Tuesday, November 9, 2010



Yesterday I moseyed my little self down to our local BULLS-EYE store (um...that would be what my once pre-school children called the place with the big red and white sign) to have a look around.  I like calling TARGET by it's snobby sounding counterpart, TARJAY.  Doing so (albeit in a mocking sort of way) helps bring into focus how easy it is for people (and yep, that would be ME!) to get caught up with shopping at big-dollar stores because they have 'rich' sounding titles.

Totally ridiculous! :)
(Chic Tarjay)

That said...I love Tarjay!
(See...I told you that is what I call it!)

Anyway...after carting the things I actually visited the store to purchase (boring food stuff), I decided to BROWSE around a bit just to see what was new.  Now...after hauling a bunch of  worthless pathetic junk no longer needed items to our local charity this past summer I vowed to 'nevah, evah' again allow myself to even get close to the possibility of becoming a hoarder.  So...I planned just to LOOK and maybe DREAM.

I did figure I was fairly safe as my Mr. AGPMan was in tow and us ladies know that when our men are pushing the cart for us it isn't nearly as fun to window shop.

As we turned the corner onto the Christmas goodies aisle I just stood there for a second.  The store had many lovely things...some shiny blingish decor (is blingish a word?), glitzy retro stuff and lots of mirrored table-top Trees with a 1960's flair!  I also saw lots of 'lodge looking' stuff that I immediately thought would look lovely in some mountain cabin.  I somewhat expected a big MOOSE HEAD with those gigantic antlers thingies to jump out and attack me  or something, but in the end I felt pretty safe.  Still...all in all I must tell you I was a little bit disappointed by their holiday offerings...no real 2die4 finds if you know what I mean!

As my guy and I headed towards the checkout we passed a crowded end-cap and it was there I saw the PINK TREE you see at the top.  Only it wasn't PINK!  It was RED!

Well...my mind quickly started to race and so I reached up and grabbed the lacy looking find.  There were actually two sizes of Trees.  One fifteen incher and one that was about a foot tall.  I chose the tallest one and decided right then and there it would be mine.

Now...I truly thought this little sweetie would look charming after her makeover and would be the perfect complement for my romantic cottage home this Christmas.  I already knew I'd paint her a soft, pale pink and quite possibly give her a quick "sugaring" and maybe even a light dusting of sparkling glitter.

 Before long my soon to be PINK TREE was whizzing it's way down to the cashier right next to the latest issue of ROMANTIC HOMES MAGAZINE (which I remembered to grab on my way out).
(I'm in Print!)

As my guy paid for our purchases I thumbed through the pages of the Magazines for a quick look inside.  After a few seconds I found it!  Dressed in pink, complete with ribbons and roses was my A Gathering Place Ad!  

"Long time coming" I thought.

Early this morning, hours after the Tree's transformation, I couldn't help but feel so blessed.  The simplest of life's joys continue to make me smile...

Little things like red trees I dream of turning pink...
shopping for groceries with my honey at TARJAY...
finally getting the courage to place an ad for my tiny business...
and sharing my heart (and finds) with you!

Thanks for stopping by again~
Love to you this beautiful Tuesday...


  1. I love your post today Rebbecca! Congrats on your ad in RH! Oh, I too call Target by it's more sophisticated name! (giggle) And I love what you did to that little tree, I will have to scope it out this weekend.

  2. I enjoyed reading your post today. I love what you did with the little red tree. It was meant to be pink. I read a few posts that I missed, I haven't had time to do much blog reading and I have missed it. Your inspire me as always.

  3. Hi Rebecca,
    I'm so impressed:) I have to say, it would never occur to me to redo something in a store other than a thrift store or something like it. How bad is that. Now I'm inspired!
    Very pretty tree...and the ad is wonderful!

  4. Love that tree. You made it gorgeous. and yes I am a TarJay fan!

  5. I love you pink tree...but I also love the red tree too...because I love red LOL. Really Rececca you did a great job re-creating the tree to blend into your lovely pink cottage home..Please show us where you put her.
    It seems every time Gary and I go into Target he gets lost in the electronics and I get lost in the decorating isle or the linens LOL. So then in order to find each other we have to call each other on our cell phones...
    Have a sweet day and hugs, Elizabeth

  6. Your Pink version is much better! Oh, I like the pink target symbol too!




  8. Wow! Congratulations on your ad. What a heartwarming story and I will have to pick up a copy of the magazine. Sadly, I haven't heard of it before following your blog.

    I love the soft pink tree...

  9. I have had such fun reading your post....I love that you call Target Tarjay.....years ago J.C. Penny's was called J.C Panay.....
    We girls have to have fun, uh?

    Love what you did to the Christmas tree...so much cuter your way......

    I am so glad you stopped by for a visit today and I hope you will come again. I definitely will be back to visit you.....

  10. Rebecca-Taht tree turned out just great- It is BEAUTIFUL!!! I have fun shopping at Target too but sometimes find some of their stuff a bit modern for my taste. I love that you took that red tree and painted it red. I want to do some things with my grands for Christmas. I know you are one of the "glitter queens" of Blog land. Do you have a certain kind you use or one you would reccommend? There is such a wide choice and I'm sure some are better than others.

    I love coming here for my pink fix...and congrats on FINALLY getting your ad in there! hugs-Diana

  11. Oh, I love Tarjay also....quite a wonderful shopping experience wouldn't you say (add snobbish tone to get the effect!)
    But of course, you know I have a story. One day when my kiddos were little (insert sniff, sniff here) we were talking about hitting the stores, you know, Walmart, K-mart and I said Tarmart....well, it stuck and they are still going to Tarmart!!

  12. Am I the only person who doesn't shop at Target? For real? Yes we have one, but I really hate the place. I go maybe once or twice a year, usually around Christmas.

    However, your remade tree is so, so cute! I espcially like how you made it all girly and sparkly. You'll have to show us where you put it in your house later.

  13. I love your "PINK" tree and that was fast thinking about transforming it :)
    I love Tarjay also and have been calling that for several years.
    Great Post!

  14. so much better!!! but everything looks better in PINK!!!!

  15. YEAH!!! Oh I love that you're in RH! really wonderful! And that tree is just so perfect. yes, uh huh, too red for me, too. The pink is so you!!
    love ya, Girl!

  16. I love your tranformation with the tree. But I just bought Romantic Home magazine and found your ad last nite. Good for you. Sally

  17. Hi Rebecca!
    I have never shopped at Tarjay, but I just might after seeing that cute tree transformed into something so sweet.
    Congratulations on your business ad. You have really gone uptown girl!


  18. With two kids, tarjay is a second home! So is walmart! I love your tree makeover. Love it, love it, love it! Thanks, now I need to run to tarjay! =)


  19. Congratulations on your ad!! I would feel all soft and mushy inside if it were mine!! Now I can say i knew you when!!

    Love your pink tree and I love how you always see the possibilities in the most ordinary. You are a lady who knows what she wants!! Great job! :-)


  20. Beautiful pink tree! I would never be able to have the vision that you have! I received my Romantic Homes magazine and I saw you in it:) How special is that? I am so proud for you! Have a blessed day with your new pinky tree! HUGS!

  21. Well Rebecca, your home will certainly be enhanced with that wonderful "pink" tree that you bought. It turned out great. I love it. I've gotten tired dragging down the "big" tree and wished that I had a much smaller one. But... I have so many pretty ornaments that I don't want to get rid of and they wouldn't fit on a small tree! What to do? Ha!

  22. Hahahahaha ... Why is it that after all these years, you STILL can make mee crack UP !! LoVeD this sweet TARJAY add of yours !! I LoVe this store, especially because there, I can STILL find my PiNk, creams and whites, RoSey Rachel Ashwell pretties !! YEP !! It's those ailes that I just stand in, and continue to want everything created !! Pure and Simple Shabby Chic !!

    I did come home, and found your sweet ad in Romantic Homes !! Actually it found me .. Soo you .. and soo soft and pretty !! LoVe it !! How long did you talk about doing that !! Now, it's actually in there .. my famous friend you are !!

    No matter how much I've collected of your beautiful, transformed creations, I'm always wanting more !! Such a delight you are my friend ~

    Thanks for the giggles, and the sweet words you write .. you always tickle my heart !! Happy evening to you and your LoVe ~
    Big HuGs ~TeA~ xo

  23. Hi Rebecca, I am taking a break from embroidery and reading what my friends have been doing. I love your redo. We go to Target just to browse at time. Their store is wheel chair friendly and I can get exercise while we are looking around. I enjoyed reading your previous post. My kids did the same when it comes to the computer. They told me that was the only way I was going to learn. Have a great day. Your Missouri Friend.

  24. What a pleasant and fun post to read!! I Love your New Tree, it's just as cute and Pink as can be!! I would have painted it Pink too.
    Have a wonderful week!
    Huggs, Nancy

  25. Hi,

    I love your blog!!!!!

    Hope you visit me too.


  26. I was just saying to my friend Ann Marie after our visit to Country Folks ( please stop by A Debbie-Dabble Christmas to see) about going to Target to check out what they have for Christmas!! What a fantastic transformation!! Love it!!

    Debbie @ A Debbie-Dabble Christmas

  27. Just love your transformation! Definitely much better and inspired!

  28. Congratulations on the ad! I'll have pics up later of some ornaments I've been working on. Stop by and take a look when you get a chance.

  29. The little red (PINK) tree is absolutely beautiful.
    Hope to find one at our local Tarjay.... we will see. but mine will be white...eventually...
    Have a great day!!!

  30. It is lovely! I just love how you have the "eye" to take something from the store and give it a great tweak. :) Kit

  31. Love the tree! And the stockings! You make it look so easy....

    I miss you so much! I sent your bithday/Christmas early - you should be getting it any day. Let me know when it arrives!

    Love you!


  32. WOW!!! Your tree is absolutely wonderful, love the pink. Congrats on your ad.

  33. Dear Rebecca,
    Congratulations on your ad!!
    I like Target too...wouldn't it be neat if their logo was in pink and the shopping carts too! Now that would really be my type of store.
    Love what you did with the tree. I am not much of a red person either, too much makes me feel nervous!

  34. Love that sweet pink. Much nicer your way than the red!

    Congrats on your ad. I can't believe you needed to find "courage" to place it. You are SOOOO talented! You should have an ad in every magazine!

  35. Hello dear Rebecca,

    Oh my, I love this transformation!
    It's much better in pink anyway! I might have to get one of those now.
    I too love TarJay. lol Did you spray paint it? May I ask what color pink? thanks sweetie.


  36. hooray for you! you deserve to be in
    that magazine more than anyone!

  37. too too sweet tree!!
    Lovely ad too.
    ( I, like you, often 'lurch', but do not leave comments.)
    So appreciated when you do. =)


    barbara jean

  38. TARJAY should hire you as their new graphic designer and spokesperson!! Tee Hee

    Love that Red/now PINK tree!! Becca-liscious for sure!

    Big TX Hugs,
    Angelic Accents

  39. Love the light pink tree, so pretty!
