Monday, March 6, 2017


Dear Blogger Friends...

It's been many, many months since I posted here on my wee little blog.  Much has happened since I last chatted with you and if I'm being honest I just haven't been my old self.  Since the car accident I was in on May 19th I've struggled to regain my health and in mid January of this year I opted for surgery to repair the damaged caused to my neck during the collision.  I've spent the better part of 9 months STANDING UP because sitting caused me to have unrelenting muscle spasms in my neck and the worse pain I've ever known...  Try standing while doing EVERYTHING and you will understand what I mean.  My hips, legs and feet have paid a high price for my spine injury.

And so.this morning, at 6AM, I will be checking into one of our local hospitals for what I'm told will be a 4-5 hour ordeal.  I'm not afraid...just anxious for it all to be over.  I'll be spending a couple of days there and hopefully will be released on Wednesday.

I want my life back.  As crazy and as complicated as it was at times...I miss it.

I have so much to update you on and once I'm well again, I hope to share with you all the wonderful things that have been going on... 

I'd be so grateful for your prayers, if you could spare a few.  Especially for my family.  My Mr. AGP Man and my children (and my Miss K who will be 15 this year) have been through so much with me.

Blessings to you all.  Will share more when I can.

Love to you~
