Wednesday, May 31, 2017


Beautiful aging laces, old ribbons, trims and delicate millinery florals have always been my weakness!  Many years ago when my Mr. AGP Man and I married we began tag sale shopping and even now we favor both the planned and unexpected road trips in order to hunt down the best aging finds. I do buy some things online~  But, I'm one of those people who love to see things in person I'm afraid!
While my studio is filled with lots of lovely old treasures I'm always on the hunt for more.  Especially hard to find velvet millinery roses and flowers in soft creams, whites and the lightest of blush pink...
Seems like everyone is using them to create their own specialties these days or they purchase them for their own private collection.
So, when I do stumble upon a sale where there are piles of laces, embroidered cottons, linens or even the best vintage sewing materials, it's almost impossible to drag me away.  When my Miss K was still living in Oklahoma she would often go with me just to "guard" my stash while I continued to shop around...  Now that she lives far away (more about this later!) my guy and I are on our own.
Over the Memorial Day weekend we traveled to Dallas and returned home with some wonderful finds.  Mostly architectural elements and reclaimed wood pieces that will be used for sign making in my business.
  But, I did snag some old laces and the millinery flowers you see at the top.  Now that I'm officially back working from home (and loving it!) I'll be putting it all to good use.
 Wrapping these Italian Soaps in soft linen was so easy to do!  You should try making some for your own home...they make great gifts, too.  All I did was wrap a purchased bar of Italian Soap in fabric, secure and tie up with tattered linen before adding a stamped label to the front.  I offer the Soaps in my booth at Serendipity Market in Edmond, Oklahoma!

Perfect for the Farmhouse Style Bath and they make my booth smell sooo good!

Yesterday was the first Tuesday I haven't worked outside my home in almost four years.  It felt so strange to get up, brew a pot of tea and make a slew of different choices for my day! 

All is well.




  1. AH! No place like home!! Happy creating Ms Rebecca. I can't wait to see what you have in store for all of us!

  2. You're giving me some good ideas. I have some wonderful soaps and they would look nicer wrapped like this! Sweet hugs!
