Saturday, March 17, 2012



Just a quick hello today to wish you a happy day!  I'm swamped with work today as my Mr. AGPMan and I are trying to put the final touches on my updated
So much MORE to work on than we expected and we still have tons left to do!

If all goes well I hope to reopen my site next Sunday (that will be March 25th).  More about this during the coming week!  I still have lots of pictures to take, descriptions to write and product to complete!  That said...I'm back in my studio trying to stay focused on finishing the most important things!

Today I'm honoring my IRISH SIDE which comes to me via my lovely father!  No corned beef and cabbage for me and certainly no green beer.  Not my thing!  But...I did make my honey and I some lime-aids and key-lime pie.
Does that count???

Hope your day is wonderful!

Love to you... 


  1. Yes!! Key Lime Pie most certainly DOES count!

    I usually make a creme de menthe cake...with a layer of chocolate icing and green-tinted whipped cream on top. Not this year, though. I'm trying to be good. :o(


  2. Good luck on getting your new site up and running! I hope all goes well there. We have Key Lime Pie here today, too...and no corned beef or cabbage in sight! Happy St. Paddy's Day! xo Diana

  3. Happy St. Paddy's Day, lassie!

  4. Just stopping by and wishing you a Happy St. Pat's day and saying hello! sandie

  5. Hi sweet friend, I hope you have a wonderful weekend with some relaxing. I'll eat your share of corned beef and cabbage.
    Hugs, Noreen

  6. What a lovely post! Happy St. Patrick's Day, Rebecca! ((hugs))

    I be a bit Irish, meself...from me Papa's side, too.

    I love the idea of key-lime pie. MMmmMmmm! Mouth is watering here.

  7. Happy St. Patricks Day to you too! Can't wait to see your new digs! xo

  8. It does count:) Can't wait to shop in your new place! BIG HUGS and many blessings!

  9. Happy St. Patrick's Day Rebecca!... you don't like corned beef and cabbage??? MMMMM... I love it, but I would really LOVE some of your Key Lime pie!... can't wait for your website to open, open, open... xoxo Julie Marie

  10. i had a very quiet St. Pat's Day and as i sat playing on the computer....i thought green pie sure would taste great about noooow.
    You dun goooood!

  11. Dearest Rebecca,

    Hope you nevertheless enjoyed you Irish heritage! There is always heaps of work to be done... but you will manage to pull this off together; no doubt.
    Love to you,


  12. It's good to celebrate your Irish side, and yes, limeade and key lime pie count for me! Have a happy day.
