Friday, July 1, 2016



It's part of life.

I sooo wanted to share with you some photos of a sweet antique dresser/chest that my Mr. AGP Man and I recently paired with an vintage oval (cheval) mirror.  A fun project we first completed during the early days summer.  But...I've been sidelined for a bit and an injury has derailed my plans...

I'll save the furniture for another day....

Soo sorry!  
 After an MRI on Wednesday on my right shoulder I found out yesterday I have a torn rotator cuff.  My Mr. AGP Man and I, along with our adult daughter, were in a car accident a few weeks ago and the healing of our bodies has taken a long time.  The "bruised muscles" just weren't returning to normal and that forced me back to the doctor on Monday.  I have no idea what is in store for, therapy or a mix of the two  I just don't know.  A holiday weekend is coming up and so I been given some some pretty powerful meds to push back the pain.

I hate medicine.
I whine when it's prescribed for me EVEN though I may need it.

My hopes that Aspercream and would work have been permanently dashed.

Being in the MRI machine made me freak-out.  Took the 4th try before I could do it...
(DON'T OPEN YOUR EYES when inside one of those contraptions!  Please...just don't do it!)  I kicked my legs and feet until they pulled me OUT and SOMEHOW I was able to calm myself down to endure the 55 minute procedure.
I would have GLADLY taken Valium or Xanax if they'd offered it to me.  

Medicine hater or NOT!

All that said the three of us are pressing on with hope...trusting God the damage won't be too terribly bad when I see a specialist next week and that my daughter and Mr. AGP Man will also be good as new before long!
So...if I'm absent for a bit longer than I'd planned on being...well, you will know why~

I have so much I want to share.

Good things.

Only good things.

Love to you~



  1. Oh dear, Rebecca, mris are no fun but I couldn't do the closed one. I had 3 of the procedures a number of treasury for a neck injury and went to an open mri. Still, since there was a cradle for my head with a cage type top I took a wash cloth with me and ran it under warm water to put over my eyes. Also took a triple dose of cough syrup with codiene to help me stay relaxed thru it. Whatever is in store for your shoulder you'll handle it well. One day at a time!


  2. Rebecca, sorry to hear about your accident. take care. If I didn't say it before, love, love your kitchen. Very sad about the stolen purse - it was a beauty. Prayers for healing for you and your family. Blessings!

  3. So sorry about your accident! Hope you are well and recovered very soon! I just had an MRI a week ago too, for a mass on my chest. I did the same thing - I freaked out! I had a major anxiety attack, could not breathe, was crying and begging to come out. I tried to suck all the air in the room into my lungs before they pushed me back in, even though I could actually breathe and I was saying out loud, "Do NOT open your eyes!", "Do NOT look up!" "I am on a beach, I am on a beach, I am on a beach!" Such a lonnnnnng hour! I was in and out three times and it was worse each time. I had one years ago on my brain and it was very loud but I was medicated before so did not stress about being enclosed. If I ever have to get another one, I want to be asleep! Take care, get well, and hope to see you again soon.

  4. I'm so sorry about your accident, and injuries. When I have MRIs I always ask for a towel for my eyes. Many places will give you meds to help calm if you ask.

    Having full-tear rotator cuffs on both shoulders, I have not required surgery. Really doesn't bother me either. Fingers crossed for you.

    Prayers to you for a speedy recovery. Trust, and He will be with you.

  5. I am so sorry to hear about the accident and your injuries, Rebecca. I have said a prayer for you and your family and asked God to bring complete relief and healing to you all. Have a beautiful weekend.

  6. Hello, Rebecca. I'm so sorry to hear about the accident. I hope that the path to full recoveries for you all starts to get easier. Thinking of you. Hugs and good wishes, Sue

  7. Oh no Rebecca! So sorry to hear you are going through this. I will keep you in my prayers that your injury can be healed quickly! I feel the same way about meds, but sometimes you just have to take them :-(
    Take care

  8. Oh no Rebecca! I'll keep you my prayers that you heal quickly. I feel the same way about meds, but sometimes you just have to take them :-(
    Take care

  9. Dearest Rebecca,
    Oh my! All I can wish for is good healing for all of you.

  10. Hello Becky Sue. Very sorry 'bout the auto wreck. May you heal up. I tore a roter cuff years ago and pampered my left shoulder. Never did have surgery. Took 3 years of pampering, but came through. Not bragging. May you be all better.

  11. I am so sorry to hear about your injury. I hope you heal completely and quicker too!!

  12. Dear Rebecca,

    Healing prayers for you, dear hubby and darling daughter. We all will be here for however long you need to heal. It is you and your family's health that is most important.

    May you enjoy the summer and keep making pretties as you are ready to return to blogland.

    Hugs from NYC from Robin and John

  13. I'm so sorry to hear about the car accident. How frightening! You & your family are in my thoughts & prayers. BTW, the herbal product Valerian Root is helpful for anxiety. I highly recommend it.

  14. So glad you, hubby and daughter are ok, but sorry about the injury! Praying for quick recovery and rest. Take what time you need to post updates, we'll be here!
    Many Blessings, Christy

  15. So sorry Miss Rabecca, I am praying for complete and fast healing without surgery. Remember God is in control. We miss you but understand you have lots going on. Do not worry, we will still be here for you. I for one will continue to lift you up for healing. You and the rest of your family.I am just so happy you are back. I missed you. OH, I also love your kitchen redo and I am so sorry about your cute little bag. That was hard, I am sure. To work like you do just to have someone treat you like that. So sad. People can be so disappointing. Well again, I am glad to hear from you whenever I can. Will look forward to seeing your blog whenever you are able.

  16. Oh, My Dear~~we've been away and no computer for days after. so I've not seen this. I'm so sorry this happened to you.

    moire non when letters don't flow like jam.


  17. I am so glad I can get on here. I've been trying for days now. I saw that you had had an accident and I was like, OH MY! I hope that you are going to be okay and I am so sorry but glad it wasn't any worse. Bad enough, right? MRI? Oh no! I thought I was going to have a full blown psychotic event! I could not be still. "Mrs. Hitchcock, we need you to be still. Don't move." Right! And that was with drugs! Bless you friend. Prayers that it won't require surgery! Get better soon!

  18. Good morning Rebecca!!
    Oh, I am so sorry about the accident and your injuries, but I am so happy to find that you have returned to blogging!! I am going to email you. Please take care. Love and hugs, Laura from Ontario Canada.

  19. Hello Sweet Rebecca,

    So sorry to hear about your accident. I hope you and your beloved are healing nicely. Love how your kitchen turned out. Take care, and feel better soon.

    Debbie xo

  20. I am so sorry to read this. Soft tissue injuries are so painful and can take a long time to heal. Sending a prayer for healing your way.
