Wednesday, January 4, 2012


Zinsser (Primer) and Cottage White Paint (Behr)

I hope you all are having a great hump day!  I'm enjoying my time off from work (although what I do never truly seems like work to me!) and have loved doing a few things around my home just for pleasure.
Perfectly Fabulous

This morning I'm going to show you where I am in the makeover process of the Telephone Chalkboard Sign I showed you yesterday.  If you missed that post you can click on the highlighted link above to check it out!
Love The Aging Process

Early yesterday morning I painted out the Chalkboard Frame with my favorite Cottage White Paint.  Because I was covering red pigment paint I decided to add a tiny bit of primer in with my paint for the final coat (I gave it three).  Since the primer is white it only lightened my cottage white paint a tiny little bit and I love how it came out!  Try this if you are having trouble with your favorite paint covering a darker ground.
Several years ago I started using original paper patterns for my roses because once drawn they can be reduced in size or made larger to accommodate most any project.  They can also be printed out in mirror image and that is what I plan to do on the chalkboard header.

I'm not using the word "PARIS" on the Chalkboard!  I just needed to find the right size for the lettering and to decide on the font I wanted to use... So I tucked a previously printed pattern into the opening (it's too tall and not wide enough for the framed space...also the font is all wrong!).  I STILL haven't settled on what to paint in the opening~ I may wait until the roses are painted and see if something special speaks to me.... 

She's looking good so far and I can't wait to finish her up and hang her in place.  I rarely paint items for myself anymore so I'm very excited about doing the artwork on this one!

Just before Christmas one of my precious blogger friends sent my Miss K a little book called "What are Little Girls Made Of?" and a little something extra (thank you, Julie Marie).  I had her read it to me but not before snapping the picture you see above...

When I was in third grade (just like Miss K is now) my father bought me a little potholder kit. I gave one to my daughter, Adrienne, when she was about the same age and for Christmas I bought one for Miss K as well.  While my guy was ripping up tile flooring last Saturday my Miss K sat in front of my coffee table and created away!  I loved watching her!  Brought back the sweetest memories of my own childhood and that of my AdrieGirl...

Half way through making potholder #1 (she made 4) Miss K's sweater came off!  Our extra warm temps last Saturday made for a glorious day!  And just like my momma had to help me and I helped Adrienne, Miss K needed some extra assistance in 'chaining' the loops together once the weaving was done...  Seeing her make and design something with her own hands made me smile big!  I will treasure that potholder for always.

More soon!

Love to you...


  1. awesome New Year to you Rebecca!

    Good for you for painting something for your nest! I just bought some of that primer with my Christmas money! I heard about it first from you. :)

    Isn't just so sweet to watch little grand girls craft? Mine don't stick with it long but they have fun while doing it and then it's on to the next thing. ♥

  2. love it!!!
    sooooo cute, crafting with your sweetie!

  3. Oh my goodness, Rebecca! I had a potholder maker when I was a little girl too and was thrilled that there was still such a thing when I had my daughters!! My granddaughters are 4 & almost 3 so they are still too young but I have saved my daughter's potholder makers for a special time someday w/ grandchildren!! I am such a romantic that I just love this post!!

    Oh I also want to thank you again for the beautiful stockings that you made!!! It was my favorite gift to give to my granddaughters!!

    Hugs!! Carolyn ~ Cottage Sunshine

  4. I look forward to seeing your finished project. I know it will be beautiful!

    Miss K has such a sweet look to her. I love that she's doing a craft both her mother and you did in the past.

  5. I think your chalkboard is going to be so sweet and pretty...when you have finished painting the roses on it, it will tell you on it's own what to print beneath them!
    It must be fun to be making something just for YOU and doing it to YOUR liking!!
    Miss K is such a cutie-pie..she looks like she is going to take after her Nana and be a craftor/creator just like you. Never too young to start doing hand-made things like that! I remember me
    trying to cross-stitch a dishtowel
    when I was about her age, and I could not get the stitches to look good, and then my grandmother came for a visit from out of town, and she, being a fabulous knitter, hand-embroider, and crocheter, taught me what I was doing wrong...and ever since then I have loved embroidery of any kind!!I also remember those little pot holders, they came out after I grew up, but my neices made some and I used to love for them to give me one in my favorite colors!!
    I'll be waiting to see what the chalkboard ends up looking like...
    you need to make some for us now!LOL
    Big hugs, Francy

  6. Oh my... I haven't seen one of those potholder looms for years... made them when I was a kid, too! ... and my daughters after me.
    Love the way your chalkboard is looking!!!

  7. I am so anxious to see your new chalkboard done, Rebecca. It is fun to see it "in the process". I almost got one of those little looms for Lulu for Christmas. I had one when I was about that age, too. Now I think it might make a cute little Valetine's Day gift. Enjoy your little work break-xo Diana

  8. Painting again??! I can't wait to see your latest creation!!

    Loved seeing Miss K. enjoying her book...Julie Marie is the sweetest blogger I know!


  9. Can't wait to see the finished project. I made tons of those potholders for girl scouts then sold them, happy memories!


  10. Hi Rebecca,
    First, Ms. K is a sweetheart :) :) It looks like she's really enjoying her gifts :) :) So sweet :) ):

    Your chalkboard is looking better and better. I can't wait to see it all painted up :) :) Love and hugs from the ocean shores of California,Heather :)

  11. Wow this turned out really nice. I know you are really proud of it.
    Your granddaughter is just beautiful.
    Glad your enjoying your time off.

  12. Как интересно! Получается что-то очень красивое! Быстрей бы увидеть готовую работу!:)
