Sunday, May 19, 2013


We survived last night's storms here in Oklahoma and our La Chaumière de Briarwood escaped any notable damage from the wind and the hail.  But, beginning around 3PM today more distressing weather is supposed to roll in.

I hate it.

It scares me.  I've seen firsthand what storms can do here in the heartland of America.

Comfort for me comes in knowing that God alone knows everything I need.  He is my Protector and friend.

May your Sunday be blessed...

and safe!

Love to you...


  1. Oh I'm with you. Tornado's scare the beejeebers out of me in ways that I can't describe. I have a "ready go" plan. I just grab all the animals, quilts and a flash light and hide. I'm used to hurricanes and though they too are vicious "B's", I know them. Being the Midwest is a whole different kind of storm fear. Stay safe and say prayers for you and yours & protection. Hugs. Tammy

  2. I have hated storms since I was a little girl - and a tornado nearly hit our home. My family and I saw it nearing and ran to our basement. The tornado either lifted or turned another direction, because it didn't strike us where we were. However, I saw the aftermath of the tornado, when we went to check on family friends a couple days later. Their home was gone...and they were all injured.

    Years later, when I had small children of my own, there was a tornado (I saw it again) heading straight for our home and again all of us headed for the basement. The tornado did some damage to our house, but leveled homes 1/2 block away...and even caved in our neighbors basement after blowing out the side wall of their home.

    I don't like the storms at all...but like you, I know God knows what hubby and I need (and my 3 small pups) and we're in HIS hands. :doesn't mean I'm not frightened by the wind, hail, thunder, lightening, torrential rain...and the silence that comes just before the worst of it:

    Praying your safe...tonite and always!

  3. Dear Rebecca,
    Nature is so much stronger than we are, so much stronger than technology or whatever. I have experienced the same you are experiencing now, out at sea: you can only pray! And so will we for you!
    Happy Whitsun despite all!

  4. Asking God to keep you and your family and friends, and neighbors safe through this round of storms.

  5. Rebecca, I prayed that you and your family will have a safe and calm Sunday and next week too.

  6. Stay safe and we pray for a safe afternoon. di

  7. Prayers said. I hope the storms were or aren't too bad. We might have thunderstorms the next few days. But those aren't as ad as what you guys can get!

  8. Dear darlin' Rebecca, hoping today's storms passed over you without any damage. I truly love 'the heartland' but MAN, the weather can literally be brutal! I'll be sending my little girl off to school in the fall to KU, and the weather there will definitely be eye-opening for her (by the way, I blogged about her today:-))

    I gotta tell you, too, that your booth space is FAB!!! You and your HANDY STUD of a husband must have worked your little tails off!! His window wall shutter/door creation is a masterpiece! Wow. He is a keeper, huh? I thought that same thing two months ago when he created the OTHER masterpiece in your old booth space... You both need to put your feet up now and have a cocktail or two.

  9. The minute I heard your town mentioned I thought of you and wondered if you were ok. Logging on I am so glad to hear from you-may God keep you and all those around you safe through this terrible weather.

  10. hi again, Rebecca...I just turned on the weather channel and saw images of the destruction of the tornado in Shawnee. Oh my goodness. Devastating.


  11. Hope all is well with you and your family. Heard a tornado grazed your town, must be quite scary. Take care and prayers for all involved.

  12. I didn't hear this! I will start praying you are safe. Keep us posted on everything.

    Love to you, my friend.



  13. Oh, dear Rebecca. Hope you stay safe. I can`t imagine how scary the storms can be. I`m so afraid of them, and I`m thankful that we don`t have storm like that here. Tornados we only seen in TV.
    I`ve missed your last posts, and what do I see: A fantastic, beautiful booth you two have made. Love it, and I can see things I would bring home if I could.

    Hope everything is ok, dear friend


  14. Praying for all to be safe throughout Monday as well! May God keep you and all your family on his arms! Our family lives in Noble, Tulsa and Sapulpa Tia the season but never quit praying for all friends as well! :)

  15. Even though I closed my blog I still think of you often. I saw the threat of storms for today ... My fervent prayers are with you & your family & neighbors. May God be with you ! !
    (was Our Victorian Cottage Blog)

  16. Even though I closed my Blog sometime ago I still think of you often. I saw the severe storm threat in your area for today. My fervent prayers are with you & your family & neighbors. May God protect you all ! !
    (was Our Victorian Cottage Blog)

  17. Rebecca,

    I am praying you miss all of the tornadoes. We have hurricanes and sometimes tornados. I would rather go through a hurricane. They are more predictable.

    Amy Jo

  18. Praying for your state and to the students.

  19. Hi Rebecca!

    Here catching up with you... :-) I've been so out of the loop, re-doing my house ... and cleaning, cleaning, cleaning...

    I'm so glad thing are moving along for you and you've had time with your little girlie and your house re-do is on track.

    I love the font you used here... what one is it? I don't have that one in my little font library!

    I'll be back to blogging soon... right now I just have too much on my plate.

