Wednesday, June 19, 2013


Dear Friends...

Last week I shared with you about the fall I took outside a local shopping center here in my town.  After seeing my doctor I was initially told I had no broken bones and was relieved and felt very blessed by the good news.  After the first couple of days of healing I felt a bit better and expected to have continual improvement with each passing day.   Well, last weekend I was miserable (more than miserable if I'm being honest) and so I knew something was up.

Before I even had a chance to call my doctor he called with some not-so-good news.  A radiologist looked at my x-rays and discovered I have a fairly severe fractured vertebrae in my lower back.  That's what's causing the incredible pain and discomfort I've been feeling over the past several days.
I have weeks of recovery ahead of me and I'm hoping and praying I won't have to wear a brace.

I'm not sure what all I'm going to be able to do (or not do) right now...I just know I'll be doing less.  I'm not a 'sit along the sidelines' kind of person so for certain there will be some challenging days ahead for me and for my Mr. AGPMan.  I'm hoping and praying by summer's end I'll be on my way to a full recovery.

I'm not good at being still...

So, I'm trusting more than ever for God to calm me from the inside out and, if necessary, remind me every single day that Jesus is my anchor and won't allow what I can't bear.

Regardless of how long it takes for me to heal I know in my heart I'm living a blessed life.  So many of you are facing battles much more difficult and challenging than mine.

Still, your prayers mean so much to me.

I'll share more with you as I know more. 

Love to you..


  1. I have had many fractured bones, they heal with time. Give me a fractured bone over a recent diagnosis of cervical cancer. Wish healing by the end of summer was a possibility.

  2. Dearest Rebecca
    I pray your recovery with go well these next few weeks. Take the time to rest and heal my friend... I will be thinking of you!

  3. I will say prayers for you sweet Rebecca, you are loved:)
    Hugs Marilou

  4. good grief ...well that will explain everything .... take it easy don't over do it but at the same time don't do nothing .... pole dancing and limbo is out for a wee while
    seriously sending ((((HUGE gentle hugs to you )))) from some one who has back problems I can totally sympathize... love mouse xxxxx

  5. Hi Rebecca. Take care of yourself. A hurting back is not a fun thing to have. Give it time to heal..Take care, Judy

  6. I am so sorry to hear of this!! You have gone through so much and now this. All of us followers of your blog will do what it takes to get you through this. Prayers multiplied is a good thing. Let us all wrap you in a nice warm blanket of healing power. Love you girl!

  7. I pray for your speedy recovery with less pain. If I lived closer I would help in your shop so that you could get a much needed rest. Take it easy, as a back is nothing to take for granted. XO Sue

  8. Dear Rebecca, I'm sending prayers your way. I hope that you are soon on the mend.


  9. Rebecca, I am so sorry to hear that you do have a fracture. May God heal you quickly and give you a whopping dose of peace and patience.

  10. Oh my goodness, accidents can really put us in a jam! You know my Daughter is recovering from a freak accident that required surgery! I will be praying for you sweet friend, BIG HUGS and well wishes being sent your way!

  11. Rebecca,

    I am so sorry to hear this... It seems sometimes life throws us a curve ball. I will pray for your healing and I will pray that you are able to sit still. Remember that the Lord says "Be still and know that I am God". He will give you the strength to do it!

    Blessings and healing,
    Amy Jo

  12. So very sorry for you Rebecca and I will keep you in my prayers... I am still recovering from surgery on my hand and in alot of pain too... I am so thankful for my family and all of their help and support... get better soon, xoxo Julie Marie

  13. Oh no, Rebecca! I'm hoping that you heal quickly and are not in pain. If there was something that caused you to fall {i.e. broken sidewalk or other such thing} you might want to talk with a lawyer.

  14. Bones are strong, but still fragile...don't think that is making sense. When I fell in the garden each time I went back to see how my arm was healing they would see another break on the x-ray. All I could do that summer was sit in the chair and I had to learn to sleep in that chair sitting up. God will give you the patience and strength you need to heal. I speak from experience. Gentle hugs to you, my friend. (Aren't we a graceful pair?!)♥♫

  15. Becca, I'm so sorry to hear that as one who has fallen and still suffer the consequences of it 4 years later. Sugar, I'll say a prayer for you this morning. I need all the prayer I can get. Yesterday they took out the cancer on my face and truly, I'm not even hurting a tiny bit! It's a miracle truly. BUT my hair is frightful, honey!! And I have to go visiting teaching today looking like this??? Makeup on one side of my face and my hair looking like I'm dressed for Halloween? Sigh...

  16. Lifting you up in prayer. I know many women have a hard time sitting still, especially at the feet of the Lord. I have been on a journey of stillness and the rewards are amazing. A book I read that shed some good light on the wisdom of stillness is; Monk Habits for Everyday People. After I read it, I never looked at modern church the same and it helped me in my quiet time as well.
    Hugs, dear friend. Whatever you need, I will pray.

  17. Oh Rebecca! I'm so sorry! God's peace, love, healing and comfort to you! I know you will see the Lord's hand move for you during this time but that's doesn't mean it will be easy. ♥

  18. Praying and agreeing with you Rebecca for your complete healing and a miraculously speedy recovery.:)

  19. I am so sorry is going to take and don't we hate that! Knowing you, you will figure out someway to do something even if you are laying in bed!

  20. God Bless you, Rebecca. We will keep you in our prayers. My husband has had back trouble for many years now, so I know what you are going through.
    Have a Blessed day, Trisha

  21. Oh sweetie, I am so sorry!! Why didn't they see this before? Of course prayers are coming your way sweet friend. Be well, and REST!!

    Love to you!
    Debbie xxoo

  22. May God quickly heal your broken body!
    May He also give you the peace you need to heal!
    Take care.

  23. I'm so sorry to hear about this, Rebecca. I've been 'off line' for the past two weeks and missed the post about your fall. I pray that you will have a full recovery and be able to return to all the things that you love to do. In the meantime, I hope you will be blessed with the patience you need to 'hang in there' as you heal. I'm so sorry about the painful time - thinking of you....

  24. Oh no Rebecca I am so sorry to hear about your fall.Praying your body will heal.

  25. Hey Sweetie,
    So sorry to hear your news. I will pray for a speedy recovery...but we know who is ultimately is in control and HE knows the why's even if you cannot see it right now. Rest in him completely as I know you will.
    Gentle hugs and love!

  26. OMG! How much pain you must be experiencing. As I mentioned to my mother, who recently fractured her foot - patience, patience, patience. One day soon it will all be better. Keep your inspiration notebook handy as you recover, let your mind wonder and develop new creations. {Hugs} and prayers.

  27. Dearest Rebecca,
    My thoughts and prayers are with you. Our God is faithful and I trust that a testimony of His healing power and grace will be raised from this adversity.
    Please let me know if there is anything you need. Distance is nothing between friends and sisters in Christ.
    Love to you,

  28. Dearest Rebecca,
    It puzzles me that you got an initial analysis of nothing is broken and after several days you got the reading results of a radiologist. Scary! You probably never should have moved...
    Let's hope things will work out well for you in the near future!
    For the past couple of days I've cried more than in a long time... Did a post about our dear SACHA GIRL. Feel better after sharing and life moves on no matter what.
    A tight hug to you lady and did they not check out 'why' you fell down? I hope you did not pass out for some reason... You better have a thorough check up in order to rule out any hidden problem.
    Take care dear friend!

  29. Hugs to you, Rebecca,
    I will remembe ryou in my prayers. I will pray that the Lord will heal your body well, that you might be able to ahve the patience to "wait upon Him" and your body, and that you will find something you will LOVE while you rest and recover. Our daughter*3 got a concussion 2 summer's ago, and still has issues with her head. She had to be still for 6 weeks and it about drove her nuts. I have a long list of movies and books and things, I had to be in bed for 8 weeks of 2 pregnancies. It isn't easy, I was okay and at about 2 weeks, both times, I just was going stir crazy. Then friends started to visit and bring books over and I was able to help fold laundry and take care of other household chores that Moms and kids were helping me with. I'd love you to email me your address and I will send my lists! you probably have your own lits, but I'd love to email you!
    Keep that beautiful smile smiling! God loves you and will support you through this!
    hugs and hearts,

  30. Praying for you--hope you are better soon!

  31. It really says something about one's spirit when they are thinking of others while they themselves are in pain. I'm talking about what you said at the end of your post about others going thru more. Bless your strong faith! I'm praying and agreeing with you for a recovery by summer's end (or maybe sooner?) :) And for God's peace and grace. He is able!

  32. Oh crappola! Like you have time for this! It's like you were just on a roll, hubby and daughter done with school and ready to have fun. I'm saying a prayer right now...I hate pain, I am sooo sorry you have to go through this. Maybe a back brace would help stabilize it and decrease the pain? Keep us posted when you can!


  33. Rebecca,
    You will need quiet time to heal. Do you like to read? If you do, I would love to send you a copy of a book I read that was a great blessing to me. One Thousand Gifts.
    Let me know if you would like a copy and I will send you one.
    *Gentle Hugs*

  34. Rebecca dear, I am so sorry to hear this! Of course you will be in our prayers! Take care of yourself and keep us up to date on your progress. Yes, you DO lead a blessed well you should. :)
    It's so hard to be out of commission..I know it is for me.
    Much love and tons of prayers coming your way...

  35. So sorry to hear this news Rebecca.
    I want to share with you my experience of a herniated disc a few years back. Like you I do not like to just sit around. Other than the excruciating pain being idle was something I feared.
    The way I coped is by rediscovering my love of reading. Working full-time at the time with two teenagers did not leave much time to just enjoy reading, so I read many,many books. Also, I love to laugh and would make sure I found a funny sitcom or movie to watch on a weekly basis. I hope these few suggestions help you.
    Keeping you in my prayers for a speedy recovery.
    Big hugs

  36. God bless you and keep peace and content-perhaps you will discover a new interest during this time


  37. Rebecca,

    I will pray for a good recovery. Just be patient so that all heals well. There is all the time in the world for your projects. Your health is of the utmost importance here. Take care and much love,

    Mary Molina

  38. I hope this finds you continuing to heal and rest! Of course, I'm sure you also thinking of a million and one things your GOING TO DO the minute your up and at it again. :) Hugs. Tammy

  39. Dear Rebecca, I am So sorry, Will be praying for you . I know how terrible the pain can be. I had back surgery in April and still have places that are very painful. It is so hard being still and not doing thing you want to do. I will be Praying for You and Me to be still and heal. Love and Hugs...

  40. I'm so sorry to hear this! I pray for a speedy healing and that you have lots of loved ones and friends there to help you.

  41. Praying for your complete recovery and very quickly! It's been a long time since I've been on here and I've missed your posts.

  42. Honey I am so sorry you are in so much pain from your fall. I will of course add you to my prayers for a speedy recovery.
    I broke five vertibraes from my fall at the Sheriffs department and wanted a brace to help with the healing but they did not want me to wear one.
    So maybe you want have too.
    Take care and sending you much love

  43. Oh my goodness, girl, I had no idea you were injured so badly, I am so sorry to hear that you are in so much pain! Thank god that the doctors discovered the fracture before you could do any more damage. I wish there was something I could do to help make you feel better, all I can do is pray for a speedy recovery and send you big get-better-soon hugs. xxx

  44. Prayers and Healing Energy being sent your way! Your Attitude and what you have Shared Visually are an Inspiration that I certainly needed this day myself... which has been a particularly dark one too. May we remain up by Faith, knowing it will Hold.

    Blessings and Love from the Arizona Desert... Dawn... The Bohemian

  45. Checking in sweetie to see how you are doing! Hope much better!

    Love to you!

    Debbie xxoo

  46. Dearest R:
    You will get some major prayers from New Jersey! I'm sorry you are going thru this. Maybe you can catch up on all those favorite shows and books you haven't had a chance to enjoy and use this down time for that. Hang in there. Please keep up with the updates!


  47. Hello, Sweet Rebecca
    Just checking in to see how you are doing.

  48. Hello my sweet friend!!!
    So sorry to hear about your pain...I will of course add a prayer that you will be better soon.
    I do think of you often Rebecca...and hope you will be up and about real soon and making all your beautiful things!!!
    Much love,
    Suzann ~xoxo~

  49. Oh sweet girl, I'm a lousy friend and a horrible blogger. I have been away tooo long. Didn't know about your injury. Please forgive me. Take care and mend. The Lord gave me this same first a few months ago and I must say that I've not been still. I sure don't need an accident to made to be still. Thanks for reminding me. Get Well Soon. Your booth needs nothing. It is darling and I know God will take care of it all.
