Friday, March 29, 2013


 Just a quick Post today to wish you blessings and love this GOOD FRIDAY...  May your day be full of love, reflection and peace.
One of the treasures I found last Saturday during my estate sale hunt was an amazing little songbook from the 1940's.  I'm not 100% sure of the publishing time as the hymnal is undated.  It's a precious little thing and I enjoyed flipping through it and reading the words of some long forgotten songs.  Still, given the style and the aging paper of the songbook I'm guessing a bit on it's age. 

On page eighty-two I found a song written by Charles H. Gabriel...a well-known hymn writer and music editor of the time.  The song's lyrics are as timely today as they were almost 100 years ago.  It was penned in 1920...


"By making someone happy as we pass along life's way,
We bring a bit of heaven to the longest, darkest day;
The world is full of shadows, full of sorrow, grief and woe,
And snares are set before us ev'rywhere we go.

So many weary pilgrims toiling onward up the height,
Are longing for a friendly word, ere falls the shades of night;
O lend a hand to help them, haste to speak a word of cheer,
And gloomy clouds will brighten when the day is drear.

Keep all the hope-fires lighted by the torch of love divine;
As beacons thro' earth's darkest valleys ever let them shine.
Somewhere beyond the sunset, in a land supremely blest,
We'll find that human kindness paved the way to rest."


Beautiful, isn't it?  I just LOVE old music, songbooks and hymns.  They all make my heart SING!
Yesterday I finished and listed another pillow fashioned with some of the vintage lace finds discovered at the same estate sale from last weekend.  I used that AMAZING vintage Drawn-Work for the front pocket on the pillow.  Here's a picture of how it came out.  The pillow sold right away and I hope my sweet buyer, Miss M, will be very happy!  

Blessings to you today!

Love to you...


  1. Oh my, that pillow is gorgeous. LOVE it.


  2. Great old song from the songbook. Love the pillow and can see why it sold right away- xo Diana

  3. No wonder it sold right away.... what a gorgeous pillow! Love the words to this song... thanks for sharing.
    Have a happy Friday!

  4. Beautiful song book, love the hymm and oh so pretty pillow! Have a blessed Easter dear friend, HUGS!

  5. Dearest Rebecca,
    You still are and always will remain a true daughter of your dear Dad! Perfect Good Friday post.
    LOVE your pillow with the Hardanger embroidery. Lucky buyer!
    Hugs to you and Happy Easter weekend.
