Tuesday, August 11, 2009



This week I read the story of the mother of a well-known inspirational writer and teacher. As the story unfolded the writer went on to share about the last years of her mother's life and how her brilliant mind faded...how her memory left her and her ability to articulate ceased. When the family of the aging woman went to visit her, they found her beautiful but silent. She smiled at them as if they were pleasant passing strangers who had stopped by for tea. When they tried to talk to her, she would look at them as if they were speaking a foreign language.

It was difficult for the family to see this woman whom they remembered as dynamic and powerful sitting silently in front of them for hours. One day the daughter asked the nurse who cared for her Mother "Does she EVER talk?"

She replied, "Oh no, she never says a word. But it's the strangest thing. She can't talk, but every so often she sings opera."

Apparently the nurse knew little about the woman's background or how, as a young girl, she had always dreamed of being a professional singer. She longed to be on the stage and had a deep desire to share her talented voice with the world... The caregiver marveled at how she could stand and sing when she couldn't say a word.

Isn't it amazing that those unfulfilled dreams are stamped so indelibly in our minds that even when all else is lost, the memories are not erased?

The night before the old woman died the nurse later told the family she had stood by her chair after dinner and began to sing, offering up a moving performance for all who cared to listen. Gentle applause erupted as the woman bowed and smiled.

The next morning the nurse went in to check on her patient only to find she had passed in the night. Her hands were folded across her chest and she had a smile on her face. She had sung her last song on earth. Sadly, the old woman's talent was never developed. She was like a music box that was never allowed to play, a career that was never begun.

The mother died with the music still inside her.

What are your dreams? Do you have a calling? A talent, gift or ministry you hope to share with the world? If so, what is it? Best you find out while there's still time to give your dreams their wings...

Blessings to you as you unleash the passions bestowed upon you by the Most High...Rebecca


  1. Oh Rebecca, that made me cry. As soon as I find a silent minute, I need to think on that story.

    Thank You,

  2. When in Catholic grade school there was a gentle sweet young nun who worked at our local hospital. She was always very sickly. Then death was surrounding her one day. Her dream was to always be able to sing, just plain sing. As she lay there in quiet, being attended, all of a sudden she burst forth singing in the sweetest voice the people had ever heard. People gathered unbelieving. And, at the end of the melodic song she sang, she passed over.

    Hugs of love, TTFN ~Marydon

  3. Thank you for a lovely and thought provoking post. I have some dreams that seemingly have been "put on the shelf" because of my health. I literally just finished praying about it before I read your post. God is our greatest encourager.
    Blessings, dear, have a wonderful day!

  4. Rebecca!
    I just love that sweet story! Such a reminder to use our talents and time in a worthy manner. I know as I approach 50 that I am so very thankful that over 10 years ago, GOD opened up the doors for me to create and share this passion with others. He has assured me over and over by the kind words of others that I AM doing what he designed for me to do. I am eternally grateful for this.

    Thank you for that wonderful food for thought!


  5. Hi sweet ~r~,
    This was so sweet and such a tender-hearted story to me !! I often think about what my passion is, or what I should or could be doing differently in my life.. You know the Lord always instills such a peace in me,(because i can feel so anxious at times)..I think it's still my calling to just be a Momma still right now, and be there for my children..Thank God I am always able to be home when needed, and to be involved in whatever it is that they are !! I LoVe the feeling I get when I listen, and feel that HE speaks to "Be Still"and just follow Him ! He will guide me down the right path,and yes, hopefully one day He will show me the direction on which I'm to turn again.. I thank God for what He has me to do !! God is good, and merciful, and aahh.. what grace He shows me each day !! LoVe to you sweet friend, as we travel His journey together..
    Big Hugs

  6. Lovely story............thanks for sharing it.

  7. Rebecca...I NEEDED to read this. xorachel

  8. This was a beautiful and thought provoking story. I will be thinking of it the rest of the day.

  9. Oh, that made me cry too. What a thought provoking post. It is sad but so true. May we all give wings to our dreams.

  10. Rebecca... absolutely beautiful post. Funny thing is... I just accomplished a decades long dream. It may not seem like much to others... but to me... it was wonderful.

    It is so true, especially for women. We put our own dreams in order to help those that we love, accompish theirs.

    I couldn't agree with you more!

    blessings. Dixie

  11. Rebecca, that beautiful story released tears that had been buried deep inside me. A year ago last Feb. my mother died from alzheimers. Most of the time she was somewhere we couldn't go, but she always could tell you she loved you, no matter who she was talking too. That was one thing she never lost. She might not know who you were, but she still loved you. The last time I went to see her before she died, she knew me and her sister. And that was not the case most of the time. But I think she did get to fill her dreams by making a wonderful home for my day and me. I think that was her goal in life and to love all her neighbors. I think when she reached home, God said, well done sweet Oma. J.C. is waiting for you.
    Thank you so much for sharing something so close to my heart.

  12. Hi sweet Rebecca, I can always count on you to lift me higher. I love this story and in my life I have had the joy of fullfilling a lot of my dreams. I have more I would love to do and you have inspired me today to go after it.

  13. Rebecca,

    What a beautiful post:). I dream of being a writer. I am currently working on several pieces and seeking a publisher. I have faith that God's will for my writing will come to fruition:).



  14. Hello, Rebecca,
    Wonderful and inspiring story. My dreams for each day is to encourage or inspire someone by my life. I am often reminded how children watch our every move. I try to keep this in mind when I have my grandchildren over or other children's eyes are on me. Have a good rest of the week. Vicki

  15. Hi Rebecca,
    Thank you for stopping to take the time and let me know you were having trouble with blogger too. It's so frustrating, but through the frustration I discovered a new friend. Your blog is so gorgeous!!! I'd love to know how you got three columns with blogger ;-).

    xoxo Cori

  16. what a sweet and inspiring story, and what a wonderful gift it was for all of those who heard her sing her final song. Lovely post Rebecca, thank you for sharing it, for making me think, for making my heart sing..;p

  17. Thank you, Rebecca. ♥

  18. Your post has really made me think... so many dreams with me thinking I have all the time in the world to accomplanish them.... maybe not huh...

    Lyn xxx
