Wednesday, June 24, 2015

French Farmhouse Kitchen Renovation Almost Done...Yeah!

For all you peeps that don't do Facebook I'm sharing with you today what I posted over there...  The pocket door off our kitchen that leads to a small foyer. laundry room and downstairs bath is finally framed out and painted.  It seems sooo weird seeing things finally coming together after living with rip out and reconstruction for so long...
Here's a photo that was taken about two months ago.  At this time we were still customizing the pre-fab cabinets we purchased...still a long way to go.
Here's an early, early shot of when we were still tearing things out!
The French door I shared at the top is now in the place of the pate other words the door seen on the right was repositioned to the left side of the kitchen!
Here we are after the cabinets have been customized.  Still installing hardware and painting the ceiling and walls!!
 Hanging plate rack in a different spot!
Loving how this rack looks today...
This is going to go somewhere!

What do we have left to do?  The back splash which will be distressed (stained) and painted shiplathe and the wood flooring...

Then our reveal...

I can't believe it!

Long, grueling journey.  Glad it's almost over!

Love to you~


  1. Beautiful and SO MUCH HARD WORK! Enjoy these final steps before it is finished:) Can't wait to see it all! HUGS!

  2. It's looking beautiful! I'm impressed that you are doing this yourselves. Oh, to have those skills. That is a blessing!

  3. You guys are so amazing. Love how your customize and add your creativity to everything you do.

  4. You all have come a long way Rebecca! It's really coming together and I know it's going to be beautiful! Can't wait for the big reveal!

  5. Very HAPPY for you that you have made such progress on your lovely HOME!!! Looks so beautiful I could cry.

  6. Oh my Rebecca, your kitchen is looking beautiful, I'm sooooo looking forward to the reveal.....


  7. Rebecca- You are almost THERE! Almost done, girl!!!! You have had so much patience with this project and suffered so many setbacks and upheavals during the renovation. I am glad you are almost done. I can't wait to see the whole thing! xo Diana

  8. Rebecca, I know you a thrilled that this kitchen redo is nearly complete. I know what it is like to live in a house while redoing it, not good! I am so glad that you have that beautiful farm sink under the window. The first house I had as a young bride in 1972 had just that, a window above the sink. At that time I had no dishwasher either so I spent a lot of time there. Underneath the window was a huge azalea bush and I mean huge! The house was built in the 40's so it was up off the ground with a crawl space. I spent a lot of time watching the bees gather pollen and the birds nesting. A cardinal nested in it every year. This window was a sanctuary for me, I daydreamed and talked to Jesus there. We only lived there six years, both of our children were born while there but then bought a larger house because it only had two bedrooms. I still miss that window and of course the azalea bush. I said I would never have a kitchen without a window above the sink but I do. It never has seemed the same. Of course I don't do as many dishes these days either but the memories will always be there. You and Mr. AGP have done a wonderful job on your entire home and I know how proud that makes you feel. Doing it yourself gives you a lot of satisfaction. Besides that,it's like you want it and done correctly, not thrown together by some contractor. I wish you and your entire family many, many happy years there. Judy
