Monday, April 19, 2010

~IT CHANGED OKLAHOMA...and Her People~


Dear Peeps...

Fifteen years ago today Oklahoma City was attacked by a crazy man and our State, as we know it, was changed forever.  It's hard for me to believe so many years have passed since that terrible day.  It  altered the lives of our people and put the Heartland of America on the map in an unprecedented way.

Last year I showed you pictures of the destruction and shots of the beautiful Memorial than now stands where the Murrah Building once stood proud.  This year I'm skipping the graphic photos, opting instead to just show our Flag.  I'm proud to be an American...and even though I'm not a native, I'm more proud than I can say to be called an Oklahoman.

May God have mercy on the souls of angry men and women who seek to destroy the very country that was built on freedom.

Blessings to each of you as you remember the fallen...and those who survived.



  1. How well I remember hearing the devastating news from OKC. Our hearts ached for your city and its precious people. Remembering and praying for Oklahoma on this tragic day.

  2. Rebecca, it just doesn't seem possible that the horror of that day was so long ago. The spreading of hatred is still going on and sometimes I have to turn off the news because it is so upsetting to see and hear the vicious verbal attacks. Eventually I fear that the spewing of such hate is going to cause another such thing to happen.
    You have a gentle, warm caring heart and if your words even soften one person, or rid them of a bit of their rage, I am grateful. I am so tired of the anger out there.

  3. I well remember that day also. Such a terrible time for our country and your beloved state. Love the picture of the flag...I NEVER tire of it!

  4. I think we should pray that evil men's hearts will be softened and learn to love instead of hate.
    Blessings always.

  5. Rebecca, It stuns me to think that this was 15 years ago and how this horrible thing happened.

    I just posted a short post about the Kansas Connection to this bombing. I was living in Marion Kansas at the time and Terry Nichols lived in nearby town. The explosive caps and dynamite were stolen from the Marion Quarry and a FAX was sent from Marion Grocery Store.


  6. Beautiful thoughts, Rebecca.
    Such a sad day for Oklahoma, and for America.
    We have started to heal, but we can never forget how a madman could do such a terrible thing..
    words can't describe what we feel.
    15 years...can't believe it..

  7. Dear Rebecca,
    It's hard to believe so much time has passed, but I am sure has not eased the hearts of those devastated.

    I love visiting your blog ~ such a pretty haven in this at times not so pretty world.

  8. Such a sad day for our country.

    Today we hear and see such hatred on TV news, Internet and in our newspapers...let's pray and hope these things will come to an end soon.

    Please pray for our country!

    Rebecca thank you for visiting my blog today.

    Hugs, Sharon

  9. It is so hard to believe it was so long ago. It is just one of those days in our Country we will all never forget. Prayers for the families today.

    I love your pretty chairs !! I found a great one last week that I am redo-ing too. I am a Chair and Lamp-oholic, lol :) I keep buying them even though we have no more room :) Just cant pass them up :)

    Hope you have a great week, cant wait to see your new website :) Hugs sweet friend :)

  10. there are alot of nut jobs out there!!!

  11. Hello Rebecca,
    What a horrible day that was for our country. It doesn't seem that long ago that we were all horrified by what happened.

    It will always be remembered with sadness.



    I cannot figure out why your blog isn't showing up on my blog post list. I was thinking about you and pulled up your blog and lo and behold I have missed a few of your posts.
    I will go and catch up right now.
    I want to read about those lovely chairs.

  12. Such a sweet way to remember a terrible day. It is so hard to believe it has been 15 years! Those photos are right up there with 9/11 photos. Innocent lives lost for what? Still so sad! GOD BLESS AMERICA! For only he can save us from those who wish to harm her. HUGS! Charlene

  13. I, too, am proud to be an American! It is disheartening to know there are quite a few nuts out there who do not appreciate what we have as Americans....and could possibly do such insane acts! Lord help them!

    Hugs, Carolyn

  14. Rebecca,
    Each year this comes around it brings back such horrible memories and then again such wonder of how our state came together. We will never forget that terrible day and the lives of those sweet innocent children in the day care. The ones that made it are about 16 now.
    I will never forget the picture of the fireman carrying the little baby girl. I pray for all the survivors that have to relive it each year. I also pray that the mean hearted people would find love in their hearts.


  15. Hello, dear friend,
    Thank you for this loving tribute to those whose lives were changed forever. It is hard to understand how someone can be filled with such hate as to be willing to kill innnocent hard working people and children who were just going about their daily lives. I am a Texan but very proud of Oklahoma, our neighbor, and our wonderful United States. Even those who hate need our prayers, probably even more so. Only God can change hearts. Love and blessings~ Vicki

  16. Lovely post, Rebecca. Reading through the different blogs today has brought back many memories. Somethings, I had the pictures of the fence, where so many people hung tributes and treasures....the picture of the fireman holding little Baylee Almon.

    We learned it is a small world and tragedy can find us, even here in the Bible belt.

