Wednesday, April 1, 2009


My Brother, Bill... About 1965

Dearest Bill…

I was only a little over three years old when you made your entrance into the world finally making me a big sister. So many years have passed by since that April 1st day…it is easy for me to feel like the days we spent as children took place a lifetime ago. Seems like we couldn’t wait to grow up and now that we have it’s a little difficult to know just where to put all those memories…

I’ve been thinking these past few days about the impact you’ve had on my life and how, for as far back as I can remember, it was YOU who carried ME and not the other way around. I was older (which now you never let me forget!), but you were the far wiser one. I don’t recall ever rescuing you during the many times you faced trouble, but I know in my heart you have saved me over and over and over again.

Last November, as Steve and I made plans to be there for your surgery, your life kept playing out before my eyes. Knowing you were so ill and facing the uncertainty of life tore at my heart, and truthfully, I was so afraid. That fear made it easy for my mind to slip back into the past during that long drive out west. Back to the place of our childhood! Back to our little house on Sigman Street and back to the place we once called home...

As I sat in the hospital waiting room for the doctor to emerge, I prayed for peace and healing for all of us, especially for you. How could any of us live without you? During those long hours I found myself more grateful than ever for the faithful teachings of Mom and Daddy and for my belief in a healing, loving Jesus. Somehow, even in the midst of my apprehension, I believed in my heart God’s hand was upon you and that you would go on and live to be a very old, old man. When the smiling face of your doctor finally came around the corner of the waiting room we could tell immediately the news was good! The cancerous kidney was out and the disease hadn’t spread! Steve, Ms. G, Mom and I could only weep…

I know over the years I’ve sometimes fallen short of all you and my sisters have needed me to be. In spite of my obvious imperfections, I have loved you deeply. I know in my heart it will be me who is the first to leave this earth, for it would be impossible for me to continue life without any of you…

I wrote this little poem for you back in April of 1987 after you visited me here in Oklahoma. Here it is again… Happy Birthday beloved brother of mine! You mean the world to me…and I love you!

Yer Sis, Beck

“To Bill, With Love”

I thought of you today as I took my familiar walk on the paved streets of this dusty town… I knew my walks would never be the same... For you were not with me, sharing my thoughts…

I have such memories of you
and I find myself wishing we were closer like in bygone days. The dog barked at my heels and again, I was afraid! Then I remembered your calming words… I stood firm and was in control. The dog left.

I saw more dandelions than when you were here, marking a passing of time. I wondered when I would see you again… Mingle memories, melt pain.

The sun was setting as my journey neared it’s end…
Still, my mind walked on. I was looking forward to better days, longer walks on dusty streets, and sharing my heart with you.

“He is able…to run to the cry of…those who are being tempted and tested and tried. Hebrew 2:18 AMP


  1. Becky--

    Thank you for sharing this loving letter to your brother. What a wonderful Birthday Gift -- not just words... It flows with love and appreciation.

    Time is short and passes quickly. We need to say "I Love You" as often as possible. These are moments to be treasured.

    Blessings on you, dear daughter.

    Hugs-- Mom

  2. What a beautiful, heartfelt post Rebecca! You are the sweetest sister :) Today is my brother's birthday too! He is 28 years old today! I never get to see him and I miss him dearly. I hope your sweet brother has a beautiful day today!

  3. Thank you for sharing the poem that you wrote for your brother. It is beautiful and I can tell that it came straight from the heart. I know that he knows how much you love him. I did a post for my best friend today. It is her birthday also.

    Have a blessed day.

  4. Sweet ~r~,
    Such a lovely sweet post for your baby brother.. I know how you love and adore him !! Thank God he's doing so well, and feeling good !! God is good, and has HIS hand on Bills' life !!What an awesome God we serve to be so loving and caring.. The greatest Dr... sweet Jesus!! I know you believe this.. Love to my sweet friend always.. hugs ~tea~xo

  5. Rebecca, this is just heart moving for your brother. It brings moist eyes to me, recalling moments of my life with my brother, memories of our precious moments of childhood & our growing relationship as adults. TY for sharing Bill's birthday with us. May God hold Bill in His blessed hands ... forever in healing.
    TTFN (Thank Thy Father Now) ~ Marydon

  6. Rebecca, what a beautiful tribute to your brother.

    My brother's birthday is April 4th. I love him dearly!

    Such a lovely post...inspiring.

    Blessings, Barb

  7. Simply beautiful!

  8. The Lord is so gracious to bless your dear brother with you as his sister! May our loving Lord bless all of your entire loving family each day!

  9. I'm so happy your dear brother is healing and doing well. Oh how I wish I had a brother!


  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. To Mary...and all of the rest of you who are waiting for my website to reopen...

    Gosh...where to begin? I truly don't mean to tease! :(

    I have always had such great plans for this little website of mine...but, I have to remember I am only one person :( (wish I had 10 sets of hands)and can only produce so much. Trust me when I tell you there isn't a day that goes by that I'm not working on product. Just hate to reopen the Site half know? I'm hoping it will be really stocked well before long!

    Blessings to you and THANK YOU for blessing ME in return~ You are ALL soooo awesome!

    Love to you...Rebecca

  12. Oh dear, I thought to hire an octopus to help. But, he kept dripping on my fabrics. And the smell ... eww... it simply wouldn't wash out.

    So I too am back to only two hands. I think we put too much pressure on ourselves! Miss Rebecca, people would wait months to have a chance to obtain one of your items. Take your time and do what you do best at your own pace.

    Put your feet, read a verse and sip some tea in between your hard work. HUGS

  13. Hi Rebecca, Your brother is very blessed to have you as his sister. I hope his Birthday was special.
    Lovely post and verse.
    Hugs and Blessings always,
    Celestina Marie

  14. Rebecca, what a beautiful post...I have tears streaming down my eyes. I wish I could express to my brother my love in such a moving way.

  15. Oh Rebecca, What a sweet tribute to your brother Bill. I wish him a Belated Happy Birthday and a long wonderful life. What a terrible thing he had to go through, and Thank God everything turn out great!

    He has a very special sister, and I'm sure he was touched by your loving words to him, like I was.

    Thank You Jesus for a great outcome!
