Thursday, July 5, 2012


Sweet As A Family Schedule Board

A few days ago I shared with you a vintage framed print I snagged at a local thrift store.  No time was wasted transforming this fabulous aging piece!!!  I know a great find when I see it...  I love the old appliques on the frame...yummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...

Above is how the framed print looked a few days ago.  It's was pretty dirty...probably from nicotine, etc. so the original picture was removed and it was replaced with fiberboard.  It was then painted with three pretty good coats of Valspar Chalkboard Paint in black.

The frame was painted out with a dry angle brush.  I opted to NOT cover the entire piece but just paint the highlighted areas with an light antique white paint.  It's was then only minimally distressed before being coated with a good rub-on wax.

My Mr. AGPMan cut the fiberboard for me by using the original print measurements removed from the frame.  If the print had not been textured (to make it look like a hand painted oil on canvas print) I might have opted to just paint it out with the chalkboard paint. was too highly textured for that!  So the fiberboard was the next-best option!  Total time to makeover this piece...hmmm...about two hours!  Pretty good, huh?

Just a note...

Many of you asked about having a mirror cut for the frame...  This of course would have been lovely...but it can also be really expensive as the price of mirror cutting is based on the size!!!  In the past I've used an old framed print and turned it into a mirror (one hangs over my fireplace/see above), but in the end the chalkboard was a less expensive and fun way to transform the piece into something different and exciting!

This little beauty is going into my Antique Booth Space at Edmond Antiques in Edmond Oklahoma today!  I'm over the moon happy with how it came out!  Hope you'll try this super-fast way to transform an aging framed print you may have on hand.  Never know what you're going to find out there...

Happy Thursday!!!  I'm off to work!

Love to you...


  1. Rebecca, it turned out great! It is sure to sell fast. I finished my rose project in class this week and we have started a new project. Stop by if you like, to read about it. Hugs!

  2. Rebecca, Love your new chalk board. The details are beautiful. Good job, smiles, Susie

  3. I'll bet someone snatches up that beauty real quick! I know I would.


  4. Sweet, Rebecca, you could TEACH an art class! lol
    Thank you for the compliment. I am taking class at Hobby Lobby from a gal by the name of Nancy Gepford. She has been painting for a looooong time and has gone to the Decorative painter's seminar/conference and has actually taught there too. She has, 'hob knobbed' with and is friends with, ladies I would be slack jawed around. lol
    I feel blessed to have her as an instructor. She is real neat and fun to be around.
    You might see if there is a class at your local HL, if you are near one. I have no idea how big Edmund is.
    If you can, try to get your hands on a painting book by, Susan Adella; Rose Petals.
    This is very close to how we are doing our roses. A base coat and then the petals.
    I will work up a post on her book and try to have it up later today or first thing tomorrow at the latest.

  5. Dearest Rebecca,

    You are always such a clever and practical girl; LOVE IT!
    Have a great week's ending.
    Love to you,

  6. This is fantastic! I LOVE it!

  7. I have an tutorial video up on my blog. It is just a quickie, 'see-how-this-works' kind of thing and not too in depth but since you are an experienced painter, you'll be able to see what is going on. Toodle pip!

  8. Wow Rebecca! It's gorgeous, as I knew it would be ~ I can't believe you are not keeping it! I would so find room in my home for it :)

  9. Hi Rebecca, Sweet Summer Blessings to you!
    Love the chalk board. Great idea and you have created something so neat my heart sings!!!
    Have a good one,

  10. I bet that thing sells right way. It is just a thing of beauty! Blessings and I hope you had a great day so far- xo Diana

  11. I love what you've done, so practical and beautiful too!!

  12. That is sooo beautiful Rebecca!... I even love the old print that came out of it... what are you doing with that?... my copy of Casa Romantica arrived today, and wow!... Bellissimo!... both you and the feature on your home... did yours arrive yet? I wish I spoke better Italian... I learned some from my sweet uncle, Tony Fiorina (who passed away several years ago) but not enough to translate the entire article... but I do know the Italians love you as much as we do!... Ciao!... xoxo Julie Marie

  13. It really looks great, Rebecca! It's funny to see this post because Chris and I were just discussing what to do with a very large old and very heavy framed mirror that used to hang in my childhood home. I'll bet it's about 40 x 40" I don't know how the hangers kept it up...It has a wonderful wood appliqué on the top and it is edged with 1" mirrored squares... which need replacing.
    The large mirror is in perfect condition.
    Your project turned out so nice, I wish the large part of our mirror weren't so nice, it would be easier to decide!
    I hope all is well! Your new additions to your shop look darling! I'll have to take a look!
    Blessings always,

  14. It turned out gorgeous!!! GREAT job dear Rebecca! Have a blessed day, HUGS!

  15. Rebecca,
    What a great idea! I just bought me a can of chalk board paint and I am itching to do something with it!!


  16. I so love this new chalkboard. The frame is over the moon. So enjoying the one I bought from you. Having fun writing different things on it. Beautiful work.

  17. Awesome job! Love how it turned out.

    - The Tablescaper

  18. Rebecca,
    What a beautiful frame.Love how you transformed it into a chalkboard.

  19. I absolutely love the result, but I also love the old print - I have a weakness for blooming tree prints!
