Tuesday, August 31, 2010

~A TINY BIT OF REGRET...and Making Things Right~

~Outside My College Dorm- Bethany, OK~
(EEK! My Hippie-Looking Guy) 
(left click to enlarge pics!)

In just a few days my Mr. AGPMan and I will honor our life together and celebrate our 32nd wedding anniversary.  I'll be sharing a few more of our wedding photos later on this week for those of you who care to see them! :)   It's beyond my ability to fully understand how very fast the years of our lives have passed.  It's like one day my guy and I were young.  And then the next day we were not.  Strange as it may sound, that is exactly how we both feel.
~Parent's Backyard-Kermit, Texas~
(Gotta Love Those Shades and WHAT Was I Wearing?)

I've shared with you many times the many blessings bestowed upon me by the husband of my youth.  He's like no other man I've ever known and even after all these years he continues to steal my heart away.
No doubt a gift from the Most High.
~At a Friend's Home/Oklahoma~
(I'm Wearing His Class Ring)

Over the years I've had very, very few regrets.

I'm the kind of person who makes a decision and good or not so good, live with the consequences.
~Married and On Our Own - 1979~
(Quincy Apts. Ft. Smith, AR)

I don't pine away the hours with a bunch of "Wish I Had" or "Wish I'd Done" statements and if the truth be known I would change very, very little about where the two of us have ended up today.
~Lovin' Those White Legs Shorts~
(Disneyland - 1988)
~Gone Too Soon~
(Tiny Brandon and Adrienne the Ham)

Oh...there are little things I suppose I'd do differently as there have been moments of deep despair and even a hint of sorrow sprinkled upon our path.  But mostly the wise choices we made prevailed over the questionable ones and for this I'm grateful.
 ~Back to Cali - 1992~
(Anniversary #14)

Like I said...if given the chance I wouldn't change much at all.  LITTLE things that MIGHT be on my list would be:

I'd pass on purchasing the hunter green carpet I thought I couldn't live without...
I wouldn't buy a Vega...
I'd have invested early on in a great camera and learned to take fabulous pictures...
~Six Flags Over Texas - 1995~ 
(Raising a Family)

There is one BIG CHANGE I would make if given the chance...
If I could turn back the time I would do ONE absolutely HUGE thing differently...

My guy was a "Straight A Student" in college and carried a 4.0 GPA.  When I met him during my senior year in high school he was a Sophomore at SNU.  He was majoring in Math and Music and was extremely disciplined and focused.  His hair was a dark chocolate brown and his steely blue eyes spoke nothing but truth.  He was rail-thin back then despite  consuming more food in one sitting than one would ever think possible.  He wore a medium sized shirt (always pressed) and never once used foul language.  And no matter what, nothing could or would deter him from getting his degree.  Finishing his education meant everything to him and it was his #1 goal.

Or so he thought.

When I arrived on campus during the Fall of 1976 his goals and focus would soon change.
 ~My Brother's Wedding - 2006~
(We desperately need new pics!)

As my hero and I began to date in January of 1977 our relationship grew serious and by December of that year we were engaged.

I wanted to get married.
And soon.
And so~a September 8, 1978 wedding date was set.
And then...

A job offer (a good one that would support a new, young wife) came out of nowhere and with it a fretful decision to leave school...
And just that quick at least one of my guy's life-long dreams came to an abrupt end.

Whenever I remember our conversation about him "withdrawing while passing" I want to...well...
bash my own face in beg forgiveness for the gazillionth time for being so incredibly selfish.  I was totally non-supportive of his goals...  After all, College was HIS DREAM, not mine.

What a stupid love-sick girl I was.

Now...before you start thinking "It was HIS choice, etc.!" I have to beg to differ.  If I had been the slightest bit supportive of what HE wanted he'd have graduated with the class of 1978 instead of walking down the aisle of a pretty little church that was dressed all in pink.

What I know now is that our love would have waited...

And as life usually goes, the babies came and with them parenting responsibilities.  Life-altering events pressed in and so did the realization that we both had a family to raise.  And so we did and loved every second of it...

The years blazed by like a flash of white-lightning and my guy went on to work for two major corporations and has always made a wonderful living.  He's been an outstanding father and a kind, loving, gentle husband to me during our entire marriage.

Never once complaining, I've always known that getting his degree was NOT about making more money (although I know we both would have welcomed that side benefit many times)...  No...  For him it was about staying true to his calling.  Keeping his word.  Finishing the course.  Reaching his personal goals and fulfilling his dreams of an education.

Now...I suppose it's important to tell you here that my Mr. AGPMan has known for at least 25 years the raw guilt I've lugged around over being so "into myself" and not caring as I should have about his goal of walking across that stage.  He knows I've blamed myself for our 'joint' (?) decision and try as he might he's never been able to convince me otherwise.

And, he never will.

Today...after literally years of praying that my guy's time would come once again I'm over-the-moon excited to share with you that yesterday he finished some required testing at our old Alma Mater and will begin an accelerated program to complete his last year of college starting in January.  I was so hoping he'd be able to begin this September but the program he wants isn't offered until the beginning of the new year.  While working a full time job he will be cramming a full year of studies into a very short span of time.  No doubt  he'll soon have lots of big fat "A's" under his belt.
(Handsome As Ever)

Yesterday evening as we talked about our newly set goals I watched as a familiar little smile began to crawl across the face of my beloved.

Has it really been over three decades since I last saw it? That indescribable look of joy that speaks softly the words only my own beating heart can hear?

"I love you MOST, Baber.  I love you, MOST!"

Blessings as you remember the heart is not judged by how much it claims to love but by how much it is loved by others...

Love to you~

Monday, August 30, 2010

~LOVELY PARTY FAVORS...Totally Chic and Sooo Girly~


Last Spring I was contacted by one of my website customers who was desperately looking for something sweet to use as a guest favor for a luncheon she was hosting for thirty to forty women.  She was hoping to find something not too terribly expensive but at the same time wanted a lovely little gift for each attendee to be able to carry home.

After chatting with her on the phone for a bit I found she clearly loved all things vintage and of course (wouldn't you know it...), PINK!  The party's theme, "Dressed In Beauty", intrigued me.  As we talked a while longer she shared with me how she had a passion for helping women who were facing  a multitude of challenges in their lives.  The purpose of the luncheon was to both educate and inspire ladies across her state to dress with femininity, modesty and grace without losing their sense of individual fashion.

Gift baskets would be given away to several stand-out women and tucked inside the "lucky" recipients would find beauty and bath products, coffees and teas and a set of Note Cards showcasing one of my favorite "Altered de Papier" website designs. Additionally orders were placed for matching Sachet Hangers and Pillows...  It was very exciting for me to be involved with such a fun party and I loved filling the orders even though it was a bit of a challenge for me to meet the deadline.

As my thoughts returned to ideas for finding and creating a memorable favor I remembered something I had seen when my daughter, Adrienne, graduated from high school a few years ago...

Back then I only knew a  smidgen about computers (now I only know a LITTLE) and never dreamed of trying to do anything with graphics on my own.  So, when I found an offering for customized candy wrappers (for mini Hershey Chocolates) I purchased several sets and before long our girl had personalized graduation treats for her family and friends.  In hindsight they truly weren't anything fabulous~  But, they were sweet and did include her name and a pretty little floral motif!

I tossed out the idea of creating a full-sized candy wrapper for my customer and a design similar to the one you see above (the PINK DRESS FORM) was ultimately chosen ("Dressed in Beauty" replaced the French Chocolate sentiment).  Her Chocolate Bars were then individually wrapped with the customized labels, tucked inside clear cello bags and then tied up with pink ribbons.  A personalized sentiment was added to the reverse side.

Now...several months ago one of my dearest friends phoned me and I was excited to hear about her daughter's engagement and upcoming marriage.  The beautiful bride-to-be has also chosen to gift her guests with personalized chocolate bars at the reception.  Instead of using a vintage graphic a black and white photo of the couple was chosen instead.  A simple 'Thank You' sentiment personalized from the bride and groom was added to the back.  

If you are planning a party or celebration this idea is sure to be a hit.  Even if you don't know much about computer programs (I use Paint Shop Pro) you can still create a label using hard copy elements (scrapbook papers, etc.).  Scan or photocopy your single finished image (wrapper design) and then reproduce it.  Most any candy bar or boxed candy can be turned into something truly sweet and special.

I'll be in my studio every single day this week working on new website pretties.  I PROMISE...more painted finds coming up in a few days!  

Blessings for a lovely day!

Love to you~

Saturday, August 28, 2010


For the past several weeks I've taken part in PINK SATURDAY hosted by the ever lovely Beverly of How Sweet The Sound.  It's been a joy for me to link up with so many special ladies as they each share with you their love of all things PINK.

This week-end Miss Beverly and Miss Sherry from Country Wings In Phoenix (our PS Girlie) have joined with Charlotte and Ginger over at Spiritual Sundays for a simply lovely event.  These gifted, talented women have in turn linked up with Miss Kelee at the Katillac Shack for a beautiful two day event to honor Colette Gauthier, a very special lady recently diagnosed with Breast Cancer.  Kelee headed up a team from Guideposts Magazine with a goal in mind to create a HEALING ROOM for Colette to recover in.

I hope you'll take a few minutes out of your busy life to visit Miss Kelee's lovely blog and read this amazing story for yourself.  There is also a video that shows the journey several incredibly giving people traveled as they worked to transform a plain, simple room into a place of peace and healing for Colette.

Thanks to Kelee we've each been given a chance to personally share in Colette's Miracle by GIVING BACK.  For every comment left on Kelee's Post (and I understand the others sites as well) $1 dollar will be donated in order to help someone else receive a Miracle Makeover!  How fabulous is that?  There are some fabulous GIVEAWAYS, too, so take a minute or two to check these out!

Additionally, our Pink Saturday Host, Miss Beverly, gave us Pink Lovin' Gals the option of sharing our own short story of inspiration, a poem or even a photo in hopes of inspiring others who may be facing their own life challenge this very day~

  After much thought I decide to share this...

Because I'm the daughter of a Preacher-Man you surely can imagine how many of my childhood days were spent warming a church pew.  Whenever the doors of the church were open for services I was there with my three siblings.  Together with our parents we rarely missed a Sunday or Wednesday Night Service and trust me when I say we were on our death bed if we did!

During my growing up years we'd often have groups of Missionaries visit our local congregation and part of their presentation was to show slides of their lives in far away countries.  I was often taken back by the sacrificial giving of these Godly men and women and wondered how it was even possible for them to move away from everyone they loved in order to minister to an unknown people using an unknown language while living in an unknown land ...

Secretly there were times when I feared God would call me to a funny sounding place like Mozambique or maybe even to serve in a Haitian village.  But...by the time I was fifteen I was fairly certain God had something different for me and my life.  I didn't know yet what that would be, but I knew it wouldn't be anything that remotely resembled living in a place that seemed to be a world away.  Boy did that make me happy...

What I know today is that God calls us all to be a missionary or servant in one way or another.  I heard it said once that "God doesn't call the qualified He qualifies the called" and I believe it to be true. Each of us possess our own unique and special gifts than can be used to minister and bless and often we don't even have to leave the safety of our own homeland to seek out and then care for people in need.  How thankful I am for those who willingly give of themselves and unselfishly care for the downtrodden, the forgotten, the sick, the homeless, the lost and the suffering. 

"So send I you to bind the bruised and broken,
O'er wand'ring souls to work, to weep, to wake,
To bear the burdens of a world a weary,
So send I you to suffer for My sake."

Thanks again to Beverly, Sherry, Charlotte and Ginger and especially to Kelee and GUIDEPOSTS for showing us in the flesh exactly what it means to become the hands and feet of the Most High...

(And Colette~You will continue to be in my personal prayers...~xo)

Happy Pink Saturday.  Love to you all...

Thursday, August 26, 2010



Just like many of you I love the Autumn time of the year.  I'm a native Cali-Girl and I suppose I will NEVAH get use to the humidity and sweltering heat we often experience in middle America!  Because I live in Oklahoma where the Summer Sun can get blistering hot (104 degrees in my town last Sunday) it is always a welcomed relief when the August temps decide to linger for a bit in the low 80's.  By the time the leaves on the trees change from their vivid greens to a soft golden yellow I find I am more than ready for Fall to begin.
(You can visit me...but I'm SOLD)

I love to decorate the outside of my home during Pumpkin Days!  With the addition of our new black shutters (they are all up and look fabulous..more about this soon) I'm finding I'm more anxious than ever to get started!  The sweet metal Pumpkin you see at the top was snagged a couple of days ago at Ross for $9.99!  What a deal!  Once my Fall decor is in place I leave it up until it's time to change things around for Christmas.

Because the inside of my home includes a palate of mostly muted whites, creams and soft florals I do seem to struggle a bit to successfully incorporate touches of fall color into the mix.  I love changing things up and making the different Seasons of the year feel special...but orange, rust, black and deep sage greens just don't seem to work for me.

So...as I worked on pretties for both my home and my A Gathering Place Website I decided to scale back some of the coloring on my more traditional Fall and Harvest Pillows. I've concentrated this week on designing a few I think will blend beautifully into my own personal decor and I'm hoping you will like them, too!  Both pillows you see above will be on my website later today!
~SUPER SALE - $4.50 Per Yard~
(Originally $29.90yd)

When my Mr. AGPMan and I began to change things around on the inside our home about a year ago I moved what was once my formal living room furniture into my den.  Truthfully I hated how it looked because the sofa, though a gorgeous Henrydon auction win, was way too dark (burgundy & soft brown)for the space.
 ~Original Sofa Fabric~

Earlier this month I snagged nearly a full bolt of fabric for my sofa makeover at a drastically reduced price at my friendly neighborhood Hancock's (gotta love their mill-ends!)...  As soon as I get my two accent chairs back from the upholsterer the sofa will be dropped off for her re-do!  I'm so excited!

Now...just in case you all might mistakenly THINK I am totally disciplined and work in an immaculate studio I've decided to share with you a few TINY snapshots of what can quickly turn into a completely disorganized, junked up, out of control workroom if I'm not careful! :)

After I finish up the Fall pillows I'm currently working on I just MUST take some time out to clean up my space.  Otherwise I fear I will surely lose my sanity.  I don't do well with chaos and absolutely cannot create a thing when I can't see the floor (you think I'm kidding and I'm NOT!).

Hope you are having a wonderful week!

Blessings and love to you~ 

Tuesday, August 24, 2010



On Monday sweet Laurie from Heaven's Walk passed along to me the "ONE LOVELY BLOG" award.  I always feel so honored to be thought of by ANY fellow blogger...so~ thank you Laurie for remembering me and for the kind words you shared about me on your beautiful site.  I hope you'll pay a little visit to Laurie and check out her inspiring place.  I think you will love it.

So... this is what's supposed to happen:

1.  Thank and then LINK BACK to the person who honored you.
2.  Share SEVEN things about yourself that others may not know.
3.  Pass the award on to at least 4 other Bloggers who inspire you.
4.  Notify the Blogger you've honored them with an award.
Now...I'm going to do the first two and forgo the last two.  Not because there aren't peeps who deserve to be remembered but because I just hate feeling like I'm intruding on another person's life.  That said...if you would love to share a bit about yourself I say GO FOR IT (just left click the button above to enlarge and copy!).  I love learning more about the people who write behind the blogs I personally love!

Gosh...I feel like I've told you everything about me a long, long time ago but here goes...

1.  Because Nerve Deafness and Glaucoma runs in my family I've always been extra careful to keep a close watch on both my hearing and vision.  My grandfather, my mother, her sister and several cousins each have profound hearing loss and my grandmother lived in darkness for the last 18 years of her life.  I'm incredibly thankful I've been spared such trials in my life.
~My Very PINK Wedding - September 1978~
(more about this day coming soon!)

2.  Although greatly inspired by the finished projects created by both my grandmother and mother I pretty much taught myself to sew.  Despite the fact I slugged my way into getting a big fat "F" in Home Economics (my poor Jr. High teacher, Mrs. Wylie, couldn't handle my over-the-top antics and chattering mouth) I somehow learned to stitch a straight line!  By the time I was nineteen I managed to copy the pink dotted-swiss dresses I had purchased for the candle-lighter girls in my wedding (the one on the right is my sister, Jenny) and made my flower-girls a shorter version of them.  Only problemo...they barely fit!  Mrs. Wylie might even have been proud of me (as long as she didn't look ON THE INSIDE)!!!!  Argh...

3.  I'm a GOOF-OFF (always will be!) and even though I still LOVE to laugh I've paid a big price for not taking some things more seriously in my life. I was never a naughty girl but I was extremely mischievous and that along with mindless talking when I should have kept quiet has gotten me into lots of trouble. If I could go back and do school all over again I would (except for the Math part...nooo noooo   NOOOO!!).

4.  I have NO TALENT for growing things.  NONE WHATSOEVER.  If a plant, shrub or flowering bush thrives in my garden it's because somebody else did all the work for me.  I feel like I kill everything and that is VERY overwhelming for me, especially in the Spring.  I just don't believe that gardening as a whole is my gift...but~ I will never stop trying to one day grow for myself God's most beautiful creations.  It will happen!

  5.  I  am deathly afraid of bugs or creepy crawly thingies.  If they make their way into my home I totally freak out.  I mean I FREEEEEAK OUT, MAN!  I try not to but I just can't help it!  One day last week a lizard (though I incorrectly thought at FIRST it was a SNAKE!) somehow wandered into my guy's office and I'm surprised my neighbors didn't call 9-1-1 because of the screams.  I'm NOT being dramatic here...I'm not!  Ever since I was in 3rd grade and a humongous (Galveston)Texas-Sized cockroach flew up my petticoat I've been a goner!
 ~My Beautiful Girl~

6.  I'm totally in love with both my children but today I will share my deep affection for my daughter, Adrienne.  She is my very best GIRLfriend.  I will be forever thankful for this lovely young soul.  She is a true giver and wise beyond her years.  Deeply kind and loving I do believe I may have learned more from her than any other woman, young or old, in my life.  Aside from God and her hubby of nearly three years, she loves her daddy and I and is constantly blessing us in one way or another!  Presently she is in her last year of college and I'm so very proud of her.  Kept her word to FINISH SCHOOL even though we gave our blessing for her to marry her beloved in 2007!  Can you tell I adore her?  Truly a gift to me from the Most High.  Beautiful on the inside and the outside!

7.  I believe in second chances.  It's as simple as that!

And there you have it!  More than you probably ever wanted to know!

Blessings for a lovely TUESDAY!  I'm back in my studio working on new pretties while loving the gentle rain we are FINALLY getting in blazing HOT Oklahoma!

Love to you~

Monday, August 23, 2010



From the minute I first laid my eyes upon the house I've called home for 18 years I loved her.  As we've worked to transform what was at first just a house into our home, we've watched as she's grown older and we've seen many changes take place in her appearance.  Still lovely and strong, her once sturdy roof has become weathered with time, her south side windows need to be replaced and her original garage doors are beginning to moan while being lifted. 

Last Spring my Mr. AGPMan and I noticed there were several things around our La Chaumière de Briarwood that cried out for some serious TLC.  Some of the easier repairs were attended to but the major ones we put off for another year.  After all we were super busy in the winter with our formal dining room makeover and we are presently still working on our TINY master bath remodel (lots of snags but it's coming along!).  That said, we decided that next summer our girl's roof will be replaced and if we can swing it financially, her garage doors and aging windows as well.  

A couple of weeks ago while spraying down the front of our home (remember...I live in hot, dusty, windy Oklahoma) the right shutter on the lower left front window fell off the brick.  I just stood there for a second staring at it thinking at first the attaching brackets had just come loose.  As I began to pull it out from behind the shrubs I noticed the thing had completely fallen apart.  

On closer inspection my Mr. AGPMan realized that all the shutters were rotting and each one would need to be replaced.  Since they are the original wooden shutters that means they are forty years old.

Forty isn't old, is it?  Tell me it's NOT! :(

OK...maybe it IS OLD if you are a shutter.

Anyway...my guy did some checking around on what was available and we decided that since a color change is due on the house we opted to change the shutter color as well.  On Saturday the first set went up and on Wednesday, when the weather in our state is suppose to stay around 80 degrees, the remaining eight will be installed.

When we moved into our home in July of '92 the shutters were an ugly brown.
 ~The Day We Closed~

As we looked closer (ick...who knew that stuff was behind the shutters!) we noticed they were once creamy white.  I first painted them Hunter Green in 1993 and then changed them in 2000 to Sage Green.  When our girl married in 2007 we repainted them again (just to freshen things up) with the same lovely color.

Our new shutter color of choice?  Black.

Now...I'm not sure how this cottage-white-lovin-gal is going to like the absence of color but I'm hoping in time the black will grow on me.  Since we will be pulling out another color in the brick for the upper siding repaint in the Spring, we are excited about the change and trusting it will look smashing!

I promise to show you more pics when our girl is dressed for Fall.

Blessings as you enjoy the last summer days of the year.

Love to you~

Sunday, August 22, 2010


No pinks today.

No fun decorative finds.

No makeover tutorials.

Today I have only the words to a song that have ministered to me for almost twenty years.  It is impossible for me to sing them aloud or listen to their melody without them stirring up deep within my soul a profound gratefulness for God's greatest mercies in my life.

Of all the things I love to do...

More than the
junkin', slummin', shopping,
painting, sewing, creating,
singing, writing, laughing, talking or sharing...

There is nothing that brings more joy into my life or returns my heart to a deeper place of peace and rest than worshiping Jesus Christ, the King of Kings.  He changed my life.

(Marty Nystrom)

As the deer panteth for the water
So my soul longeth after thee
You alone are my hearts desire
And I long to worship thee

You alone are my strength my shield

To You alone may my spirit yield
You alone are my hearts desire
And I long to worship thee

You're my friend and You are my brother,

Even though you are a King.
I love you more than any other,
So much more than anything.

You alone are my strength my shield
To You alone may my spirit yield
You alone are my hearts desire
 And I long to worship thee

I want You more than gold or silver,
Only You can satisfy.
You alone are the real joy Giver,
And the apple of my eye.

You alone are my strength my shield
To You alone may my spirit yield
You alone are my hearts desire
And I long to worship thee

(As The Deer is the first song on my playlist!)

Blessings to you today!  May you always know how very much God loves you.

Blessings and love to you this day...

Saturday, August 21, 2010

~PINK SATURDAY and a Bunch of Pink JUNQUE 4 U~


Happy Pink Saturday Pinkettes!  I'm sorry to be posting my collection of PINK JUNQUE a bit late this time.  My evening fell apart yesterday when my precious little Yorkie, Miss Mollie the Molinator, became very sick!  I was up with her for a very long time last night and didn't get much sleep.  All you 'pet parents' know what I'm talking about!  Our girly-girl is better today but a trip to the VetMan is planned before noon!

I hope you'll pop on over to Miss Beverly's place of HOW SWEET THE SOUND and check out all the other PINKIES who are participating in this week's PINK SATURDAY GET-TOGETHER!  It's always so much fun!  Thanks Beverly for making it possible for us!
~Vintage Pillowcase Pair~

Now...I've shared before with you how much I love old linens...
~Lovely Old Crochet~

I'm especially fond of old pillowcases...if they have crocheted edges...well, I just go crazeeeeee about them!
~Vintage Embroidered Pillowcases~

Love the ones with stamped embroidery, too!
~Gorgeous Handwork~
~One of My FAVORITE Designs~
~Vintage Premium Towel~

The sweet old hand towel you see above was still in the original package when I purchased it at an estate sale about four years ago.  It was a Premium (freebie) and came in a box of washing suds (detergent).
~Vintage Image Klein Pillow~

A couple of weeks ago I shared with you some vintage Cathrine Klein images.  This is a pillow I made using one of the old postcard graphics in that post!
~Sweet Rosewater and Jasmine Soap~

I find this lovely soap at ROSS all the time.  Whenever I do I bring it home.  Shea Butter Soap!  Yum!
~Vintage Metal Shakers~

I finished giving two old shakers a shabby cottage chic makeover this week.  Hope to have these on my website, soon!
~Vintage Ribbon Sign~

I painted this sweet old sign about a year ago and opted to keep this one for myself.  I love the shape of the wood and it looks darling above a bedroom mirror...

Last but not least I have to share with you a little secret!

Surely you will all think I've LOST MY MIND but I have to tell you that I LOVE to watch Sponge-Bob cartoons!  For years I thought it was the stupidest, silliest thing on TV.  Then one day while scanning through a gazillion channels late at night (couldn't sleep) I actually watched an entire show and couldn't stop laughing!  I laughed soooo hard...not because it was 'good' but because it was sooo DUMB!  Hysterical.  Most of the time it IS WAY OVER THE TOP but even so I just roll my eyes, giggle and go on.

I suppose we can all use mindless stimulation from time to time.

Hope you'll find time to check out a PINK SATURDAY newbie, Rebecca @ A Shabby Pink World.  Love her name (you KNOW I do) and love her PINKS!

Blessings for a wonderful day.

Love to you~