Tuesday, July 12, 2011



Today I am very pleased and excited to share with you some pictures I just received from one of my online friends.  Miss M (as I will call her for privacy reasons) lives approximately 9,700 from me here in America and I find it nothing but miraculous our paths have crossed all because of the internet (I'd like to think God had a hand in it, too!).

Actually...I have to thank eBay for her.  Somehow in the maze of many talented women selling their wares Miss M somehow found me.  She has become as sweet friend over the years and also a valued customer.  I'm so grateful for her and the support she's shown me both personally and in my work.  I just adore her!
(Lovin' her 'Barefoot Roses' Outfit)

The vintage Train Case (Gathering Case) I showed you a couple of days ago was custom ordered by Miss M and it now lives in a home almost ten thousand miles from me.  I just love that even though many miles separate us and our culture is very different, I find it nothing but thrilling to see how much we are alike!  She loves shabby cottage chic decor and all things romantic just like me!!!  All the pictures you see today were taken by Miss M and sent to me in an email!  Isn't her display lovely?

I guess we aren't so different after all! 

Are we?
(Some Greeting Cards, too!)

Miss M told me that when her child gets older she hopes to fill up her case with little cards and mementos gifted to her over the years.  How precious is that?

I'm back working on my studio today getting ready for the "Where Bloggers Create" Party III!  It's all done I just need to spiffy it up a little bit.  Don't want you all to think I'm a big ol' pink pig or anything... (OINK!)


Thank you Miss M for your belief in me and my work!  It means more to me than I can say!  I value you and your friendship so very much!


Blessings to each of you today!  Thanks for stopping by again...  Have a wonderful Tuesday!

Love to you...


  1. What a sweet tribute to a lovely lady!!
    Have a Great Day!!

  2. What a neat connection to make. :)

  3. It's fun to have "pen pals" from different parts of the world huh? Of course we call them blog friends now days.

    You do such pretty work and we all love looking at your creations Rebecca!

    Have a fun day creating!

    Love, Linda

  4. This piece reminds me of the song "It's a Small World". It is fun to have friends in this great big world that could live right next door! ♥♫

  5. Beautiful post, Beautiful creations and ideas. Have fun preparing last minutes details for your party.

  6. That is very cool!! God sure can us the internet for His work!

  7. Sweet pictures of a beautiful lady! Love the train case:) Have a blessed day dear Rebecca, HUGS!

  8. Oh no sweet, super talented Rebecca, I should be the one THANKING YOU for letting me have the honour of having your BEAUTIFUL work! Your Gathering Case(and other beauties I have got from you so far) has been a DREAM COME TRUE and I thank the Most High for leading me to you. I could never have found such a beautifully crafted Case where I live, you know! Thank you so very much for everything, Miss Rebecca! And you have such wonderful and kind friends here in Blogland too! Much love and hugs, Miss M in Far, Far Away Land... (i'm so shy with this 'tribute', very humbled by your kind words too) :)

  9. Hi Rebecca!
    I'm so glad I refreshed your blog page, you've updated since last night. I was going to leave a comment about the moving post you wrote about Jaycee Dugard... how very sad, as is the Caylee Anthony story. If there's any good that can come out of such tragedy, it is from God for those who love Him ♥

    Miss M ~ what a sweet person and she is so adorable too! I love her idea of saving special things for her child in your beautiful travel case. Isn't it so grand to have these ties ~ it truly makes me feel as though the Spirit really does move over all the earth...
    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

    A quiet sweet summer day is finally here.
    I have COMPLETELY loved my two trips... to see Jason and then we went to a family reunion {husband's family}- just returning last night.
    today begins my summer {I must report to work on Thursday for the day, but it's only a short car ride away}
    It's nice to have some simple days ahead*
    I'll look forward to your post about the Bloggers Create party! What a great idea!
    My sewing space needs A LOT of spiffing up if I were to photograph it!
    I'm sure your spaces will be inspiring!
    Blessings to you always, Rebecca!
    Wishing you sweet summer days ahead!

  10. A wonderful story. Thank you for sharing it with us.

  11. I'm so glad you visited my blog, for it gave me a chance to visit yours as well. I love your style! You might enjoy my sister's blog, Ninny's Notes, also. She lives in Edmond and loves all things vintage.

  12. Great story!! Beautiful train case!! Love your blog!!


  13. Hi Rebecca,
    It is a wonderful blessing to meet the many special customers from far away who become good friends. What a beautiful post and tribute to Miss M. I can so relate to the wonders of this.
    The pics are stunning. Your handmade treasures gorgeous!

    Thank you for coming to tea today.

    XOXO Celestina Marie

  14. Dearest Rebecca,

    Looks like you sold to an area where we worked and lived before... different culture but distance becomes so small with our modern means of communication. A true Train Case that travelled farther than most of its siblings...

    Lots of love and thanks for writing about 'A Stolen Life'! Had seen another interview of her before and we are thrilled on her book being a best seller already!


  15. Hi Rebecca, Your painted treasures that Miss M is collecting are absolutely gorgeous as all your work! She has good taste :)

    I have a customer in France who always purchases from me and have met many wonderful people overseas from selling my art. Isnt it neat knowing your art is sooo many miles away? Love it!

    Happy Tuesday :)


  16. Hi Rebecca
    Isn't it nice to meet new people around the world and even become friends with a few!
    Thank you for sharing your photos received from Miss M. featuring her AGP painted train case.

  17. How neat and its true we are not that different at all. Hugs, Kim

  18. Hi Beautiful Rebecca! Oh, how nice to share your friendship with Miss M! She looks very sweet! The case is so pretty and you are so very good.
    Thank you for liking my little embroidery!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)
