Wednesday, October 14, 2009

~OCTOBER GIVE-A-WAY - Something Sweet and PINK for YOU~

Sweet Maud Humphrey Image

Of all the paintings done by the dearly loved Maud Humphrey, this tiny little girl with the roses in her bonnet remains my favorite. I just love the innocent look on her face...something about her cherubic smile makes me feel warm and cozy all over.

Offered up for my October Give-A-Way is a darling Sachet Pillow made using this reproduced image of Ms. Humphrey's work. The Sachet was made with old rayon damask in pink and has a white on white floral ruffle. It comes accented with vintage Venice Lace threaded with vintage pink rayon satin ribbon. I do believe this is my 6th or 7th Pillow made using this precious little girl as the center. Hope you will all love her as much as I do. Tucked inside the Sachet you'll find a generous 1/2 cup of 100% pure lavender buds. It smells divine and measures just about 10" x 10" including the ruffle.

Here are the guidelines for having your little name entered into the drawing for FREE! It's simple and there are several ways to get your name thrown into the hat MORE THAN ONCE!

DRAWING WILL BE HELD ON OR ABOUT MIDNIGHT ON OCTOBER 21st. The WINNER will be announced sometime on OCTOBER 22nd. Happy Entering and I hope you have fun!

1. If you FOLLOW my Bloggie you are automatically entered once!

2. Leave a comment on any Post from now until 9pm on October 21st and you'll be entered again.

3. Link to my GIVEAWAY from your Blog and I'll enter your name again (you must let me know).

4. Post my BUTTON on your Blog and I'll enter your name again (again, you must let me know).

You'll have four chances to get your name in for the drawing for the Sachet Pillow! Let me know if you have any questions, K?

Blessings to you as you again try and win something for FREE...Rebecca


  1. So very beautiful Rebecca... Bisous... Julie Marie

  2. Rebecca,
    Such a lovely sachet.... I can only imagine the scent of that sweet lavendar. Mmmm, relaxing!

  3. I want to enter your giveaway for that beautiful little pillow. I love Maud Humpherys work and also your work.
    Hope you have a wonderful tomorrow.
    Hugs, Pat

  4. What a sweet giveaway! I already follow your lovely blog :-)

  5. I love the pillow. I have been redoing my bedroom and this would be perfect to win. Please enter me and I also follow you.


  6. Hi Rebecca,

    Oh what a darling little pillow you've made. I think if it were mine I'd want to keep it for myself ;-O.

    xoxo Cori

  7. Well I already follow you ,but I'd Love my name to be thrown in the hat again, Beautiful pillow ,someone will be very pleased to win this one!

  8. Good evening Rebecca
    What a Beautiful pillow! Please enter my name for the always I love following your blog and seeing what is offered on Ebay for sale. Blessing from Canada!


  9. Rebecca... right I am leaving a comment boy is this stunning or what I just LOVE Maude Humphrey reproductions Have not seen this one before but she is just so cute. I have even decided where I will place her should I be lucky enough to win. Ok down to business here... am a follower as you know, have left a comment, posted a link on my blog to you & last but not least have added your button to my blog. So now the count down begins huh hahaha.
    Hope you are having a great day..

    Lyn xxx

  10. that is so sweet and pink! who knew!!! Enter me but know I come here for YOU and not for the beautiful giveaways. Take care sweet Rebecca.

  11. Hi Rebecca..

    Do count me in your giveaway.. i love the ephemera image..

    btw I am a follower of your blog and always a silent reader :-)

    Have a great day

  12. I knew it would be sweet! It's absolutely gorgeous Rebecca. I can see all the love and time you put into her. Someone will be very blessed to have her. I've posted your giveaway on my sidebar for you. One day I will get your pretty link button on there too. I'm trying to learn to do a scrolling button thingie! So many of you have such pretty buttons. Add it to the list!

  13. Oh Rebecca.... I WANT IT!! I have just the place for your beautiful giveraway!!
    Did I mention I want it??
    Have a great day!

  14. Oh my, Rebecca! This is so sweet! I want it for my grandgirl! Thanks for offering this!

    I already follow. ♥

  15. That is SO sweet, please enter me. AND I am a follower too ♥

    Hugs from Marian

  16. Rebecca, I would love to be a winner!!

    1. I already follow your blog.

    2. I am leaving a comment.

    3. I posted a link from my blog

    4. I have your button on my blog.

  17. Ohhhhh, Rebecca! This is so elegant & precious a creation. You never cease to amaze me!

    I will be doing all 4 offers for you.

    Have a lovely day. Hugs of love, TTFN ~Marydon

  18. Rebecca,
    Let me be the first to say pleeease enter me for the Sweeeet Give-A-Way.

  19. This sachet is so lovely! You're right! That little face is so endearing. Not to mention your beautiful work.:)

  20. Rebecca,

    This pillow is adorable. I still cherish the pillow that I won before from you. I would love to win this one for my mom. Her birthday is the same day as your drawing! The little girl in the picture even looks like her when she was little.

    I put your button on my blog a while back and of course I am a follower. I love your blog. Your posts always leave me feeling blessed.

    Lee Laurie

  21. Muy lindo todo lo que haces, un abrazo Chany.-

  22. Hi there sweet Rebecca! OK...I have to enter. You know I have to, but I do feel a bit hoggish for it. I already have such a treasure from you. But two would be even better. It's just so beautiful!!!

  23. What a beautiful pillow. Thanks for a great give away.

  24. OK, gosh how did it get to be the 15th of Oct and I'm just now back over here? What a fun time I had *catching up*! Beauty, humor, encouragement for the heart all have been glad you are feeling better...and thanks for the sweet sweet words you left for me to let me know we're all battling the same thing:) I think it's getting harder even though we have less responibilities (kids at home). The pillow is gorgeous by the way...I love Maud Humphrey.
    Have a great day,

  25. This is so exciting to me knowing there is a chance of me winning this..... it is so lovely Rebecca. It would be so nice to get something from you, because anything you do is so pretty.

    Big Hugs-

  26. As always, sweet, sweet, sweet! Love your work, your blog, your spirit, your inspirations...and YOU, sweet R.

    Wish I had a blog to enter more times....maybe a new year project?

    Cheryl xo

  27. Thank you for sharing your story with me. And I am happy the Lord sent another...Twice Blessed. My story was to have only one but BOY! was/is he a great one. I am hoping for many grandchildren ;-)
    Now for your precious pillow Giveaway. I am leaving a comment, I have posted about it on my sidebar and I think I am already a follower but if not I correct that too.
    Thursday Sweet Blessings ;-)

  28. Hi there, I just stopped by from Holiday in the Sun and so glad I did. What a lovely blog you have and I know I'll be back often to visit. Please enter my name in the drawing. Have a wonderful day.

  29. Hi Rebecca,
    Thank you for having another giveaway :) You are so generous and I would love to win that sweet little pillow.
    Deb :)

  30. Rebecca,
    I am a follower, so this is my 2nd chance to win!!
    Deb :)

  31. Howdy Rebecca, I have added your giveaway button on my blog. I am a follwer. Please kindly sign me up for this gorgeous giveaway.


  32. Hello, it's me, Cindy@stitches.
    we are follower on each others blogs. I sure would love that pillow.

    be sweet

  33. Hi Rebecca,
    I would LOVE to win this sweetie! I have seen her before, and she is so cute! It would make a great birthday gift for me since my birthday is Oct. 20 he he!!

    Blessings to you, and thanks for offering your pretties to someone for free! I only wish I had the chance to enter more, but I don't have a blog of my own! :(

    Good luck to everyone!

  34. Sweet Rebecca....

    So glad you're feeling betta! It's just no good to feel crummy.

    Now, about your little work of art here....don't you think it would be so cute at the cottage? I'd love to have this little beauty. I'll just sit right here and wait for my e-mail notification. :-)

    Big Hugs,

  35. Your sachet pillow is so sweet and cute.
    It's a beautiful giveaway.

  36. Rebecca, what a gorgeous pillow! You really know how to get on one's girly side!

    I am a follower and will be happy to post your give-away on my blog sidebar with a link to you.


  37. Dearest Rebecca,
    On my bed are two beautiful creations made by you. but you know, there is never enough . I am not just hoping but praying that I will be the winner of the lovely sachet. It is so elegant.

    I also added your button to my own blog. It looks right at home among my other vignettes.

    I look forward to watching the excitement. Thank you for being such a blessing to all who follow your wonderful posts.

    In Grace,

  38. Rebecca i already do all of those things. I have a connect on my blog and your button and I belong to your updates and I am now posting. Your art is just beautiful very feminine and I love it. Thanks for the opportunity for the give-a-way. And your Yorkie is just adorable....yes it gave me a very nice smile this rainy morning.

  39. I have put a button link on my side bar. Lovely pillow . hope I win. :)

  40. would love to win this sweetie, I already follow your blog.
    thanks for the opportunity,

  41. Rebecca,
    Your dog is soooooo cute! My kids and husband want a dog, but of course, not the cute small type like you have, but a very large and ugly hunting dog! There is no way I want a house dog like that. All of my Rebecca pillows and goodies would get ruined! I can't imagine a big hunting dog in a house filled with dainty pinks and cottage whites!

  42. This belongs in my home, I can just see it in my mind's eye. Perfect!

  43. Rebecca, please enter my name in your precious drawing. What a sweet image! Debbie (Maine)

  44. Rebecca I just love following your blogs. You have such a fantastic fan club. Your work is beautiful and I can no longer resist entering your drawings!
    Outlet girl

  45. Hi Rebecca, I am a follower, although I am unable to put my picture on your follower list due to something kooky with google. I would love to win that sachet so I am putting up a button. Lavender is my favorite scent and one of my favorite colors. Blessings

  46. Hi Rebecca!
    That pillow is so darling!Please enter me in your give-a-way too!
    I must say that I enjoyed your post on Miss Mollie getting into your pillow filling!She is so darn cute!
    Laurie Beaudette

  47. Please enter me in your drawing for the darling pink pillow. You made a precious pillow for someone. Have a nice day.

  48. The pillow is so cute! :) Thanks for the great chance.

    -- Birgit

  49. Such a pretty...Would love to =own her....

    I can't wait to the circle in Orange to buy one of your little pretties there..

  50. If it's still okay, I would love to
    enter you giveaway. It is such a beautiful pillow, and I am sure I am already on your followers list.

    Hugz Lori

  51. Please enter me for this lovely sachet.
    I am a follower of your bloggie so I guess I have 2 chances to win.
    I am glad I just made the deadline :)

  52. Lovely pillow
    I follow noww
    egateris at gmail dot com

  53. Beautiful sachet that I'd love to call mine and make my drawer smell yummy so please enter me and I am a follower thanks

  54. I love your blog. I have just started one so not real blog literate yet. LOL What antique mall are you at in OKC would love to stop by and shop, love all your crafts.


  55. Hi Rebecca,
    What a lovely sachet! I am a follower and I just added your link to my blog. Your blog is dreamy...I just love looking at it.

  56. Very pretty! I am a faithful follower of your beautiful blog! I also have your button on my blog as well. :)
