Monday, March 8, 2010


Dear Peeps~

Gosh...where to begin to tell the story of where my creative self has been over the past year.  I feel like I've traveled over the river and through the woods at least a dozen times during the last eight months or so and to be honest with you I wasn't too sure just where my journey was going to lead....or end.
I am happy to share with you that somehow, through grace and faith, I chose a path that would lead me back to all the things I've ever loved and valued.  I'm thankful that path was one that would return me to the steps of my La Chaumiere de Briarwood and to the very place I call home.

When I first began selling my wares on eBay over eight years ago I truly had no plans of actually beginning a business.  After losing my job in management I was just hoping to pull in some extra cash until I could find new employment.  I never found that dream job, but some measurable success did come to me in the form of on-line selling.  And so... I found myself settling in for what would end up being an awesome ride.

Selling on eBay eventually led to opening up a LIMITED website for showcasing my wares.  It was built by my then 20 year old son, Brandon,  and even though it was great to have dedicated site, it was, by his admission, difficult for a novice like me to navigate.  The computer language was overwhelming and very difficult to understand.  After Brandon left for the Air Force I grew impatient and discouraged and returned to selling on eBay...  I was very disappointed.  Perceived failure can be a very disheartening thing...

The years continued to click by when last Spring, with a plan that was based more in my heart than in my head, I opted to restart that very same website.  Even though it had been only slightly modified I thought for sure I could manage it this time.  How very, very wrong I was. It took me an hour to upload one item and by the time I was finished unbelievable frustration had set in.  It would take me all day to add a half a dozen new products and by then the creative energy to make anything new had left me...

Now...I'm sure you are probably wondering why I just didn't hire someone to build me a website that was state-of-the-art, right?

The quick answer is "I wanted to!"  I even contacted a string of the better known web-designer related to the industry for price quotes and also made several telephone calls.  But, custom-made websites (not cookie cutter sites) are costly and I was reluctant to invest in a site that did not give me creative license to make even minor changes.  I truly believe that web-designers deserve every penny they charge, it's hard work and their talent amazes's just for me I wanted more control over my own personal site. 

So...after reopening my original website last year, four months later I chose to shutter it again.  I returned to selling on eBay but nowhere near to the extent that I once had.  Truthfully I just lost my focus and my drive for a bit. I made a decision that I would not return to private online selling again until I had a dynamic site that would load from a data base.

Years later, armored with a wealth of hard-earned computer skills, Brandon built me new website with a wonderful admin page where I can create a listing in five minutes. The Site has been completely revamped and restyled with easy to read pages and lots and lots of up-close pictures. (Bran is now a full-time Programmer at a well known Oklahoma University and works on high tech things like the Space Station...Wow!  Is this Mom proud or what?).

As soon as I finish stocking the shelves of the site I will post again about it's reopening.  I'm not 100% sure of the date but I can tell you it will be in time to purchase pretties for Mother's Day.

Have you ever heard of a Grand Re-Opening RE-OPENING?


About eBay...I'll still list on this amazing site from time to time.  EBay was wonderful to me and in spite of what I've felt were questionable changes over the years, I've loved it.  Other than really disliking the bidding thing, I have only good things to say about it.

About Etsy...I'm fairly new to this fabulous site  but I hope to offer more things in the near future.  I also plan on doing some advertising in my favorite magazines.

And  there you have it.  Thank you to those of you who have encouraged me with your gentle praise over the past few month and especially to my eBay supporters who have shown more patience with me than I could have ever possibly deserved.

More infor on a sweet give-a-way tomorrow....

Blessings...from an ever grateful,


  1. It all sounds like "labor pains" & you know labor pains lead to something wonderful!! It will be worth it.....Can't wait to see!!

  2. What a rollercoaster ride you have had but, you stuck with it and now your are set to go, well done you. I love your blog page it is so pretty.
    Love Jillxx

  3. Rebecca amor, how wonderful that you have been doing something that you obviously enjoy and love for so many years...I bet your new online store is going to be just lovely and a huge success with all your beautiful creations... looking forward to visiting when it has it's Grand re-opening, re-opening :) Besos, Rose

  4. g'morn, Rebecca ~ We patiently await your exquisite creations, by your blessed creative hands.

    It is nearly like a small child standing there with that lollipop held so tightly by their Mother ... patience ... we are being very good, Rebecca, truly we are ...

    Have a beautiful day. Hugs of love, Marydon

  5. Rebecca,
    I loved reading your story! I too sold on Ebay once upon a time and did fairly well but with working full time, it became very time consuming and I truly lacked the space at home to accomodate all of the shipping supplies and whatnot. My Son also works in IT and works for a company that builds web sites on Yahoo. I hope to return to online selling soon and I am debating about Ebay and Etsy. My own web site will have to wait until I retire but thanks so much for being an inspiration to me!

  6. Rebecca ~
    I am so understanding what you are saying ~ I am thrilled for you with your website ~ I know it will be beautiful and reflect your personality wonderfully ~

  7. Can't wait to see your grand opening...I'm sure it will be a dreamy sight!

  8. Hi Rebecca!

    What exciting news about you! I'm so happy that things are going in a good direction for you. Your creations are fabulous and people just adore them.

    I'm starting a list of "shops" on my sidebar and wondered if you would like to be listed on it for your lovely products. I would need your permission to use one of your photos of your artwork and I would link it to your blog. People can view your blog and then hop over to your Etsy or product site. Let me know if you would like to be added. It's just a way to promote our little businesses during this economic crunch. (you may have to email me a photo to use)

    Have a great week! Blessings, Sherry

  9. Oops! I found your button on my sidebar and added that to my sidebar. Hope that's ok with you!


  10. Congratulations on your new website. It takes a lot of hard work to accomplish such a task and I know you will be ever so grateful to get it done. If it is anything like your blog... it will be great!

  11. Good morning Rebecca,
    what exciting news....It never ceases to amaze me all the different things you do..
    busy as a bee all the time, you are. I'm gonna be happy to see your new website.
    I wish i had just a bit of your energy...

  12. Well good for you, Rebecca! You never gave up on what you wanted and God, through your wonderful son, has allowed it to happen! Can't wait to see your web page. You're the best.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  13. Dear Rebecca!-)*

    When I wrote about you creative bisness I thought:''you have a great talent,my dear friend!!!''
    Because you are bigan with really new and not easy bisness and also because you has totally another job than that!-)
    Online store-this is my dream and I dont know how this worked,but I would be to learn about it and to try it(dresses are not as a little things,but...)

    I wish you a great success,dear Rebecca with you Grand RE-Opening!!!

    Blessings and hugs,


  14. Congrats!!! Your new website sounds wonderful and everything you wanted it to be. You have the most gorgeous wares, so no doubt it will be a runaway success! Looking forward to your grand re-opening.:)

  15. I enjoyed reading your story, cannot wait until tomorrow for info on the giveaway!

    Kind regards

  16. Rebecca,
    Best wishes to you!

  17. Brrrrrrrrrrrravo Sweet Rebecca!

    Wishing you tons and tons of joy and pleasure in your new "store" :-) And that, my a GOOD thing.....Good for you for sticking with it. Can't wait to come and shop.


  18. Congratulations ......
    I'm looking forward to looking and shopping.

  19. I remember you on Ebay, awhile back that's for sure. I don't go on there that much, actually haven't been there for a very long time since I started blogging.. I'm really looking forward seeing your website and as for Esty.... I don't really know to much about it, but I'll be looking into it later in the future.

    One more thing before I leave your header is Gorgeous Rebecca... very you-

    Until next time.... Hugs*

  20. I can totally has been 2 years since I have owned my web~boutique. I open then close and then sell and not sell.

    I started blogging to promote my site and now I just blog to blog~lol

    I hate the amount of time it takes me to add an item....due to having to resize the pictures and add all of the tags..meta titles,key words for search engines and so forth.

    That is why ebay and etsy are so takes mere minutes to list an item and they already have a huge following so you do not have to pay for advertising.

    I have went back and forth on wether or not I should just close my website..but I am in love with the design~lol and can not bear it. It also only cost me under $500...I paid 2 different designers. The origional guy who left me hanging($200) and the gal who got it up and running and added personal touches throughout the year($200)

    Looking forward to see what you have to offer and hope it gives you much success :)

  21. Hi Rebecca, you know what they say, 'life wasn't meant to be easy'! I think though if you really want something, if you can overcome each hurdle at a time and never lose sight of what you really love and want, it will happen! I too would love my own website, it may happen this year or maybe next.. but that is what I am working towards. I know your site will be absolutely beautiful as all your creations are to die for! I can't wait for your re-opening. Actually when I found you on ebay for the first time a few years ago my thoughts were, if I can be half as good as this girl I will be truly happy! You truly inspire me.. so never lose sight girl.. you have been given a wonderful talent that make so many people happy and we love you for it! take care, Maryann

  22. I can't wait to see your new site. I am so excited for you!

    Lee Laurie


  24. Can't wait to see your new web store re-opening, I know I will be a customer, just waiting for you to list a pretty rose pillow......!!
    Are you watching your tv, now we are having TORNADOES in the state and looks like I am right in line with it.
    Glad to hear from you about your new store.


  25. Hello Rebecca; What a ride you have been on,,,,,but the end of the road is such an exciting one... I can't wait to be able to pop in,,and see what you have.. I am so happy for you in your new adventure... sending you all the good wishes and luck with it,, have fun...


  26. I'm very happy for you, sweetie pie! That's great news! And I can't wait to see the new site. All my best wishes for this new endeavor, Becky. You will no doubt do great things. And it's a pleasure to encourage someone as sweet and talented as you...


    Sheila :-)

  27. goodness. sounds like quite a journey.
    so sorry this has been such a trial.

    i pray that you will have great success
    with this renewed endeavor.


  28. Hi Rebecca. This is my very first visit to your site. Was visiting tonight with Marydon and saw your beautiful gifts as well as the link to your site. So lovely over here!

    My name is Terri Smith. I'm a visual artist out of Bonaire, Ga. Goodness Gracious..I am so lovin' your beautiful work!

    Thank you for sharing your wonderful story and I wish you all the best with your upcoming web site. For sure I'll be visiting often. In closing, I'm going to sign on as one of your Follower's before leaving..and if you're ever in my neck of the woods, drop on over. You can find me at:

    Blessings, Joy and Monday Sunshine, Terri

  29. Dear Rebecca,
    Thank you for visiting.
    So glad you shared about using castor oil! Please, about how much do you use and do you have a brand you prefer?
    Any additional info would be appreciated. Thank you.
    God bless,

  30. Rebecca I admire your determination in making your dreams come true. All the previous frustration I hope is behind you. I know your new site will be wonderful and you SHOULD be very proud of that boy of yours.
    i can't wait for the grand re-re-opening.

  31. Rebecca, I couldn't believe it when I read that it has been eight years...but you are right. I had just married Frank and moved to Bakersfield when I found you on ebay. I wanted every single thing you listed.
    We are all looking forward to your new website..
    I also sold on ebay..and I stopped. It was just too frustrating for me. I completely understand!
    Love and hugs,

  32. Hi Rebecca,
    I am so looking forward to your new website and to see all the pretties your have been creating. Good for you for sticking to it!. Good things are happening for you and I am very happy for you.
    Take care and enjoy your day,

  33. Hi rebecca
    I can't wait to see your new site!!! lOVE YOUR PRETTIES!

  34. Hi Rebecca, Your new site will be fabulous for sure. I can so relate to everything you speak of. Everyday is forever changing in this business and when it takes so much time to list, creativity goes out the window. Been there too. I was building a new website and the time it took just took the wind out of me. So I ended that for now! Ebay was very good to me as well, but I find etsy to be the place for me over ebay.

    Whatever you do, your talents will always bless others. I know you are having fun!! Best wishes on the new site soon and Happy Creating always.
    Love ya, Celestina Marie

  35. Your work is so beautiful and I really admire you, I have little faith in my work so I am a chicken when it comes to the web site thing..... I wish you well and I know I can't wait for you to open the reopening of the grand store, hehe, I'll be there!!! I love your gorgeous designs!
    Margaret B

  36. I'm so excited to see your "new" webshop! I'll keep checking back for the GRAND OPENING,

  37. Oh sweet Rebecca, I wish we could talk...really talk. We are kindred spirits, I'm sure of it! Congrats! I'm so proud of your new website. xo rachel

  38. I have just discovered your blog. Beautiful site

    Enjoyed it thoroughly

  39. Oh Rebecca, you are so gifted. I can't wait to see your site and i'm sure you will be successful, sweet friend. Oftentimes, I wonder what my gift is. I need to pray and asked God to show me what I need to be doing.:) Thank you for this inspiring post. God Bless you.

  40. Thank you for sharing this.
    I have wanted to have my own business for so long...
    I'm in need of funds and every time I think of getting a job, there's a little stubborn streak that rears its head and says 'no, I want my own business.'
    Neither one of my grandpas finished junior high and they were both entrepeneurs. I think that gave me a lot of hope.
    Anyway, I'm glad to know how others have struggled...
