Friday, November 11, 2011



For the past couple of days I've been working a huge special order for one of my website buyers in Michigan.  She purchased fifteen (yes I said FIFTEEN) vintage lace Christmas Stockings for a charity auction hosted by her church and so needless to say getting them all ready has taken most of my time and focus this week.  She is donating the Stockings for the new Children's Outreach Center formed by her local congregation.  I was taken back by how benevolent she is (you bless the world, Miss L!).  I mean...I might donate ONE...maybe even of two...but FIFTEEN???  I sure did learn a lot about the enormous capacity the heart has to give from this generous lady...

Some people just amaze me with their goodness!

Anyway~the Stockings are boxed up and on their way and I can once again BREATHE! :)
(Thank you, God, for such great business!)
~TWO by TWO~

Last night I took a little break from sewing (and packing) and treated my Momma to dinner.  My Mr. AGPMan is back home, but generally has class on Thursday's so it's a great time to have some one-on-one conversation with my Mother.  After a scrumptious meal at our favorite Chinese restaurant we stopped off at our local Goodwill to browse around.  I was hoping to find a GREAT used Christmas Tree but they didn't have a single one!  Now...this thrift shop is NOT the best one I've ever been too.  I go there routinely but rarely find anything good.  However, I did snag a pair of embossed metal sign/hooks that I think will look absolutely fabulous once they are transformed.

For all you ladies who are asking me about  new things coming soon that will be painted out in a FRESH WHITE well this is it!  Hand painted PINK ROSES (yummmm) will be painted on the front where the paper labels had been...

Removing paper signage isn't really hard...peel off the top coating to get to the paper's under-layer.  Wet this paper with water and then scrunge off with a one of those green scraper pads.  Dry off and then use Goo-Gone (or label remover) to remove the old sticky labels!

Right now these two little beauties are drying in the Oklahoma Sun!  Hope to have at least one done by this weekend!
(Thank-You, Francy Girl)

While I was finishing the Stockings for Miss L's charity auction I managed to finish two for my website.  I love, love, love working with old laces and antique trims and using them to fashion heirloom style Stockings and Pillows.

And I'm always on the hunt for great old buttons~

The image of the beautiful little girl you see below is a reproduced Frances Brundage print.  She's one of my favorite girls!!!  The graphic is over a century old now...  Can anyone compare to Miss Brundage's work?
I think not!

This one comes accented with a vintage scarf/ascot used for the bow! 

The next one is one I just finished this morning but haven't photographed as of yet...

It was made using both new, older and vintage laces but was made without a vintage graphic as it's focal point...  Love that carved shell button on the front...

Here's a shot of it before the ruffle and lining were added!


Now...before I scoot for the day I just have to add my little two-cents about the Penn State debacle... 

I'm personally horrified over the recent events being played out over the news...  My thoughts and prayers are with all those innocent boys and their families who suffered the depravity of grown men.  I pray the full measure of the law will be enforced and ultimately bring them the swift justice they deserve.


I hope your day is lovely and blessed.  Tonight is date night with my hubster!  I've been missing him this week sooooo much~

Love to you...


  1. Good morning Rebecca... first I must say how I loved hearing about Miss L who is donating your beautiful handmade stockings for the little children... I am still smiling as I can just picture her and what a precious soul she must be... all of your new creations are stunning, as always... much love to you... xoxo Julie Marie

  2. Love that vintage lace stocking!!
    My sweet mother is smiling down on it,
    happy you made something so beautiful with it!! (Me, too!)
    I love all the stockings you are making...they are each gorgeous and will grace any mantle they are hung...
    You do such delicate, dainty work.
    I just know the tin signs will be lovely when you "gussie" them up with your fabulous roses! What a neat idea!
    I am sure you enjoyed your dinner out with your mother last night, it is always so good to have some "Mom"
    time to yourself. I know she feels blessed to have such a caring daughter
    (s), too....
    And enjoy your "date" tonight!! Berch and I were just saying we have so little "us" time lately that as soon as I can get out, we are going to go to dinner and maybe a movie together. Life does get hectic and keeps you from these special times we
    so need...
    Yes, the Penn thing is horrifying and
    it is not only there either...just SICK, isn't it. Makes you want to hold your children close at
    never know..........
    Have a happy, relaxing weekend..
    Warm hugs and love, Francy

  3. Those are going to be wonderful when you are done with them, Rebecca. Do you know what else works if you are out of Goo-Gone? Plain old liquid fabric softner. You put it on and leave it for a bit and the glue just rolls up under your fingers (or a scrubber).

    How generous of that lady to donate 15 of your beautiful stockings. She knows a good thing when she sees it! xo Diana

  4. I just know the tins will be beautiful when you are finished. The stocking is lovely also. You do such pretty work.

    The Penn State scandal was shocking to me. I didn't realize that they were talking about young children until I read the HLN Grand Jury Report - my heart just broke for those boys.

    Have a great Veteran's Day weekend. We are fortunate to live where the Blue Angels call home so we have been treated to their air show today.

  5. Hello! I wanted to come by to thank you for stopping by my blog and leaving such a nice comment.

    You do beauitful things here and I am your newest follower. Everythin here is just gorgeous! *jill*

  6. I am lucky enough to own some of you Christmas stockings and several of your pillows. My favorite pillow is one that you cross-stitched with Merry Christmas on. I am so in-love with the travel case in your give-away...Can't wait to see who the lucky person is that will win...Vera

  7. Hi Most Beautiful Rebecca! Oh, what a generous lady that is and your stockings are so beautiful! What a blessing to the ones who'll receive them and charity!
    Those little tins will be so pretty with your special 'Rebecca' touch on them!
    I'm thrilled you would share this pattern with your mom. If she makes one be sure and take a picture of it so we can see it. Mine never do turn out to look like the ones in the pattern. My pony looks like it's been on a diet! :)
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  8. Dearest Rebecca,

    Indeed that lady exceeded most people's generosity! She made you labor hard but it feels good, that's for sure. Enjoy your evening off with your love and you do create the loveliest of things!!!

    A tight hug to you after a busy, busy week!


  9. There are some incredibly generous people in this world, gives you hope, doesn't it? What a fabulously large order for you thats just wonderful.
    I just know that the tin signs/hooks will look fantastic once you have finished with them.
    Enjoy the weekend, xx

  10. Hello Rebecca
    I had to chuckle at your tree hunting post. We've used a faux tree for years and they really don't last that long -hope you find one in time.
    Your stockings are are adorable and the lady that bought so many for the auction is going to make some happy people that win them.
    You have a gift for turning ordinary into extraordinary.

  11. Hey sweetie,
    Wow...what an inspiring story you shared. That we all should be so generous with what god has given us! I wonder where in Michigan she is?

    Have a great weekend my friend.
    Be blessed!
