Thursday, May 19, 2011


 Wedding Day Early1900's

Last weekend while visiting with my hubby's family I had a chance to really sit down for a bit a talk with his aging Momma.  My Mother-in-Love is almost 82 now and is one of only two children still living in her immediate family.  And fill in the gaps of a long weekend we chatted about those we love that have passed on and other family things including my hubster's ancestry.
Ethel Eddie Simms

Now...I suppose it's important to tell you that the wedding picture you see above has sat upon the same dresser-top in my hubby's childhood bedroom for as long as I can remember.  I think it was there the very first time I visited his home state and that was at least a year before we married...sometime in 1977.
What A Beauty

I'm a bit ashamed to say I never really asked all that much about the people in the picture...  Too young and too immature to care I suppose.

Back then I was into buying things and having things and doing things...
Warren Simms

I distinctly recall feeling like there was still a lot of time to learn about family lineage and the like~

Well...time is slipping by at a feverish pace these days and those we love who carry sweet memories in their hearts are pressing on in life.
They say with age comes wisdom.  It sure does
have a way of refining us.
Doesn't it?
One Of Many

What I learned about my Mr. AGPMan's Great-Grandmother was both interesting and heartbreaking.  She married young and had many children.  My hubby's grandmother, Helen Suzi, was born in 1908 and was the oldest of them all.  Ethel (Eddie) Simms died while still in her early 50's of what is now believed to have been breast cancer.  What is commonly understood is that she was denied medical care because her working hands were needed on the family farm...

I can barely even breathe that in....
Mother's Day 2010

I plan on taking one of the cropped images of Miss Ethel Eddie Simms and fashioning it into a sachet pillow for Steve's Momma for Christmas.  You may remember a similar pillow I made last year for my own Mother that included a reproduced antique photograph of her Daddy and her Grandmother...  Creating such things is surely my passion~

I'll be sure to share pictures of sachet later in the year!
Holding my Grandpa -1908

 Thank you for stopping in to see what's new.  I hope you are having an awesome Monday!
 (Don't forget...I'll be sharing the WINNING NAME of my GIVEAWAY later this evening!!!!  Eeek...I'm so excited!)

Life is good and sooo worth living!  Blessings to you as you travel each day of it with honor, beauty and grace...

Love to you...


  1. Dear Rebecca, I love hearing of you hubby's family tree as well as yours. As you said, days pass to quickly and before you know it our parents & grandparents are gone and leave such a gaping hole in our lives. Thank you for sharing these beautiful photos and the pillow was beautiful. Such a touching song on your playlist.
    Hugs today.

  2. That story is so touching although sad. I absolutely love the picture-her dress is so simple and beautiful! Thank you for sharing and I can't wait to see what you create!


  3. Dear Rebecca, first, I hope that things are settling down a bit for your family. I know it must have been a bittersweet time for all of you. Hubby's mother is in my heart and my prayers as is his dad, as are your sweet parents, too. I'm sure this continues to open up new wounds for all of you. I sooo love the sweet photos that you are lucky to possess. You do know what a lovely post this would make for my upcoming Wedding Blog Party and giveaway, don't you?!? I had missed seeing the pillow you gifted your mother with. How precious that is! You are such a loving and thoughtful lady! I'm blessed to know you!

    Big TX Hugs,
    Angelic Accents

  4. How wonderful that you took the opportunity to ask questions and learn more about your husband's family.

    The pictures are so wonderful..... handsome couple....her waist is so tiny.... and the dress beautiful!

    The pillow you made for your mother is so sweet and beautiful!

  5. It's wonderful that you know some family history. My paternal grandfather was born in 1868 - just 4 years after the Civil War. He lived well into his 90's and passed when I was in about the 6th grade. Unfortnately I wasn't intelligent enough to recognize how much history he could have passed onto me. If he were alive today I'd have a million questions for him.

  6. My sweet Uncle Le who was my Mother's brother passed last year I sort of panicked. He was the last link I had to my Mother's family. About 10 years ago I bought him a small tape recorder & I got myself one too. I had him just talk into it about his childhood & anything that he wanted. He filled one whole tape for me. Rebecca, you have no idea how I treasure that recording now.
    Ask as much as you can think of because when it is over.... it is really over!!
    Love You...

  7. Sweet, sweet post Rebecca....

    I've been in the throws of kicking myself in my very own fanny right now for not getting more information about the family tree.... Everyone in my dad's family is gone, including the wives....and only my uncle left on my Mum's side. He has no memory of so many things. Why didn't I write down the things my Mum told me? My dad passed away when he was only 59 and I was only 27.... I didn't even begin to think about charting family memories back then. Now I'm stuck trying to put pieces together that make no sense. How can all of my grandmother's siblings be listed in the census and yet my grandmother isn't? My precious daughter gave me a copy of the Imperator's manifest from my grandparent's journey from England to their new home in America. What a treasure...and I never spoke to my grandfather about it. How different it was to move to a new country in those days.... and how brave.

    Sending you big huggies......


  8. wow, that is so interesting, its great that you have someone to tell you the stories!! and to put them on a pillow is just perfect!!!
    thank you so much for wishing my daughter a happy birthday today!!

  9. I love looking at the old photos I have loads of negatives with old memories on them from unknown folks I used to print the old photos off after we took a negative of them .. I saved them just in case some one needed another print off but they never did :( so One day will get them printed as adore the sepia/black and white ones :) love mouse xxx

  10. Rebecca- You are so right- time slips by and we lose so many memories that should have been preserved. I wish I had documented so many things that are now lost to time. Hugs-Diana

  11. Dearest Rebecca,

    At least you both are doing something with those precious memories. It breaks my heart when I see those things being tossed out while nobody in that family cares anymore... Hard to believe but so true in many cases. You both got a big heart and that will make it possible to face what is coming your way. We need to be strong and strong together; not alone!

    Lots of love,


  12. Rebecca, you are so right. Both of my parents have Mom when I was 26...and my Dad 11 years later. I wish I had been more interested in the details of their lives before I came along. I'm so happy that you were able to talk to your Mother-in-Law...and I know she'll treasure her keepsake.


  13. I thoroughly enjoyed learning about your husband's family history...thanks for sharing.

  14. Too often we don't think to ask questions that can't be answered after they are gone. My mom died at 87 years of age and there are so many things that I wish I had asked of her before she was gone. I'm glad that you are doing that now. You wont regret it.
