Sunday, November 1, 2009

~FEASTING on His Daily Blessings...Some Food for Thought~

November 1963
Rebecca, Linda, Cindy, Kathy
and Miss Stibby

I awoke early today to an extra warm November morning. The birds were singing such beautiful little songs and didn't seem to mind at all the leaves around them had turned a deep amber-gold and were quickly falling to the ground. I will miss their sweet music when they fly away for the Winter. The day proved to be extra wonderful with temperatures reaching all the way up to 79 degrees. Odd for Fall, even for Oklahoma! My hubby and I raked leaves (a gazillion!) and worked together all afternoon to ready our home for the cold, frigid months ahead. This work, though necessary, can be truly exhausting! I know our efforts will pay off for the work we did today will make possible the new growth to push it's way up from the earth in the Spring.

Far more than usual I found myself welcoming November with great anticipation and joy. I love the month in which we celebrate Thanksgiving. My best childhood memories surround this time of the year and I will always be grateful to my mother for her creativity and talent for stretching a dollar on a Preacher-Man's salary (which was almost zero!). She was nothing less than magical. I don't recall a childhood Thanksgiving when our table wasn't beautifully set or when we weren't surrounded by family both near and far...

Beautiful days. Lovely memories. Forever preserved inside my heart.

The photo you see above was taken around 1963 when I was about 4 years old ( I'm on the left). It was snapped in the courtyard of Cedarlane Junior High in Hacienda Heights, California, a school I would go on to attend about six or seven years later. My Mother and her sister loved to dress their little girls up in costumes for the Season in hopes of sharing our cultural heritage with anyone who was willing to listen! :) That same year the four of us even landed in the L.A. County Tribune! This was an amazing feat...(I'll share the newspaper clipping with you later this month!).

As we begin counting down the days until Thanksgiving, it is my prayer that you will continue to recognize God's goodness and grace in your life. I've learned over the years that it isn't about the DAY or the wonderful FOOD, instead it's about being grateful and thankful for all we have, the good and the not-so-good, all of the time.

Don't forget~He won't allow what you can't bear!

Blessings to you as we feast upon His daily blessings...Rebecca


  1. Rebecca,
    I enjoyed this post.
    Thank you for sharing and the dresses are so cute on you all.
    I have fond memories of this time of year.
    d from homehaven

  2. Rebecca such a lovely post today. The picture of the little pilgrims is adorable, you looked amazing. Have a wonderful Sunday.


  3. What a wonderful deep post Rebecca. I can add nothing more to your words so perfectly & beautifully placed before us all. Thank you.

    Love the picture of you all ... cute.

    Hugs of love, TTFN ~Marydon

  4. Yes lovely post. I too enjoy memories from my childhood related to thanksgiving. I am fortunate to have many serving dishes and glasses that were my grandmother's that I remember us using when I was a child. My children love all the traditions. Sometimes I feel I am not up to all the to do, but usually do it. Blessing to you and family.

  5. Rebecca sweetie, I love to hear about your childhood memories...those things that helped to mold you into the lovely person that you are today. I love Thanksgiving also. Thanking the Lord for our bountious blessings is what I think the month of November is for. I love the darling picture of you little pilgrims.
    Love and hugs to you,

  6. What a beautiful wonderful memory. Not many people celebrate Thanksgiving this much and I think it's great. I wish we could see your cute little face more, would you be looking like Miss K?!!! Have a wonderful Monday!

  7. What an adorable picture. You are SO right about being Thankful for Our Heavenly Father. Our family tradition every year at the Thanksgiving Dinner table, is that My Hubby reads scripture and then we all take communion together, with grape juice and saltine crackers :) It is a wonderful Blessing to us. Thanks for your note back :) Yes, that is one wonderful thing we have in common :) Hugs !! :)

  8. Hi Rebecca,
    What sweet little girls all dressed up as pilgrims. How adorable you all were.
    I attended a school in Foster City California that looked very much like the one in your picture.

  9. Hello my sweet friend,
    This is the sweetest picture and most wonderful words you've shared ... I LoVe Thanksgiving time, and it makes it ever more special each passing year !! I guess as we get older, we really know to be thankful for everything .. God is good, and HE richly blesses all of us, and than for us to thank HIM and realize where these blessings truly come from is so wonderful and surely makes HIM smile down on us .. I LoVe and am so thankful for you, my sweet friend ~
    huggers ~tea~xo

  10. Hi Sweet Rebecca!
    I so loved this post. Thanks for sharing this beautiful November
    1st Day. It was a beautiful one.

    Try as I may I did not make it outside. I was so tired from yesterday I did not make it. Tony did some work in the yard, but I stayed indoors working today.

    Tomorrow it is back to work. I have many things to get caught up on. Have a wonderful week sweet friend. I think of you daily. I will always remember your friendship and kindness to me.

    Country hugs and love sweet friend, Sherry

  11. Thanksgiving is a wonderful time of the year. Thanks for reminding us to be thankful! A wonderful post!

  12. Rebecca, What a darling, darling remberance for you...wish that I had more images of my siblings and myself as a child...we just were too poor to have many images made.~
    We will be ORTUNATE to gathering with most of our family and a couple of friends for Thanksgiving this year...which will be very special becaue at Christmas, most of my family will be "elsewhere" celebrating with the "other half" of the family. ~ We will take anything we can get when it comes to seeing our family...right ?~


  13. Such a wonderful post and your blog is very lovely. :) Have a blessed week!

  14. Rebecca, such a touching post. You are very blessed to have had such a wonderful childhood.

    Sending love today, Barb ♥

  15. Your precious little card and cookie cutter came in the mail on Saturday. It is the cutest thing...I love it. I love it so much that it will go into oldest granddaughter's Christmas stocking this year. She will just adore it.
    Thank you so much...o, and I will show it off on the next Pink Saturday..
    love, bj

  16. So very well said. Blessings!
    p.s. Love your Thanksgiving dresses.

  17. Rebecca, thank you so much for that sweet comment! You have a way of always making me smile and feel good about the day and what tomorrow may bring! You are such a joy!!
    I just want to say that I have NO idea where I got my need to decorate and fuss with my home to the extent I do. It was not done in my home. Only once did I see a neighbors home that made my knees turn to water and made me long to have a beautiful home one day.

    I love reading about your memories of your childhood. Always so warm and encouraging! Thank you SO much!
