Wednesday, December 9, 2009

~LOVE IS...and Other Things That Matter~

Going Christmas Shopping With Her~

Do you see the look of pure contentment on the face of this sweet little lady? Now, look closely at the expression her man has standing next to her with his arms piled high with presents...

She is happy and he is miserable!

Time for truth-telling...

This little fella has the exact look on HIS FACE that my Mr. AGPMan does when I drag him out to the stores for a day of intense "present buying". For all the wonderful things about my man I can tell you straight up he'd rather visit the dentist than brave the crowded malls and specialty shoppes at Christmas. While I quickly focus in on finding the perfect gift he does little more than wander aimlessly down aisle after aisle.

It's such a sad sight. Poor guy...

The Greatest Christmas Gift of All~

Blessings to you as you remember the best gifts are never found under the tree...Rebecca


  1. Another lovely post, Im so glad I joined your blog.How refreshing. Its hearfelt and so beautiful.Thanks so much for putting the true meaning of Christmas on your blog.~~Becky

  2. I loved your post! How true that is for most of our dear men :) Although I must say that my precious hubby has a certain amount of "grace time" until his face starts looking like your cartoon.

  3. Oh I know Rebecca, sure is true that men don't like to shop with us. But they do their duty when they have to, and they are pretty good sports!

    I just had to pop over to your beautiful blog this morning to feel refreshed. It is so pretty!

    I live in Kansas, but I have a friend that lives in Edmond, Ok. Do you enjoy living there? I think it looks like a nice place to live.

    Have a great day!

    Linda @ Truthful Tidbits

  4. Hi Rebecca, this has got to be my favorite Love Is post yet! That must be Jack too! Isn't it funny how they can look forever at tools and such, but take them to the cosmetics counter or somewhere and they can't wait to leave! Love to you... Bisous... Julie Marie

  5. Isn't funny how we as women know what the perfect gift is & we hunt it down as though the world will end if we don't find it. The men, "this will do don't ya think". heheh. My hubs doesn't mind so much going shopping. I think he even gets a kick out of it. It's me who would rather go at midnight then be banged into all the while shopping. I like the quiet of the stores, the low music playing in the background and getting a kick out of watching my husband play with every gadget he comes across. We really try to make it fun. But through it all, we love each moment we are together sharing in the impending joy of the receiver. We choose to make it fun and it's worked so far for us. I love your little clippings! Hugs ~ Tammy

  6. So true, my man will take me, but he stays in the car and naps and reads his bible...Sometimes he will wander in with me, but not often...
    Cute post...
    glenda Serendipity Cottage

  7. My hubby enjoys grocery shopping & Lowe's shopping or anything of the such but I have see that look when we were at ACMoore or Michael's... He is a good sport but then I go to Tractor Supply with him & that look is then mine!! Ha! Ha!
    Happy Holidays!!

  8. Rebecca, this was beautiful. Thank-u for sharing. Have a great day! Blessings

  9. How right you are. My HH has never in almost 50 years gone Christmas shopping with me. With 6 kids he had all he could do putting toys together. I love your post today.

  10. This is too funny and sweet! I think most men feel that way. They get in, make the purchase and get out. I do admit sometimes the crowds can get to me too, but shopping is so much fun! Marry Christmas and have a loveleigh evening Rebecca!

  11. Rebecca, you know how much I love the "love is..." I solved the problem of him shopping with me for the Christmas presents... He doesn't go! Ha! So I am afraid that the love is... Christmas shopping wouldn't apply! Ha! Have a very wonderful Christmas with your AgapMan!

  12. My husband doesn't shop except at Lowe's and for me on Christmas Eve. Then he says I know it's not the right size but you can take it back after Christmas. Love him anyway. Thanks for sharing.

  13. Our poor husbands. They certainly go the extra mile for us.

    I was at a craft faire a few weeks ago and in the lobby there was a sofa and above the sofa there was a sign that said. "Husband Drop Off Zone". I wish I had had my camera!
    xxoo, Sue

  14. Rebecca, this is so funny.

    Ron is a great shopper but it is amazing how fast he conks out! He has enough energy to run around me and when we shop together, he is good for an hour and then...he starts yawning and dragging. I usually think it is downright funny. gotta love 'em.


  15. Poor hubby. Mine surprisingly doesn't mind doing a little shopping with me.. he can always find something he wants to look at too. Blessings!

  16. Hi Rebecca, That was really cute. My hubs also will shop with me as long as it is a store with a men's section or something outdoorsey. As far as a fabric, or craft store...........forget it! Rebecca please tell me what template you are using on Blogger, because I have been trying so hard to figure out how to do a 3 column template and I'm afraid I'll mess everything up beyond repair! Thanks, Mollye

  17. Love is the best gift of all. I think my favorite present came on April 15th. 1990 at 1:30 a.m. He was 8lbs and 10oz's. And my favorite Christmas present was the kitty he gave me that he rescued from the pound around 5 yrs. ago.
    Merry Christmas!!!

  18. What a dear sentiment and done with such cute little cartoons. I always smile when you use them to tell us about you and your beloved!
