Tuesday, November 29, 2011


(Almost Done)

Oh golly...it's 11AM here in the state of Oklahoma and boy am I already behind!  I have lots of studio work to finish up today and since I stayed up late working on our Christmas decorations I can assure you this ol' body of mine is draggin'!  Since I don't drink coffee (I'm hearing you all GASP!) and I'm trying desperately to break my addiction to Caffeine (via Diet Coke) my only consistent vice is spiced tea.

And...since I've taken to buying the kind with the good stuff taken out (again that would be caffeine) I'm struggling a bit this morning to stay focused...

And so...I'll be in my little studio today working on lots of fun things and trying to catch up.  Truthfully, my neatly kept fabric stash kinda-sorta looks like it threw-up all over the place.  I'm thinking about having my girl come over to help me clean it up.  She's an organizer extraordinaire (probably comes from working in the lingerie dept at Dillard's during High School) and no doubt she'll whip it back into shape in no time.
(AdrieGirl...if you are reading this your Momma needs to be rescued!  Hurry...get over here! XOXO)
(Old Buttons and Ribbons, too!)

Today marks the third anniversary of my Gramma's passing and I'm thinking that might have something to do with my melancholy mood.  An amazingly gifted woman, she taught me most of what I know today about sewing.  Forever in her debt, I'll always be grateful she allowed me to sew play on her old brown Kenmore Sewing Machine when I was a little girl.

"Love and miss you so very much, Grams. xo Becky"
Mom, Linda (Sister), Adrienne (daughter), Gramma, Me
(Happy Times in 2006)
~Mine and Gramma's Hands~

Hope your day is wonderful.  December is almost here!  Time for the JOY to begin!

Love to you...


  1. Dearest Rebecca,

    Oh, this time of the year and certainly on a dreary day, one can become easily melancholic. The reason of your dear grandmother is a valid one too... Love the photo of the two hands! She taught you a skill that already was inherited but needed some polishing and encouragement in order to shine the way you LET it shine. Such talented women as you are rare. Certainly your grandma is laughing from heaven.

    Love to you,


  2. Your grandma has taught you a talent that will keep you close to her and no one can take that away. I bet she is smiling down at you, especially today. Big hugs to you.

  3. Love the picture of you and grandma's hands!

  4. Rebecca, I understand completely. My studio is used as 'command central' during the Christmas decorating and it is driving me to distraction! I absolutely HATE disorder.

    The picture of your hands is charming.

    Can you believe Christmas is soooo close?! Eeek!

    Hugs, Barb

  5. Hi Rebecca~How wonderful to have inherited your talents from the beautiful ladies in your family :)
    Your tree is looking just gorgeous my talented friend :)
    I'm sure your beautiful girly will be over to help her beautiful mama.....lol!!


  6. Your tree is looking good! I'm not a coffee drinker, but try to limit my pop to once a week or less. Need my morning tea, though...every day!

    I've wanted to have a picture of my mom, Sarah, and my hands. Maybe I can try for it this Christmas.♥♫

  7. Hugs to you sweet Rebecca. I know it is so very hard to lose those we love so much. It is coming up on 3 years that I lost my sissie. I miss her so much too.

    We have our sweet memories...and they always live on in our hearts.

    May God wrap His loving arms around you and bring you comfort honey.

    There sure are a lot of beautiful ladies in that picture! Lovely!


  8. Oh I am so sorry about the loss of your grandma - the first year is so hard. What lovely pictures that you have to remember her by. The hands were beautiful! sandie

  9. Hello Rebecca... love the photo of you and your grandma's hands together... yesterday, it has been 4 years since my daddy passed away, so I am having a very hard time as well... love to you, xoxo Julie Marie

  10. Oh dear Rebecca, I adore that picture of you and your Grandma's hands... precious!

    You are really making some pretties in your studio! The caffeine... gotta have my coffee in the morning but that is all for me!

    Have a blessed day my friend, HUGS!

  11. Hi Rebecca: I woke up thinking about you. Said a little prayer for you and your family. Now I see you were feeling a little sad. Can wait to see your home all dressed up for Christmas. Next year I am going to buy a Christmas stocking for my Granddaughter Sophia from you. I will be better financially and I want her to have one of yours. So start planning something beautiful. Have a wonderful week. My home must look like yours. Christmas is always so messy to put up. Love you lots, Martha

  12. Oh, my. What a wonderful photo of your Grandmother's hands. Love it.
    Good luck on no caffeine. I haven't been able to have it for a very long time!
    Come by and check out the linky party I'm having on Fridays for December for us to encourage each other this month!!

  13. Hey Sweets...your life sounds a bit like mine right now. Putting finishing touches on decor cuz my mom and dad are coming for a short visit..yeah me!!!
    I can sooo relate to your down mood...my grammy passed away last christmas and she was trully an inspiration to my creativity...a woman before her time. She taught me how to crochet and i have so many things she created...so glad im sentimental and have kept many treasures from her. She was 96 and knitted and crocheted hats and blankies for the hospital even up to her last days!

    Want to see more of your lovely home all dudded for the CHRISTmas time okay?

    Be blessed,

  14. Rebecca,
    I know how it is to lose a loved one and the heartache always hurts more around the holidays. The only thing that gets me through most days is knowing we will all be reunited in Heaven one day :)
    Your tree is gorgeous with all the lovely decorations. I am still working on mine!
    I have never drank coffee and I don't even own a coffee maker. I do love my Diet Coke!
    Take care and Hugs,

  15. Oh what lovely memories you have of your grandmother. They are so special. It is hard to give up the ones you so dearly love. Have a good December!

  16. My hands are looking like your dear Grandmothers. I loved this post... My Grandmother taught how to sew too..but I didn't pass it on. Sometimes I wonder why. Maybe the times were just different.

  17. I CANNOT wait to see the finished tree!!! :):):)

  18. My grandma also taught me sewing, knitting, crocheting and all sorts of other crafts when I was a little girl. I think back to those times so often, the wonderful times we spent together crafting.
