Saturday, June 6, 2009

BEYOND THE PINK...Shades of Vintage Cream and White


I can't help but think I'm going to really surprise some of you when I show another side to my La Chaumière de Briarwood... Can you believe it? Not everything is PINK! Say it isn't so!!!! Is it even possible that this girly-girl has something in her home that doesn't showcase hand painted roses and her very favorite pastel color?

Since January I've poured over some of my favorite magazines in hopes of finding a fresh and romantic look for my master bedroom. This very important room is strangely small for what should be the largest bedroom in our home. It has suffered greatly as other areas in our abode have been lavished with attention.

Now~let it be said~ I move things around! I'm constantly mixing things up and I love it. It keeps my home from becoming boring and easily transforms another space without spending a dime. What one may find in my breakfast room on one day may very well be used to decorate my bedroom the next day. Keeps things new and exciting...


The photographs were taken of the spot just to the left of my four poster bed. Remember the vintage sewing machine I found a couple of weeks ago for a fraction of it's value? I painted it a soft cottage white (I'm lovin' this paint!) and then very lightly antiqued it (I'll be posting about this technique soon). No pretty pink roses or blooms here. Just the beauty of the old cabinet I'm now using as a fabulous nightstand!


Now, I'm quite sure this romantic look will not be favored by all of you. Just like there are those who adore PINK, just as many of you who love cottage decor avoid it at all costs. Still, most of us love old linens and lace and I for one just can't seem to resist layering the gorgeous handwork to soften things up a bit. I love vintage sepia cabinet pictures and photographs and they work very well with this timeless look and feel... You can even display old frames alone by hanging them on decorative hooks~ Add a frilly sachet hanger and some vintage flowers and you're on you way to creating the perfect vignette.

If you look closely below you'll see there ARE roses in the mix. They take an understated position here and I opted to showcase them in vintage image pillows and old millinery flowers. Included are vintage glass apothecary jars filled with old shell and glass buttons...




The lamp below was once in my breakfast room. I have two matching lamps I opted to use both of them in the same room. Each one is decorated a bit differently, equally charming and covered with old laces and trims. Attach a vintage millinery rose (this one was actually a PIN) and you'll have the perfect final touch!


I continually chat away about the virtues of using vintage doors in cottage decor. I just love them and I'm constantly thinking up new ways in which to showcase them in my home. Because I have two identical doors I opted to have my Mr. AGPMan hang them on the wall on each side of our bed. Below you can see the darling old doorplates and knobs. Adding shelves midway up the door is a great way to showcase your favorite old finds without cluttering up an accent table.


Promise to show more soon! Also, later this month I'll be posting a short tutorial on just HOW you can "antique" your own painted pretties and keepsakes for that loving vintage look and feel!

Blessings to you as you seek and discover new ways to honor the things you love...Rebecca


  1. Rebecca! You never cease to amaze me with the finery that you delicately place together creating breathtaking settings & elegant serene rooms. One feels like they are in a fantasy victorian home. I love the old door knob ... I just found my G'mas the other day & actually wondered what YOU would do with it ... dates back to the 1920s so I'll be hanging on to it, one day with a place of prominence ... any suggestions?

    TTFN ~ Marydon

  2. I absolutely adore every photo of your decor. I only wish I had the knack for it like you do. Your creativity and talent just keeps on inspiring me!!! Have a wonderful Saturday afternoon my friend.
    Hugs, ♥ Teresa

  3. Rebecca.... I come to your blog for inspiration & now I have my hubs looking at it!! I say to him... "See, it isn't just me who wants to paint most everything!!"
    Have a Wonderful Weekend!

  4. Oh my goodness Rebecca.......YUMMY! I always admire :THE WHITES" cottage style. There was once a grandma in Fredricksburg, Texas that did her entire home in, first of all, I'm curious about this....why are sooooooo many yummy decorators from Fredricksburg? I just find that so interesting. She used lots of white ironstone platters backwards and her kitchen curtains were vintage tea towels hung over a rod. Yours has that same amazing look. LOVE IT....great job and I can't wait to see more. I don't think I can cram in an old door anywhere (well, I am going to hang a really crummy one over the half wall between my living room and kitchen)....but I'd love one hanging up like yours......things are very FULL at Bellamere Cottage. :-)

    Thanks for coming and for your kind words about my island....coming from the Queen Of Handpainted Roses...that is high praise indeed.


  5. We're finally home from California and I'm frantically trying to get my garden in shape, sugar. I swear I have given away so much in this house I could start another house. How in the world does yours hold so much stuff???? I did string lights on the patio and they look gorgeous in the evening. I move so much around hubs just might sit down "hard" if he doesn't watch where the chairs are. He's complaining about taking one chair out of the bedroom that holds the pillows on his side! I'll never be through decorating. My daughter says to get rid of it because when I die she's putting the whole lot on ebay for 99¢ and free shipping! She'd do it too......

  6. Love your blog! I am looking forward to your tuturial on how to paint something to look antique! :)

  7. Rebecca,
    Your vignette is beautiful. I love how you repurposed the door and made it sooo versatile - a shelf and hooks.
    The tour of Gutherie was fantastic. It makes me wish I had gotten off the Interstate while traveling through Oklahoma to visit my sisters in Nebraska.
    Your lace purchase was such a blessing. Please have a post showing of the the "pretties" you have made with the lace :-)

  8. Hi Rebecca,
    These photos are so dreamy. I love the cottage white look. I don't think I'll ever tire of it. You are certainly an inspiration for all of us.
    You asked about what camera I use.
    Not as fancy as you might think. In my days of doing portaits, I had a very costly camera and I sold it when I quit the business. I made do with an SLR for years and refused to switch to digital until hubs gave me one for Christmas 2 yrs ago.
    It's a Canon Power Shot S5 IS. I love it! He thought I might want the Rebel but this does everything I want it to. Hope this helps. And thank you for thinking my pics are becoming. It makes my day.

  9. Rebecca,
    Everything is just so beautiful after you touch it! I can't wait to see your bedroom! I love the ideas for the doors on each side of your bed. I wish that I had room for that idea! My bedroom is just too small. Come by and see what goodies I just found when I went thrifting the other day. My tastes are changing a little bit. I'm starting to like 'blue'! But I know that I will never stop loving pink!

    Hugs to you,
    Lee Laurie

  10. Ooohh ~r~,
    Gosh, I'm down on the floor again.. I wish you could here my oohhs and aahhs..Just breath-taking my friend.. Where do I start.. the door..the lace,pillows,lamps..Thank God I already have apothecary jars with sweet buttons.. Where is those pink glass buttons you just got ?! I thought for sure you would have those in a pretty glass dish,(teasing lil' ole' mee).. This looks fabulous!! I just can't picture where all your other furniture is in the bedroom.. Soo take more pics.. You know I can't stand the anticipation at all !! What is the bedding now !! You continue to truly inspire me, and I still think your beautiful home needs to be shown in it's beautiful,romantic way in a magazine.. Front cover and all.. It is the most beautiful home I've ever layed my eyes on !! I would snap up any magazine that featured this eye candy.. Sooo feminine, but yet, what man wouldn't feel so comfortable and at home.. Soo liveable.. Ooohhh Ms. ~r~, you never cease to amaze your lil' ~tea~ friend..See...why I admire you sooo much.. My inspiration and joy.. LoVe the Lord with all your "pink and cottage white" sweet heart.... That's why I LoVe you even more !! xxooto the moon.. ~tea~

  11. I think white is simply lovely and it lets the mind rest. God has certainly given you a talent and I am very grateful that you share it with us.
    Hugs and blessings, Susan
    P.S. Thank you for your visit today. I did another post today in honor of you! You do inspire me.

  12. ~~Rebecca~~I'm back!! Well what a beautiful welcome back with this ever lovely part to your room. As you know, I have been trying to put the 'ol house back together and it is just taking me eons. This is the look I am working on in my own "small" master bedroom. I had hoped to have pictures up and showing long ago, but my Mother went ill and well you know the time went for her understandably. I hope to get back in the swing here and finish up this room and show you how it turned out. Simple, but comfy and touches of elegance with white, cream, soft tan. I really, truly love these shades in the bedroom. Romantic and beautiful. Love the with you soon. Love and hugs, Mary H.

  13. Rebecca,
    I just love it all, your decorating skills just pulls me in. I keep saying I would enjoy it so much to take a tour in your house and I probably wouldn't want to leave. I think you should have your home if you haven't already sign up for - The Cottage of the Month- Now that would be some eye candy and I think a big treat for all us ladies that love the cottage romantic look. Your home is GORGEOUS!!

  14. Rebecca, I JUST LOVE IT!!!! This is one of my favorite looks, shades of white, cream, sepia....I have fallen in love with it and am contemplating changing things in my living room - my only dilemma is the furniture that doesn't match and can't be replaced (i.e. oak curio). I love your ideas and will be looking forward to more!!!

  15. Oh so magnificently sweet!!

    Look forward to the tutorials.

    thank you the sweetness i always find here, and tutorials on blogging, painting and all.

    always a treat to visit.

    barbara jean
