Tuesday, March 10, 2009



My AGP man had to leave on a short business trip late this afternoon and even after 30 years of marriage I hate it when he goes. I just HATE IT! Not feeling well today seemed to make his leaving even worse. I know...I know...I'm wimpy! But, after being happily married to a wonderful man for soooo long I'm lonely when he's gone. I assure you, I'll be counting down the hours until he returns. Thankfully my sweet daughter and her strong-armed man are both staying with me! :)

Oh...I'll fill up the time without my hubbs here with lots of things! I'll deep clean my house (I actually LOVE doing that!) and I expect to work late into the night on both sewing and painting projects for my website (AND--- I suspect I'll CONTINUE TO STRUGGLE getting those products uploaded without his help...but, I'll DO IT...PROMISE!). It just won't be the same around here without his smiling face and simply hysterical, sarcastic wit encouraging me along...

My hubbs was gone for only about an hour when I made my way downstairs and found a lovely bouquet (above) of deep pink roses accented with pale pink carnations. Attached to the beautiful blooms was a sweet card with the pet name we've called each other for years "Baber"....

Make no mistake about it...I KNOW, KNOW, KNOW I'm blessed!

Blessings to you, too....Rebecca


  1. Oh Rebecca, what a sweet soul your man has. To be that in tune to know you so well after all these years to leave you such a warm personal gift. God Bless MGP while he is on his trip and may the hours pass by not quickly, but calmly. I never did like to wish away time for any reason. They are stunning aren't they. Just beautiful! Hugs

  2. Oooh my sweet friend~
    Okay, NOW I'm jealous.. Where's my roses?! boohoo..They are beautiful,BUT, the giver even more so.. You've got a wonderful, Mr. AGP, and what would WE do without him ?! He's the best packer upper, ship em' off to me Man EvEr.. I LOVE him too.. Enjoy your quiet time, you'll get lots done, and he'll be home before you wiggle your little nose.. We'll talk soon.. hugs to you.. ~tea~xo

  3. Rebecca, that's so sweet. You miss him and he leaves roses and a card.

    When Tom has to be at work for a special project AT NIGHT...I can't sleep without him here. I usually am up and on the computer!! LOL!!!

    We've only been married...almost 4 years!!!


  4. Rebecca,
    Your post today made me smile. I'm so happy for you and your hubby that you have such a loving relationship. I know that you miss him...just stay really busy and the hours will pass by faster. I'm going over to your shop to check it all out!

    Lee Laurie

  5. Rebecca, your post made me smile. I feel the same way about my husband and miss him terribly when he travels.

    We are blessed.......always remember this.

    Hugs, Barb~Bella Vista

  6. How absolutely wonderful to see a romance last through the years...through highs and lows...and remain so fresh:-)

  7. Beautiful roses, and how you displayed them so nicely. Your husband is a darling that's for sure! I know what you mean by missing him. If my husbands is gone for awhile, nothing like having him back home.

    Rebecca, I would love to visit you someday with your pleasant personality which shows thu your blog, and spend some time in your luscious home. I'm always on the look out, seeing more of it.

    Thanks and Have a Wonderful Day!

  8. Hi Rebecca~~I tried to post a msg yesterday, but comment box wouldn't let me..not sure what happened, anyway, beautiful post and aren't we lucky to have wonderful men in our lives. I feel really blessed and I know you do too. How are you feeling, now?? You weren't feeling good earlier. Hope all is well now and you are feeling better with Spring coming..the flowers are starting to bud and the sky is bright. Love this time of year. Hugs and love to you and can't wait to see your new pretties and what you are busy creating...Mary H

  9. Rebecca

    I read your post and got goosebumps. Your hubbs is as sweet as a peach.


  10. Hi Rebecca! I sure hope you are feeling better :) You and your hubby sound like such a beautiful couple! How sweet of him to send roses and a beautiful card! You deserve the best!

  11. Rebecca,
    Hope you will soon feeling better....You and your husband sound like ya'll have a wonderful relationship...That'
    s wonderful....love to hear about the story of happiness. When I go off the the ladies ministries...I miss my sweet husband...He has so much patience with me...LOL. Been married for almost 27 years. Precious gifts to recieve from you sweet husband..a rose anda card...Smiles....Have a wonderful weekends..It's will be long he will be home...kathy

  12. You both are very blessed and I envy the two of you.
