Tuesday, July 23, 2013


 Gosh...I feel like I've been on a LOOOOOOOOOONG vacation!

It feels good to pop in today for a little visit.  Can't wait to visit all my favorite blogs to see what's new!
I've been a busy bee this summer and even though I've been working a little slower than usual I've still managed to get a lot of things done.  Our kitchen remodel is still ongoing with the latest thing on the list being cutting the concrete up in several areas.  We had to do this in order to attach to the existing plumbing when our new downstairs bath and laundry are added.  Our entire kitchen remodel is ENORMOUS and if it wasn't for the fact the pictures are totally boring I'd show you where we are at.  Hope to share more soon.
With the cutting up of the cement flooring we ended up creating a concrete dust storm inside our home.  Even though everything was masked off the grit and grime still managed to make it's way throughout our home.  Cleaning up took days and days and in the process we ended up rearranging furniture.  What fun!
Since I still can't lift anything heavy or push anything my Mr. AGPMan did all the work. :)  We moved our vintage china cabinet/hutch from the breakfast room to the formal dining room and I love how this larger piece helps anchor the space.  I love it in there, but I'm still trying to get use to something else being in the spot it use to be...
I'm also showing you a new batch of goodies I finished last week for my Booth at Serendipity Market (Edmond, OK).  Can't begin to tell you how much I've loved digging through my storage shed and pulling things out I'd long forgotten about...things long overdue for a transformation!
 Spent a great deal of time base painting fabulous older, new and gently used finds before adding vintage graphics and ephemera detailing...
Presently I'm working on painting some incredible furniture.  Haven't snapped pictures of the pieces yet (a fabulous vintage/antique chest and a matching bed), but I will soon!
Today marks the six week mark since I fell outside of Tuesday Morning.  I continue to improve and I so appreciate your prayers.  In addition my Mr. AGPMan and I continue to follow where God leads.  Again, your thoughts and prayers mean so much.  Our summer has certainly been shaken up! 

I'm off to peruse my favorite online places.  Hope your day is wonderful.

Love to you...


  1. Rebecca, glad you are feeling better. I have missed your posts. I fell myself about a week ago and am afraid I am hurt too, just don't know how bad right now, I am waiting to see if I get better before I go to the hospital. I love you new items. I hope you will visit my new studio at Where Bloggers Create.

  2. Oh, I remember some "dust" all over the house when a certain husband did some drywall work and used an electric sander and NO coverings to protect anything! I must have been at school-otherwise I think I'd have had a stroke. What a mess. What pretty things you've been making! Keep up the healing process. I'm sure it seems quite slow at time.♥♫

  3. Dearest Rebecca,
    Glad you have recovered steadily over those past six weeks!
    Your remodeling takes forever indeed. But we too have lived with dust for most of the year. Now we're still waiting on the truck to arrive with the rails for our balusters on the balcony. Than a big AMEN and back to normal routine. Your items look lovely and your dear husband must have almost broken his back for moving that on his own... Wow!
    Hope things will progress for you to come to an ending soon.

  4. Everything looks beautiful, Rebecca! I'm sorry you are still not 100% since that fall. I'm hoping and praying you will get back to normal soon.

  5. I am continuing to pray for you and Mr AGP man. It has been a tough summer all the way around. I hope God opens a clear path for you. Blessings- xo Diana

  6. Though it's good to see you back to work, prayers will continue for your continued recovery. I'm sure your only doing as much as body allows. I love those books, are they journal types or story books? If journals, I must ... well you know... Gotta have one!!
    Hugs, healing & HIS plan ahead.

  7. Your new merchandise looks beautiful! I love the trays. Rearranging is fun... In my house it is difficult... the set up makes it almost impossible to do.

    Amy Jo

  8. It is always great to see your sweet self here in blogland! Beautiful creations always at your place! I pray that you continue to improve each day! Hugs to you and prayers coming your way!

  9. Glad you are healing.Keeping you in my prayers.Oh this summer is going way to fast.My daughter heads back in a couple of weeks :-(

  10. All your new things look great. Glad you a mending and are able to still do some of your projects. Can't wait to see the finished kitchen. Keeping you in my prayers.
    Hugs, Pat

  11. I am so happy to see you are doing a bit better Rebecca! Summer is flying by here in Canada but we are having a great summer so far so no complaints! Take care my friend!

  12. Glad to see you're feeling better. You are absolutely on of the most talented people I know. Amazing!

  13. Hope you are doing much better Rebecca... I have missed you... all of your newly created treasures are beautiful... it has been weeks since my surgery on my hand, but some days are still very painful... here's hoping Autumn is better for both of us... xoxo Julie Marie

  14. Love, love it all. This things you have been working with, is beautiful, Rebecca.

    Have a great sunday

  15. So glad that you are healing well. You have been in my thoughts. I miss seeing your posts,they always inspire me. Your newly finished projects are beautiful. I can't wait to see your kitchen. I know you are so excited!

    Lee Laurie

  16. Hello Rebecca
    I think of you often and I am glad to hear you are healing. I see you have been busy with all the new things for your booth.
    Take care of yourself my sweet blogging friend!!!
    Suzann ~xoxo
