Monday, October 20, 2014

~ALL GLITTERED UP and Then Some~

 This time of the year always ushers in a flurry of business.  Always thankful for that! 
I still love working with vintage images and graphics!  I noticed at Market in this past summer that the WOODLAND look is very popular once again!  

Everything is always changing!
 My Mr. AGPMan cut out over 100  wood pieces for me to use in these Glittered Christmas Hangers.
Here are some new decorative Bottles!  They are going onto my website later this evening.  A little time consuming to do the labels, but still fun!  My daughter, Adrienne, made the Bee Charm(s) out of a vintage image for me!  Love it!
Here's a picture of one of the Tattered Prairie Pins I have on my website.  I have another dozen to photograph and list today!
Right now I'm totally enjoying the FALL decor around my home (inside and outside) even though my head is into Christmas.  When someone is self-employed like I am the seasons have a tendency to get all jumbled up.  I have to start offering my wares early or people don't have time to decorate.  After all these years I've accepted it and it doesn't bother me in the slightest.

Hope you are all doing great.  I love Blogging again and plan to share more with you soon!



  1. Your creations are simply lovely, Rebecca! I love the vintage look and they are such a sweet reminder of yesteryear. Thanks for sharing and have a most delightful day.


  2. Your work is a beautiful as always, Rebecca. That tattered pin is very sweet. I am so glad that you are back blogging again.! I love seeing you around blogland- xo Diana

  3. Love those wood hangings, Rebecca! Everything looks gorgeous. The pin is so pretty.

    I just put the finishing touches on my own post previewing some of my Christmas items that are going in my Etsy. My thinking is that it is a 3 month listing and I want to get it listed now so I don't have a bunch of Christmas stuff still listed come January and February.

  4. Dearest Rebecca: I don't mean to be a bottle snob, but you know I have missed having your bottles on your website and I have even messaged you about when you would be making some more. PLEASE save one for me, I always seem to get here too late for the good stuff and it's all sold. :( Poor me....LOL I'll keep an eye out. I'm going to be checking tonight until I can't stay awake any longer! Love ya! Judy from Arizona

  5. Beautiful bottles:) Your Hubby is a fine fella to help cut all of those pieces of wood! Enjoy your evening dear friend, HUGS!

  6. Found you blog on pinterest and im glad I did! I love everything about it! Thanks for sharing!

  7. I looked all your creative items. As usual your items are spectacular. They are creative and made well. I am always in awe of your ability.. Thanks for coming back to blogging. I for one missed you.
