!

Hope your day is wonderful.  I'm off to create.

Love to you...

PS:  My Miss K started 5th grade today!  WHAT?????  Where have the years gone????

Wednesday, August 14, 2013



One of the side projects my hubby and I tackled this summer was a mini makeover for his home office.  Once the dining room of our 1960's era home, unless you were wise to the original floor plan of the house you would never know the area was once a gathering place for special meals and entertaining.

 As we continue to work on remodeling our kitchen the office couldn't help but be affected by all the changes.  The office is now accessible from both the front door entryway (office door barely seen on the left in the top photo).  A new pocket door, just to the right of his leather sofa, makes for an easy entry into the kitchen.  

Here's the view of the pocket door from the kitchen side.  This was taken a few weeks ago.

We decided to wainscot the office walls, repaint and re-decorate just a bit.  Because we are on a strict budget (and because I hate wasting money!) I opted to shop second hand and thrift stores for old frames to create the collage of memories.

For only $20 I purchased almost all the frames you see as well as the spray paint to paint them all in soft satin black.  Love the cohesiveness of the frames all painted with the same color.  The different shapes and sizes add interest and the painted mats add a little texture.   I printed off some of our favorite photos in black and white and I pretty much love how they all look except the large oval on the far left.  It's out of spec with the other frames, but for now it's staying put!

My favorite finds in the office include the century old GLOBE File Cabinet I scored early this past spring at Goodwill.  A couple of weeks ago I purchased the vintage Remington Typewriter at an estate sale.  Scored BIG on both purchases!

I'll share the remainder of my Mr. AGPMan's office with you once he gives me the go-ahead.  Presently he's working on installing the flat-screen TV of his dreams on the wall behind his desk...  Looks amazing!  All the wires are hidden because the other side of the wall is the garage!  How wonderful is that? Watching football this Fall is going to be fabulous!

You only thought my house was all white...

Hope your weekend is wonderful!

Love to you...

Friday, August 9, 2013


When the first tiny, intrusive thoughts about moving beyond pink rose everything flooded my mind nearly three years ago I initially felt my own brain was failing me.  As hard as it was to accept,  the simple fact was that shabby cottage chic decor was morphing into something new and I could either dig my heels in and stay the same or move on.
I knew it was time to move on.

And so...I made a tough decision to par down the pink roses and forge ahead in a new direction. 
Not all my customers have embraced the change, but for me it's been the right thing to do.  I've pressed onward and I'm so glad I did.  As the demand and love for pink rose confections dwindled, in order for my business to survive I had to refocus on traveling down a new and unfamiliar path.

It was really hard at first and for a least a year I felt like I was living in limbo...
I had piles of pink rose fabrics everywhere and stacks of both new and vintage items freshly base painted in soft pink paint.  The thought of selling it all off overwhelmed me and so there it all sat, untouched, for a long, long time.
I think I tried to pretend it wasn't there.  I tried to work around it, but with limited space I only grew frustrated at trying to make new supplies fit.
After my slip and fall from several weeks ago I began to embrace my own truth.  The injury helped me realize that I only have one life and I best make the most of it while I still can.  And so, I cleared out my studio, all the while knowing I was going to take a big loss on my previous investment of supplies.

Clearing out my studio also helped me clear out my head.

I feel at peace.
Currently I have twelve bins (yes, I said TWELVE) filled with fabric in storage.  At some point (who knows when!) I'll either sell it off in lots on eBay or donate it to one of our local charities.
 As I've worked to adjust my footing in the business world I've also tried to re-prioritize other areas in my life.  Although the month of July brought heavy news to my family, it also ushered in the best single non-holiday month I've ever experienced in my business.  I'm not too sure what all this means at the moment, I only can tell you that I'm trusting God with my future.

Both privately and in the world of business.
It feels good to be honest about where I am and how I feel...

It feels good to say "I'm done with that and I'm moving on..."

It feels good to know that change is OK and the Grace of my Father covers me always.
Hope you are well.
Summer of 2013 will soon pass away.

Linking up with Shabby Art Boutique for
Shabbylicious Friday!

A fresh new Harvest is coming.  I feel it.

Love to you~

Friday, August 2, 2013



I've had such a busy summer and I've enjoyed finishing up lots of half-finished projects around our home.  My Booth continues to keep me hopping and I love being a part of such a great Shoppe.  If you are ever in Oklahoma I hope you will visit Serendipity Market in Edmond.
Oil Based Paint with Varnish

Last weekend our town celebrated what us locals call CRAZY DAYS.  Many businesses participate in this yearly event, generally held during the last weekend in July.  I ran 15% off my Booth and I'm not kidding you when I say that every single piece of furniture I had for sale SOLD...except one!

I couldn't believe it.  I ended up selling two vintage Chest of Drawers, two vintage Dressers, a vintage Desk and a small Table.  

All this in two days!

As a result, my Mr. AGPMan and I had to work feverishly on several new pieces in order to just have something in which to display my other soft goods and vintage finds.  Today I'm sharing with you a couple of the fabulous pieces we snagged last week and finished up Monday afternoon! 

We had to drive quite a jaunt to find this wonderful set!  It actually consists of the Dresser with Mirror, Chest with Mirror (not pictured), End Table (seen in picture #2), a Full Bed and the Armoire!  The Armoire was thrown in for FREE and I was more than happy to take it off the seller's hands.  They thought it was too beat up and junky to be used.  Well...I LOVE how this piece turned out and it's wonderful for displaying some of the white clothing I've collected over the years.  It's accented with vintage French Ephemera and I love the numbered drawers.  Very French Farmhouse!


Found this darling Chest and matching full bed at a local thrift store a couple of weeks ago.  It sold the first day on the floor!  Yippeee....  Just love it when that happens!


This piece was in excellent shape when we found it...needed some repair work to one of the drawers, but that was it!  The matching bed will be finished soon!


Here is what my Booth looks like today.  VERY EMPTY for sure!  But I'm happy so many large pieces found new homes and I'm excited about filling my space back up this week!  Can't wait to show you what all we found today...lots of great estate sale finds!

Hoping your Summer has been wonderful!  I can hardly believe it's August.  Can you?  Seems like the New Year just started and now it's almost Fall...  Wow!


Love to you...