Friday, July 31, 2009


Wise and Wonderful

I love spending time with our Miss K! The pretty little girl you see above is one of my greatest joys and I jump at the chance to have her by my side even on my busiest of errand-days. My to-do-list was long for Thursday, but since it included picking out some school clothes for our special girl I knew she wouldn't mind popping inside a few extra stores to look around.

We successfully returned a pair of non-fitting sandals, picked up a stylin' little number at Target (that Miss K was SURE would be the hit of her 1st grade class), ran my SUV through the car wash, and before breaking for lunch I opted to stop in at our local fabric shoppe for a quick peek at their latest Fall themed fabric.
Now...I can't GO into a fabric store without LOOKING AROUND. So...that's what we did. We "looked around". Now~the place we were visiting is nice. It is. But, a gorgeous Quilt-Fabric Shoppe it is not. I quickly became a bit discouraged by the poor selection of cottons and decided to leave. On the way out I glanced at the laces and trims ( just to see if anything wonderful might be on clearance). Nothing was.
Miss K obviously saw the look of disappointment on my face...

"What's wrong, Nana? Don't they have what you are looking for?"

"No sweetie, they don't!"

"Well...they have LOTSA LACE....don'tcha like it?"

"No, sweetie, I don't!"

"Is it because it's not vintage?"

(WHAT? I didn't even KNOW she knew what the word VINTAGE meant...I mean, SHE'S SIX!)

I picked up the conversation~"Yes, partly honey! I LOVE vintage lace. I just love EVERYTHING old!"

"I love everything OLD, too Nana! I love you and Papa...and you're old...

Does that mean YOU'RE VINTAGE?"

I suddenly developed a massive headache and had to go home. Miss K got a burger at the Drive Thru and I took SEVERAL Excedrin.

Blessings to you as you learn to LOVE your age WHATEVER it is...Rebecca


  1. LOL - So funny!! I share your pain *wink*

  2. G'morn ~ Chuckles!!! Love the 'out of the mouths of babes'! Oh, the instances I could share with you over that cup of tea, my dear Rebecca. Aren't they most precious at these moments, when we least expect our wee ones to be so grown up. It is amazing how much they absorb ...

    Vintage, hmmmm! That one hasn't been sprung on us yet!Tatiana is still trying to figure out how come Poppy is 24 & Mimi is 22 AND her Mother is 45 ... at Poppy's bday party 'but Daddy,you said Poppy was 70 & Mimi said he is 24!', hands on her hips.

    Tatiana goes into lst grade this year also. Where have these brief few years gone? so quickly.

    Pop over for a visit today, you'll love it .....

    Now go back & put your feet up so the excedrin can kick in ... bless Miss K.

    Hugs, TTFN ~Marydon

  3. What a dear dear moment! How clever your Miss K is!! I think perhaps a little of her Nana is wearing off on her...Vintage!!? What a darling story..Thanks for sharing Rebecca!

  4. I had to laugh because that's how most grandkids see us - OLD, sugar. BUT my granddaughter, who works for Microsoft in Washington, tells me that I'm the only grandmother her co-workers know who can actually do HTML and navigate a computer and am considered somewhat of an enigma compared to THEIR grandmothers, chick!! I tell her I may be old, but I ain't stupid, honey. Anytime she has a question about Macs she calls ME. Hah, it's fun being a vintage enigma!.....;-)

  5. Rebecca, dear girl, I almost spewed my tea across my keyboard when I read what your darling K said. Ha!!!!!

    I just mentioned to Ron last evening that I needed to take off the fact that we have been married for 30 years on my blog profile....unless I ADD that I was married at 10 years of age!!!!

    Ron thinks I am silly but he is the MOST secure person I have ever known in my entire life! As the cartoon character Popeye would say....I is what I is.

    Hey...we don't look our age. God is good!!!!

    Blessings this day,

  6. The innocense of children. What she doesn't know is that "we are all the same age inside." (Read that on a placque one time)

  7. Out of the mouths of babes;)!!! Too cute!!!

    Just remember she is six...everything is "vintage" when your six!!!


  8. Cute, cute, cute. I just love when my grandchildren say such cute things. Oh, go vintage! It has a ring to it...better than ancient!!

  9. Good morning sweet ~r~,
    hahahaha.. out of the mouths of babes !! I have to say I was soo like Ms. K, cuz I remember thinking 40' were old, very old...but, now if you are 80, ooohhh.. you're still swingin'..hehehe.. I think it's all in our hearts !! I thank the Lord for each day I'm given..honest I do !! And to sweet, beautiful, Ms. K, big hugs and kisses for you both !!
    Have a happy, blessed day sweet ~r~
    big hugs ~tea~xo

  10. Oh Rebecca! How precious is that. You are vintage. I know I am. Aren't grand daughters just precious. One day I came home from work, and my Destiny Girl was about 8 years old. She told me to come here, come here, she wanted to talk to me. I said okay. She proceeded to talk. Grammy would it be okay if I just call you Gram? I said sure Destiny that would be fine, but you have been calling me Grammy since forever, why would you want to change my name? She said Grammies are old, and when you get old, you die. I want to change you name to Gram. In her little mind at the young age of 8 years old she believed if she changed my name and made me something other than a Grammy I would not die. I am still amazed to this day by that. Their little minds are working all the time. I am so thrilled that you had this time with your Ms. K, as they grow so fast. I do not know where the time has gone. Our grandkids, We will have (1) in the 8th grade, (2) in the 6th grade,(1) in the 4th grade, and (1) in the 3rd grade when school starts in a few weeks. See ya Pink Saturday. Country Hugs, Sherry

  11. Oh Rebecca... Take heart. To a 6 year old anyone in high school is old & vintage!!

  12. How darlingly sweet! Your Miss K is such a perseptive sweetheart! Just a sweet story!


  13. What a cute story! Good thing you look so young and beautiful! I am feeling old myself today as my last child left the nest and moved across the country. The truck just left and I am lonely so I came to read your beautiful blog.


  14. I am glad to see Kylah has inherited her Daddy's (which I inherited from my Dad) excellent sense of wit and humor... haha!

    Bravo my darling!

  15. Oh this one is never going to be forgotten!! I'm so loving my sweet little Miss K! I laughed so hard I had tears running down my face!!

  16. G'Morning Rebecca -

    Lucky you! Your granddaughter is so adorable and how great for you to have a little girl to play with.

    I am patiently (ANXIOUSLY) waiting for granchildren

    Happy Days -


  17. Love this post. Kid's do say the darndest things huh? Yes, very memorable indeed.

    Have a blessed weekend,


  18. Hi Becky--

    I love the photo of Kylah. What a beauty! It is hard for me to realize she will be in first grade. Growing up so fast.

    What a wonderful Memory the two of you have made. Being Vintage is WONDERFUL. I like it better than "Senior Citizen." LOL

    Thanks for sharing...Just remember, too many Excedrine will give you ulcers. I know!

    Love you dear daughter.


  19. This is one of those discussions that will come back up at thanksgiving, christmas, easter, heheheh... to be told over and over again. But fear not, one day she too will... mature.... and then realize, nana is not so old at all. Nana is young at heart!! Love this story.

    By the by, you g'daughter is looking more and more like you everytime you put a picture up of her!!

  20. Hi sweet Rebecca, I am so with your mom on this one, vintage is better than senior, although we aren't there YET. Miss K is such a sweetie. Any day with a child is a good day. Tiring, but good.

  21. That is so funny. "Out of the mouths of babes." They are so darn honest and innocent at the same time. My babies always ask, "Nana can I have this or that when you die." Ya gotta love 'em.

    Blessings 2 u

  22. Oh how sweet, sometimes it's hard not to laugh when kids say the darnest things, but when it makes us sad at the same time, I can see the need for excederine.

    I hate school shoping, money just flies right out of your pocket, and just when you have some more in your pocket, it's time to update the clothes because now they are all torn and tattered. :0)

    Hang in there life only gets better with age, and after I saw the picture of Miss K until I read the nana part I seriously thought it was your daughter. Your a beautiful women, stay strong.

    Have a blessed weekend.


  23. It's those times you don't know if you want to laugh or cry!
    xxoo, Susan

  24. I guess I qaualify as vintage lace too:) Pass the excedrin.

  25. Don't you just envy a child's colorful imagination?

  26. Rebecca, that is a funny story. I have a feeling Miss K and my grandchildren would have a grand time together. Many years ago(when I was much younger than I am now!), I was teaching about the Revolutionary War and George Washington. One little boy asked me if I knew George Washington. I just smiled and said, "Not personally". Enjoy your weekend. Vicki

  27. Grandchildren are full of surprises that bring such joy!
    We are blessed to be very sweet this is.
    Hugs to one Nana to another.
    Have a superb week-end,

  28. That was just too cute & brought back a memory of when I turned 30. I was so depressed that I decided to wear all black for the occasion. My son who was 5 at the time wanted some cereal for breakfast. As I was pouring the milk, the milk splashed off the cereal onto the table to make a mess. I was so mad that I did such a stupid thing. My son could sense I needed some cheering up so he patted my hand & said "That's alright Mom, when people get old, they do things like that." He thought for sure that is what I needed to hear. I didn't know if I should laugh or cry. I think I did both. But I can still remember it to this day & that was almost 21 years ago. It is still one of my fondest memories.

  29. hi rebecca!

    i am thrilled to have found your blog via your sweet comment on mine! it's wonderful! i will have to pick up my romantic homes b&b to find you!

    speaking of "vintage", i heard U2 on the oldies station today. hmmmmm?


  30. LOL!!! LOL!!! Out of the mouths of babes. What a sweetie pie!!!!! Sounds like you two had a wonderful day!! LOL her comment was way toooo cute and reminded me of the story of the little one who said her Grandparents were "retarded". The lived in a "retardedment" home. Miss K is an angel. Love love love visiting you, you make me smile.....really big. ;)
    ♥ Teresa

  31. Oh Reb, I am sorry to say that it brought a huge smile to my face. Don't you just love the things children say, pure delight. Thanks for making my day, from one vintage girl to another, hugs, Maureen....

  32. Out of the mouths of babes! What a sweetie. At least you had some fun before the headache struck! Have a loveleigh night!

  33. I seriously laughed out loud... what an adorable story.

  34. Rebecca,
    Aren't grandchildren the best way to enter into that "vintage" status? Miss K is so lovely.

    In Grace,

  35. I laughed out loud when I read about Kylah thinking you are OLD!! What I wouldn't take to be your age again!!
    However,my Lydia told me when she was about five or six that I was not like other grannies, and I replied no, and I never will be!!
    It was suppose to be a compliment, I guess..??
    I've never forgotten it!!
    Love to the youngest OLD grannie I know, Francy
