Monday, February 17, 2014


Over five years have passed since I first began sharing with you stories of my beloved father...  As a preacher-man, I was blessed to live with an amazing man, one whom I love and will always adore.  Forever and always he will be only one thing.

My Daddy.

The journey of my father's life with dementia and the accompanying twelve year long goodbye is about to come to an end.  My father is in his last days of life and HOSPICE was called in today to assist our family.

We are praying for a gentle, pain free passing.

The picture above was taken by my mother in 1956.  My father was 26 years old at the time, a bit cocky and crazy-handsome.   She told me this evening that this is how she still sees him in her heart.  He would have been 84 on March 4th.

Please pray for Mom.  Today was a difficult day for her and the choices she had to make just broke her heart.

Mine, too.

Thank you for your kindness and for lifting us up to the Father.  His grace and peace are covering us and we are sustained by His love.



  1. Blessings my friend. I pray that you will have the strength you will need in the next few days and weeks.Please tell your Mum that people all over the world are thinking of you both and sending tranquil thoughts to you. Blessings

  2. I remember the night they called us in for the very same reason:( My heart was broken then and for you all now! Love and prayers being sent your way!

  3. I went through this with my father two years ago (he was 86). It was heartbreaking then, and still hurts my heart living without him. Hospice was a great blessing to us at the end. I hope you receive the same love and support. Hold strong to your love for you father, and feel your Heavenly Father's comforting arms around you. You are NOT going through this alone. Sending prayers.

  4. Dear sweet Rebecca... I am at a loss for words my friend... but my heart is full of prayers... for peace for all of you... sending much love, Julie Marie

  5. May you all Feel the arms of God around you. May you all feel His Peace during these days...

  6. My heart is breaking for you and your family Rebecca. As I have shared with you my Mom passed last March after her long journey with this nasty disease.
    I pray for a peaceful transition into the next part of your Father's journey. Give your Mother a big hug for me...
    Take care my friend.

  7. Tears are in my eyes. I remember vividly the moment I heard the news that my own father had passed away. It is weird to think you will never be "Daddy's girl" again...even though that memory passed for your Daddy a long time ago.

    God bless your Mom today and God bless YOU, too. This journey is never an easy one. xo Diana

  8. A prayer, right here at the desk, for your mother and you. Such a very hard time, but such a privilege to be able to be with your father and mother at this time.
    I know I will think of you through the day.

  9. Since I've been through this same journey with my Mom I know too well what you are all going through. Praying for a peaceful passing for your Dad.


  10. Hug your mother, day by day of seeing a loved one suffer takes it's toll. Knowing hours left are all that we have to share that last touch of a warm hand and sharing their suffering leaves us with a heavy heart. May you all find Peace in knowing that it's the Lord's wishes. But our lives here are never the same. Hugs dear friend

  11. I wish I could be the to hold your hand, but I can be there to lift you up in prayer.

    We have been in this same spot with our parents, one this summer. It is hard to watch someone suffer and hard to let go of someone you love so much. This is where the rubber meets the road and where, as Christians, we can weep but not as those who have no hope. This is where the power of Easter is truly felt and appreciated.

    Holding you all close at heart...



  12. Prayers for your family & the little girl who loves him.

  13. Dear Rebecca,
    God bless you and your family as you say goodbye to one so dear to you.

  14. Much love and prayers for you my sweet friend Rebecca and to your family. So sorry to hear about your father I will keep you in my prayers (((((((HUGS))))))))
    Suzann ~xoxo~

  15. Rebecca, I stopped to say a prayer for you and your family as you go through this difficult time. Your father is such a handsome young sailor in the photo you posted. It is beautiful that your mother still sees him as he was in the picture. It is such a cruel disease and not only robs the victim of his sweet memories, but makes it hard for the loved ones to remember the good times. I pray that you will be able to relive the beautiful days you spent with him before the disease affected all of you. God bless and keep you.

  16. Rebecca, I'm so sorry for your grief, especially for your Mother. I have a friend who had her Dad put in Hospice yesterday. You have been so blessed to have had such a Dad in your life that was the Preacher-Man and help mold you into the Christ loving and Christ dependent woman you are today. As the song says "I Can Only Imagine" what Glory and Joy there is in Heaven. Celebrate his passing into the arms of Jesus. He has waited a long time for that day. It doesn't make your pain any less to let them go but knowing WHERE he is going is much to be celebrated. We grieve for ourselves because we will no long be able to touch their face or hold their hands here on earth but one day you will be reunited in Heaven and what a glorious day that will be!!! Love and hugs to you and your entire family, Judy

  17. I just came back to read your comments dear Rebecca... you will ALWAYS be your daddy's girl... please do not ever forget that... he won't... love you, Julie Marie

  18. Oh Rebecca! Prayers said for you and your whole family. Prayers for strength and a pain free ending for him.

  19. You have been in my prayers. I will continue to pray and to thank Our Lord that He will give you all the comfort that you need to get through this very difficult time. My heart is with you. xxoo

  20. Hi Rebecca, times like these I just don't know what to say that could ever bring any comfort. All that I can say is that I am thinking of you and your family and what you are going through. Some day I will have to go through the same and I can only pray that God gives you the strength and knowledge that one day we will all be together again. take care dear Rebecca, love Maryann

  21. God Bless you Rebecca, and your mom, and hold you in the hollow of His hand. Trisha

  22. This brought me to tears...I will be praying for your family.

    Amy JO

  23. Praying for you and your family Rebecca.


  24. I know you are leaning on the Lord. Praying for peace for your family and a easy passing for your daddy.

  25. Prayers continue Rebecca, my hearts hurt for you, your mom & family. My dad went home 23 years ago, I think of him all the time. God has His arms around all of you. Love and Blessings, Christy

  26. I'm so sorry that this journey has been so long and hard fought. Your father is so obviously loved and is a testament to a life well lived. Hospice is a blessing in these times, my son is a hospice nurse and he has told me stories of the strength of family and love of the Father. May your heart be filled with the joy and knowledge that something wonderful awaits your 'daddy' and know that I am holding you all close to my you Beck...;j

  27. Prayers and peace, for him and those he will wait on.

  28. Prayers and peace, for him and those he will wait on.

  29. Dear Rebecca and family,
    I pray for a gentle and peaceful transition to your Daddy's everlasting life.
    Love and warm hugs, Laura

  30. Prayers that God will wrap his tender arms around you and surround you with peace. Such a long difficult journey, but still hard to let go. Prayers for your mom and you all. We're our daddy's girls.

  31. Have been thinking of you all day~~We are still praying for your family. Love and hugs to you. Precious story of your Dad and handsome picture of him. XXOO~Mary H.

  32. Thinking of you and praying for you during this difficult time.

  33. Dear Rebecca,

    May God envelop you and your family at this sad time. Praying your dad makes a peaceful transition to everlasting life. You were lucky to have such a wonderful dad, and he leaves behind a great legacy. May these wonderful memories bring you peace and comfort.

    Love to you,
    Debbie xxoo

  34. My prayers are with you and your entire family. My father's birthday was March 2 and he would have been 97. He's always in my heart and he's always Daddy.

  35. I feel your pain. Praying you
    shoe strength now. Think of
    Jackie O. it is heard not to sob and cry. I wish you and your Dad Love.
