Friday, May 18, 2012

~WHITE SCROLLY EDGING...The Perfect Accent~


For the past couple of days I've been down at my new booth space getting it ready to fill up!  It's taking me a lot of time because for the first time in my LIFE I'm learning to use a screw-gun all on my own.  I'm going to skip telling you how it took me over five minutes to figure out how to turn the stupid complicated hi-tech silly thing on and jump right into what I did with it!

(Hey...I sew and paint!  That's enough!)

See that decorative scrolly looking stuff in the picture above?  Well...I found a huge box (36 pieces) of vintage garden edging at an estate sale about three or four years ago and it's been hiding away untouched in my storage shed ever since (incredibly it matches some I'd previously bought at a tag sale, only at that one I only snagged 10 pieces)!  I spray painted it Heritage White (Home Depot) and then all on my own-some screwed it to the pergola style awning my Mr. AGPMan fashioned for my space!

Let's start from the beginning!  OK?  Here's where I left off...

The photo above is what the pergola style frame looked like a couple of days ago!

It's hard to see with the lighting but here is a shot of the framework with the scolly edging.  It's across the front and both sides!

Once the scrolly edging was screwed onto the pergola frame I grabbed a roll of drapery sheer fabric I found at an estate sale for $10.  The roll was huge and I almost didn't buy it.  Glad now I did!  What I didn't realize was that it was folded in half on the roll so what I THOUGHT was 54" wide sheer fabric was in reality 108" of fabric.  I wove it over and under the awning and it was an easy camouflage for the UGLY florescent lighting!

Here's another shot of the space with half the fabric in place!  Little by little the space is coming together!

Here's what the inside of the booth looks like looking up from the center!  I love it!  Softens the entire space and diffuses the harsh lighting!

OK...the fabric is up, the scrolly trim is up and the vines I bragged about getting a couple of weeks ago accent the front edge of the awning!  My guy has leveled the back alcove area of my space (where you see the vintage doors propped up the floor angles upward) and the old painted doors are hung in place.  They will be used as a wall on the booth's right side!

Whoot!  Whoot!  Whoot!

This is sooo exciting!  Almost as good as being a dealer in Country Roads way out there in Orange, Cali! :)

(Hi, Tanza!  Miss You!!!)

The photo above is what the space looks like right now!  Lots of things to price and tag!  Next to writing online descriptions for product this is my least favorite thing to do!

 Now...a little something extra to tell you....

While working on my space I met a sweet blogger friend, Cheryl, and her hubby, Todd (the one who asked my guy if he was 'Mr. AGPMan' a few weeks ago).  They came into the shoppe to browse around and I was sooo happy to finally meet them face to face.  Cheryl has been a customer of mine and now she is my friend!!!  How cool is that?  And if that wasn't enough another lady came in I thought I recognized from wayyyyyyyyy back and come to find out she was one of my customers when I had a booth about 17 years ago.  Isn't that something???

All in all it was a FUN DAY!

For those of you who have been waiting to hear about the APRON DRAWING...well, I drew the name for the winner of my latest giveaway a couple of days ago.  The winner is Danielle Rader and her comment was sent to me directly as she doesn't have a blog and I don't accept anonymous comments!  As soon as I connect with her (she hasn't responded as of yet) I will let you know more about the winner!  Thanks to all of you who joined in!  I'll have another giveaway soon...maybe one to celebrate the opening of my new booth space!

Hope your Friday was awesome and the weekend coming is full of fun things to do!  Summer is almost here...WOW!

Love to you...


  1. Your booth is looking AMAZING~ Love he edging that you found. I can't wait to see it all set up, Rebecca. How awesome that you have a new/old client/friend. xo Diana

  2. Honey I love how you are doing your booth. I so wish I could be as creative as you are with everything you do.
    I am still trying to decide if I should turn the little pink house behind me in a house that has booths.
    Hard decision but I am so happy for you.

  3. Hello Miss ~R~,
    WOW !! Now, you've been a busy girlie !!It looks amazing !! LOVE .. LOVE .. LOVE the look you've gone for !! The pretty sheer white, creamy, white wood with the soft white fabric .. and the old plank floors !! It's ALL coming together so nicely !! After ALL this work you better stay there for awhile !!

    Although, if not, you could rent it out to live in .. It really has a comfy, little cottage look .. put up a bed, and you might just have a taker !! hahaha .. looks amazing .. And, you don't even have all your pretties in it yet !!

    Good luck to you and your newest little project !! Have FuN, and be blessed !!
    Hugs ~Tanza~ xo

  4. Looks very very nice. I love the circular floor mat. That would be perfect in my 'yet to own' bedroom.

  5. Rebecca, what a beautiful space you are both so clever! It's beautiful I wish you all the best and wonderful success.
    {{hugs & blessings}}
    Jilly oxo

  6. ooooooo well fancy finding the stuff that matched up to what you got before and that voile is perfect for your booth too ... and well done with the power tools *VBG :) love mouse xxxxx

  7. Hi Rebecca,
    Your booth is looking fabulous!


  8. Your booth is looking so wonderful! That scrolls edging and drapery fabric are perfect!

  9. Oh it is so beautiful R. Just can't wait. By the way, where is it in Edmond? I am on vacation this coming week. Might come to the City one day, not sure when.

  10. Your booth is over the top. Looking forward to seeing it with all your creations. But the best part is that you are having so much fun!

  11. The sheer fabric is dreamy. I'd like a ceiling that looks like your booth!♥♫

  12. Rebecca,
    Your booth is looking amazing!How fun to meet up with a fellow blogger and also meeting someone from years back.It sounds like this is where you are supposed to be.God has a plan for you.And that is part of his plan.

  13. R, I'm so proud of you for jumping right back into the booth game!! It's going to be devine for sure. I love the oval rug you have with the roses... sale???? Nicely done my friend... looks gorgeous. T

  14. Your booth looks gorgeous! I love the scrolly stuff, and the sheer fabric just makes it perfect. If I were doing a booth I would want it to look just like it. Great job!

  15. Dearest Rebecca,

    Only YOU could figure out how to soften and romanticize such harsh and unsightly fluorescent lights! Kudos to you and the scroll work looks fabulous too. Anxious to see how the end result will look like.
    Enjoy your Sunday, however you'll spend it.

  16. Your booth is sure looking yummy ~ and I would expect no less from you! I sooo wanna come shop one day when you open up for customers! Wonder how far you are from McK? Love the soft lacey look to your booth and the gauzy sheer curtains you added, too!

    You need to come by and sign up for a neat scrapbook/graphic giveaway I'm having!!

  17. Oh goodness...It is just plain gorgeous! People will be sooo drawn in!

