Saturday, May 13, 2017


I shared with you a few days ago that I had made a couple of decisions about some things in my life and I'm now free to share with you what I have planned.

First...and most importantly to me is...I gave my two week notice to the owner of the shoppe where I have my booth.  I have worked there two days a week (and one Saturday a month) and have for almost four years now.  I first took the job when my Mr. AGP Man was laid off from the big RED X (Xerox) in July of '13 and for one reason or another I just stayed on after he found another position.  

Even though there were aspects of working at the store that I loved...I did NOT love being away from my home every Tuesday and Friday and I began to dread the one Saturday I worked.  I LOVED the people that came in, especially my online customers who made their way to Oklahoma!  But, I longed to return to my handwork, website and my wee-little-blog.  I knew if I didn't leave the job I would never get back to doing what I've missed most in my life.

I promised myself after the accident we had last May 19th that if I ever regained my health then I would return to what I've always believed has been my calling.  And that is to create new offerings from discarded finds, vintage laces, trims, ribbons and long forgotten oddities.  I've missed my artwork and especially painting pink roses.

Today was my last Saturday at Serendipity.  I have four days left and then my life will be my own once again.  I'm looking forward to simpler days inside my La Chaumière de Briarwood, the thrill of the hunt that comes with junking and tag sale shopping and sharing my finds
and heart
with you.

Love to you...



  1. I applaud you for your decision, now you will have time to follow your heart and creativity.

  2. Congratulations! I am thinking of returning to work for a bit this summer because my Pink Zebra business is not giving me the money I need. I just am attempting to find a schedule that I can adjust to and be happy with. No long days and no hard weeks. We need to do what makes us happy and content!

  3. It is good that you pursue what will make you happy!

  4. YAY for you for making that decision and then DOING it!!! I am proud of your,Rebecca. I worked off and on over the years and it is hard to work on scattered days---you hate to start anything you know you won't be able to finish 'tomorrow'. I would rather work two or three days in a row and then have some uninterrupted time off. Good luck- can't wait to see your new wonderful projects and painted roses!!! xo Diana

  5. Good for you, making a decision to make yourself happy creating the beautiful things that we all enjoy:) Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

  6. Happy for you Rebecca! Decisions in life are not always easy to make. Sounds like you know exactly what you want and going for it!

    Take care
