Tuesday, July 20, 2010

~THE BLESSING of PINK and Thoughts on a Summer Day~


Of all the colors I’m starting to think
That I’m truly destined to dearly love pink
It soothes my soul and blesses my being
My heart ever joyful from the beauty I’m seeing

Of all of the colors I’m starting to think
That life isn’t possible without loving pink
For without it the ocean and shells in the sand
Would not be as beautiful, lovely or grand

I dream of a garden, soft petals in blush
Entwined in a trellis, pink flowers a must
Climbing and vining wherever life goes
While thanking my Maker for the tiniest rose

Of all of the colors I’m humbled to think
God gifted my heart by creating all pink
From down here on earth to the heavens above
He’s fashioned the universe with the color of love

For pink brings me laughter, sweetness and bliss
A gentle reminder of life’s dearest kiss
Wherever I wander and whatever I do
I pray God’s pink blessings of goodness on you

Rebecca Suzanne/2010

Blessings to you this lovely, lovely summer day.  


  1. Rebecca,
    You are a poet,
    and I didn't know it.

    Really, that was beautiful. You my dear are one multitalented lady.
    I bought a lampshade to redo today!

  2. Hello Rebecca!
    I love this poem! So appropriate for a pink lover! Did you write it?? So very clever!!
    Hugs, Laura

  3. Oh, I love it Rebecca! I feel the same way about pink. It evokes such wonderful feelings...all soft, all sweet, all happy!

  4. Lovely poem. And I feel the same way. But for me it's pink AND green. I gotta have them both all the time...but since pink flowers have green stems and leaves, it's pretty easy to include both in my decorating.

    Well, you have a lovely day.


  5. Beautiful Poem just like your soul!!

  6. Rebecca, you are as sweet as the color of pink that you dearly love! What a beautiful and blessed poem. Thank you, dear friend for sharing, truly beautiful.


  7. That was such a pretty poem. You should frame it and paint your pink roses on the frame. I love pink...my favorite.

    Lee Laurie

  8. Such a sweet poem...love it!

  9. Rebecca,
    Thank you for sharing this pink appreciation post!
    Pink is truly a lovely, lovely color.
    God bless,

  10. Oooh Rebecca, that is just beautiful! I read it twice and loved every line... you are such a lovely, talented lady and you just exude happiness in everything you do! And that makes everyone else happy, like me! xoxo Julie Marie PS Our laptop is working now, but our main computer is not... at least I can read blogs and comment!

  11. Sweet ~r~,
    This was PerFectly PiNk BEAUTIFUL !! Did you REALLY write this !! See, what can't my girly friend do ?! I think you wrote this for Meee ... How PeRfEct .. And, the RoSe picture BEAUTIFUL !! You just made my day !! I'm off to Find PiNk, don't have to go too far in my little ole home !! It's all over the place, and tickles my heart and soul daily ~
    BiG PiNk HuGs ~tea~

  12. Hi Rebecca,
    I love your post, it's very sweet and charming. And....you are not going to believe this!!! I just wrote a post last night about pink!
    I haven't put it up yet, but we were both thinking the same way.
    I just know you must be my long lost sister.....we both love many of the same things.


  13. Lovely just lovely.....


  14. Be there a thing
    in pink or blue
    that talented Rebecca
    of Gathering Thoughts
    cannot do?
    Precious prose from
    God's own rose.
    beatiful poem...

  15. Rebecca, that was so lovely to read and enjoy. I love reading your poems, you should write more they give joy.

    hugs, Maureen.....

  16. Okay, Rebecca, that's it! You are a writer!! I know you are blessed with many other gifts, but deep in your soul resides the gift of words, and the expressions that only a writer can create with those words.

    I Love your poem. You need to do a repost on this for Pink Saturday.

  17. Beautiful! Pink truly is a peaceful, sweet color of love and a blessing from a wonderful God!

    I would, with your permission, like to post your poem on my blog...may I?

    Thank you ever so much for sharing this beautiful writing with us!

    Love and Hugs!
    Grandma G's

  18. Hello dear Rebecca,

    What a beautiful poem! I truly feel the same way about pink. There should be a pink holiday!!

    Hugs to you,

  19. Rebecca, lovely! Oh, I have to laugh, I truly wish you and tea could have seen our home ten years ago. I still have pictures. It was a pink haven.

    I love the lamp shade tutorial. It has been a long time since I have done this. I used to embellish lamp shades with roses. My...those were something. Ha.

    Joys for today!
    Hugs, Barb ♥

  20. What a lovely little poem! I'm totally impressed, it almost makes me want to choose pink for my favorite color! Currently it's green...Don't you think pink & green go well together? :)

  21. Such a lovely poem. So sweet it's about pink. Hope you are having a great weekend.
