Monday, February 16, 2009

He's Ever Interceding

My Sister Linda & I (with the guitar)
1975 - Colorado Springs
(Thanks Cat for the photo)

I believe I must have been about four years old when first paired with my sister Linda to sing duets. She was two years older than I and I distinctly remember the two of us standing side by side, just to the right of our mother as she sat and played our Gulbransen piano. Two peas in a pod we were. We’d learn the songs set before us and often be expected to sing one the following Sunday. Such was the life of two PK’s (Preacher’s Kids) and trust me when I tell you this was the norm. I even recall on a few occasions singing with our mother. But that was back when we were very, very young and long before her ears were silenced.

And so began my passion for singing. A desire birthed within me when just a little girl and one that has grown during many days of living life on this planet. Uncovering the “sound of song” is in me…it just is! And, not unlike my love for both painting and sewing, it has successfully knitted itself into the very fabric of my heart.

One of my greatest joys comes from singing with my hubbs. But, knowing I’d be going it alone on this one given Sunday prompted me to look particularly hard for something fresh and moving. I attend a loving church filled with precious people. But, we live in a hurting world and if you take the time to look you will see much suffering. I asked God to lead me to the right song…the song He wanted me to sing.

Sunday arrived right on schedule and I felt fairly confident I’d chosen wisely a song designed to minister and encourage. It wasn’t a new song, but one I deeply connected with and loved. I easily skipped through a quick run-through before morning worship service began and thirty minutes later, with microphone in hand, I heard the familiar melody of taped music start, and I began to sing...

*“Someone to go the extra mile
Just like a mother caring for her child…
A Friend who’ll stick through thick and thin
No matter what you’ve done or where you’ve been
Just like a great big family
A stronger older brother he will be
So quick and ready to defend
The younger, weaker to the end

And He’s ever interceding
To the Father for His children
And He’s ever interceding
To the Father for His own
Through Him you can reach the Father
So bring Him all your heavy burdens
He’s ever interceding
So come boldly though the throne”

As the music continued to play I was thankful for the extra long pause between the chorus and the beginning of the second verse. I was losing my composure, being moved myself by the melody and the message behind the words I was singing. What I had prayed would minister to others, instead began to minister back to me…

“Just like sheep we’ve gone astray
Struggling ‘neath a debt we could not pay
Not ever hoping to renew
The love and fellowship that we once knew
But He began to intercede
Crying ‘Father-please forgive” I plead
And as the nails pierced in His hands
God once again reached down to man

And He’s ever interceding…….”

I want you to all know that my life is not perfect. Even though it may appear like it is sometimes, it certainly isn’t! It’s so easy to post pictures of my smiling self and write about everything being pink and rosy! It’s soothing for me to write about exciting decorative finds rescued from flea market bins and attic clutter, lasting friendships, business success, a happy marriage and loving children…

But there’s another side. A side that knows deep heartache and real failure! A side that’s endured financial ruin and devastating illness…a side that longs for the restoration of broken, shattered relationships…a side that lives with the separation of family and the death of close friends…a side that is far too lonely and too often afraid...

It’s been a comfort to me this very day to know that I cannot fall so far from God that His loving arms can’t reach me. It is reassuring to know there isn't a hurt I can’t trust Him to heal or a brokeness I can't trust Him to mend. I’m blessed in the knowledge that I’m incapable of earning His devotion and whether in the height of success or the pit of failure, He loves me just the same. I pray you will always know this kind of peace…

“He’s ever interceding to the Father for His children…”


*”He’s Ever Interceding” by Carolyn Gilman


  1. I sit up at 4 a.m. looking for this very peace you speak of in prayer. Today is a sad day for me i'm finding comfort in the words of others. There have been days when my faith is tested and when it is I simply play "peace in the valley" which is a song that allows me to bear up cope with what comes my way today. I think little pleasing thoughts & dreams rather than the larger scale ones I had envisioned when I was smaller trying to figure out why so much pain could come to so many children in my very own family.

    I see a point in your post that speaks to the adage of not judging others to quickly. You never know what they may be going through in their own lives in spite of what may be seen on the outer skins.

    Hugs Rebecca!

  2. I have very distinct memories of you singing that song in church when Adrie and I were kiddos! :)

  3. Sweet ~r~,
    Couldn't of said it better myself.. Perfectly versed and worded.. God is soo Good, and the great Healer, He knows our every thought, BUT, most importantly our HEARTS.. We are all lacking in areas and more so hurting in our hearts.. Even our unheard prayers are known by our Heavenly Father.. Aaahhh..His mercy and grace shall sustain us through each day or hour or minute.. Be blessed that you know all of this..And, hoping we all feel HIS peace and comfort, especially when we need it the most..You are richly blessed my friend.. Keep your heart and eyes heavenward.. Our burdens become soo much lighter..Love you to the moon sweet friend.. hugs ~tea~xo

  4. What a lovely post today, dear Rebecca! Right now, I am so worried about the economy and what might happen if I lose my job. I feel so vulnerable and alone. Your encouraging post helped me to remember that I am truly not alone--never ever alone! If beautiful waterlilies can rise from dank, dark mud, God can bring beautiful lives out of sorrow and sadness!

  5. Hi Rebecca, I just love your post and so understand exactly what you mean. With a smile and cheerful confidence, we can carry on and somehow make it look easy. We know it is not always that way. God shows us the path, we take the road leaning on his graces. The only gift that sees us to the end.

    I also enjoyed reading your love of music and singing. My best friend and I also played the guitar and sang like you and your sister. It was in the early 70's. I also play the piano and my DH and I sang in church years ago. We do not sing duets now in church~ but still do sing together on occasion. I have special songs I can barely get through because the words minister to me in a way that make me quiet.
    Thank you for your words. I was off to dreamland, but so glad I stopped by first.
    Blessings and hugs,
    Celestina Marie

  6. Oh Rebecca what a beautiful post & what a very talented Lady you are. My Mum visited your blog today & emailed me to say she couldn't get over how your Mollie the Molinator looks exactly like her Cindy, after having a good look they are identical, only thing is Mollie is in the US & Cindy is in NZ!
    Have a great night

    Lyn xxx

  7. Reb, Thanks for stopping by my blog & leaving such a kind comment.
    Yes you are welcome to add me as a fav & I'll do the same.
    Your blog is lovely, you are such a very talented Gal! I've always loved your work.
    Blessings ~Mary~ :-}

  8. I found your blog by way of your ebay site you have been on my favorites for a very long time! love your stuff you do beautiful work!!

  9. I just recently found your blog and I love it. This post that you did really hit home with me. It was just what I needed to hear today before I go out into the world to my job. I've been feeling really confused about a lot of things in my life lately. Your post helped me to see this differently than before. It opened my eyes to possibilties that I thought were no longer available to me. Thanks you.

    Come visit me sometimes.
    Lee Laurieo

  10. What a sweet memory and beautiful message. We enjoy your blog so much. Thanks for stopping by with a cheerful message for Karen on our blog. It's been a tough week for her.

  11. Hi Rebecca,

    Wow! What a beautiful song and a beautiful post! I just pulled up this wonderful song on You Tube! Now I am truly a mess! What a touching, ministering song! Thank you for sharing! I, too, appear to everyone that my life is perfect (and those closest to me think I can handle any problem without missing a beat) but as we all know, we all have hurts and pain that only Jesus truly knows about and intercedes for us to our Heavenly Father! :) What an awesome friend we have in Jesus!

    I truly enjoy your do know how to write and put your thoughts into beautiful, touching words! You should write a book!! :)

    Hugs, Carolyn
