Monday, July 13, 2009


I actually had planned a completely different POST for you today. But, as things sometimes go in my life I felt directed to share something else instead. I'll save my PAINTING POST for tomorrow or Thursday... It is one full of shabby pink fluff and one you will hopefully enjoy~

Early, early this morning as I sipped my favorite CUPPA-JOE, my heart was stirred and I began to feel a calming down of my spirit. Although my day was already planned out, my hours filled up with painting and sewing projects waiting patiently for completion, I began to feel the need to do only one thing... So, I followed the gentle leading and sat down. I waited. And waited.

After several minutes of soft silence, I began to hear the faint sound of a familiar voice...

"Are you LISTENING now, Rebecca? Can you hear me? I'm trying to speak to you! I have something important to tell you! You know I don't yell....".

Now...I'm not good at this 'listening thing'. Just ask my girly-pal, Sweet Tea, my longtime friend about this. I'm constantly talking over her because I'm sooooo terribly excited about what I WANT to say~ Or if you'd rather, dial up my Mr. AGPMan or my only brother and they'll agree that I'm seldom quiet. I rarely draw a breath when chatting things up with those I love (Eeeek~ or even with strangers!).

But, I suppose God knows this...after all, he made me. He's so patient. So kind. Still, learning to be SILENT is difficult for me even though it brings me to a quiet understanding about the life He has blessed me with. Somehow, I must learn to pay better attention to the life-story I am living and moments He's given me to savor.

"What did you want to say, God? I'm sorry...I'm thinking...chatting away to myself... You know's a 'Rebecca-thing'... Anything special for me today? I'm listening...I'm quiet...I'm waiting..."

And then, just like He's always done, He drew me close to His chest and whispered softly into my heart...

"I just wanted to say I LOVE YOU!"

"My sheep hear my voice, and I know them..." John 10:27 KJV

Blessings to you as you listen for a God who whispers...Rebecca


  1. Lovely post, Rebecca and a very helpful reminder..
    Thank you...

  2. How loving & precious this post ... poignant & profound once again. You continue to amaze me. Forever, I am so grateful to have met you ... your words are just so wonderful & the lessons are so warm. Thank you.
    TTFN ~Marydon

  3. What a precious post,Rebecca. My heart just did a pitter-patter. :) God is Love.

  4. Ooohh sweet ~r~,
    sniff..sniff.. my saddened heart, soo needed this, this afternoon.. I think he spoke these words to speak to mee..God is good and faithful.. RIGHT ?! Love and hugs to you my friend

  5. Hi Dear Rebecca! OH, what a touching post! Be still and listen! It's hard sometimes!
    I'm so sorry I haven't emailed you back! I lost your email address! If you'll email me, I'll answer some of your questions!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia :)

  6. God is so good...isn't HE....touches where no one else can...this was good..

  7. Such sweet little moments and heart-warming quotes.
    Now I'm going to hop over and take a gander at your ESTY shop.

    Monday evening blessings, Candy

  8. I can't think of another person than you Rebecca that I would rather start my day with. Well, except for my hubby, but you are my quiet time. God bless you Rebecca!
    xxoo, Susan

  9. Becky--

    This post was heart warming and made me smile. "Be still and know..." To KNOW...

    What a POWERFUL message, so clear a child can understand.

    Thank you and BTW-- I love you too.

    Hugs-- Mom

  10. Thank you Momma... The day was actually a very long, trying one...I'll share with you soon! I'm just thankful for the years and years of spiritual teaching from you and daddy. It changed my life...

    Love you...Beck

  11. Dear Rebecca, thank you so much for coming by and leaving a sweet comment. I love finding your blog. We are so very much alike. It's wonderful finding so many other Christian women out there and connecting.
    Have a blessed day! Debra

  12. Morning, Most Beautiful ONe! Oh, how exciting to be redoing your kitchen! Can't wait for you! You'll have to keep us all posted!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  13. Dear Rebecca,
    Do you know what a blessing you are to me? Thank you for the lovely writing from your sweet heart.

  14. Awesome post my friend...we all need to take time and listen...he hears us all...May you have a great week my friend...hugs and smiles Gl♥ria

  15. Hi Rebecca,
    There is nothing better than being on the receiving end of God's tender love and mercies, is there? I am delighted that you shared this precious moment with us. God takes great pleasure in us, our company, and our love being directed toward Him throughout the day. I savor moments of treasured inspiration from Him, and just bask in the glory of His amazing love. So glad you received what He had for you!! AND that you shared it with us!! :o)
    Have a joyful week!
    Love and hugs,

  16. Hi Rebecca, lovely post, sweet lady.

    I thought of you this morning. I was sitting at a stop light face to face with a beggar....brought your post of a few weeks ago back to me. A policeman had just moved him on and he was angry. He looked dirty and needy. It certainly gave me pause for reflection and thought. Don't know why I am telling you this except to let you know your posts have far reaching consequences.

    Hope your day is blessed, dear one.


  17. So lovely and Thank You for posting this. Sometimes our lives become so busy that we forget what is right in front of us.


  18. Beautiful. I'm not always good at listening either. Sometimes I need to remember to just stop and be still and listen. Thank you for the reminder.

  19. I need to remember this from time to time. I'm not a very good listener either. Seems like that I am always rushed to do this or that and never really have the quiet time that I need with God. I know that I need to slow down and start listening. Thanks for the thought provoking post.
    Lee Laurie

  20. What a beautiful post Rebecca, it brought tears to my eyes. Tears of joy not sadness.

