Thursday, May 4, 2017


I've had a busy week as I've worked towards getting BACK into the groove of doing things I love! I'm almost done with the Vintage Train Case Makeover I told you about last week and yesterday, while out junkin' and slummin', I found several amazing pieces of furniture that are destined for a transformation as well.  I found the most amazing place EVAH!  Not new to my town, but certainly to me.

After all I haven't done much tag sale shopping since May of 2016.  One of the things I missed doing with my Mr. AGP Man!
I'm soooo OUT of the practice of blogging!  I had my phone camera with me, which was fine.  But, I failed to bring my Cannon Rebel along for the trip and that is my go-to, sure-shot way I photograph my finds.  Anyway...I snapped a few pictures of an incredible that I fell in love with.  This one for sure is going into my booth!  I sold several pieces of furniture last month and now my little space is HUNGRY for more...
 I'm pretty sure the desk came from Spiegel as part of the original label is underneath.  It's not an antique by any means...more likely it falls under what I call
  It needs a repaint and top needs some sanding and restaining.  I may change out the knobs as well.  We'll see!
 Now...looking at this cabinet in the photo will fool you!  It is chest high and several years ago you could find them here and there.  Back when stenciling with hand painted accents were popular!
 This one has seen some better days and I can't wait to get it painted and [farmhoused up!]  For sure it will be painted with a couple of coats of soft white paint and I'll probably add some sort of French transfer to the front.
 I can see it in a bath or something!  
I'm excited to get started on both these great finds.

As I work my way back into my studio I'm ovah-de-moon HAPPY about creating more handwork! Snagging some old lace is always fun!  I especially love the cotton cluny lace!

 But...this old hat with the white roses is simply fabulous as well!  They are getting harder to find these days!

OK...there you have it.  As soon as I finish up these latest projects I'll share the final results.

Hope today finds you happy and well!  Gosh...I've SO MISSED YOU
and my life.

Love to you...



  1. Well, Rebecca, I am crusty and old and could use some transforming, so this title got me comin' over for a visit!!

    You still have the BLOODHOUND gene....your 'finds' are awesome! Glad you are feeling up to doing some transforming magic on them!


  2. We've missed you too. Welcome back. You're like a ray of sunshine in blogland. Blessings and Peace

  3. Lesley UK...I have MISSED YOU my friend. Truly! Thank you so much for finding me again. I've been lost for a while now...but I'm making my way back home.

    Hugs and love to you~


  4. Maggie...I came to visit you and I hope my comment when through. You are a JOY and I especially loved seeing your doggie on your home page. I don't know why, maybe because my Mollie (Yorkie) isn't long for this world, but I just laughed out loud with joy! Bless you.


  5. All these new finds and your energy and enthusiasm are simply wonderful to see, as you gain your strength and get back into your creative mode. It's a lovely thing to recapture such a thrill after a down-time of inactivity or forced non-participation in something you're so good at and enjoy so much.

    So good to see you posting frequently---I hope to get into that "groove" again someday soon, as well. All best from the Heartland,

