Sunday, August 21, 2011

~~~~~THOUGHTS ON A SUNDAY MORNING~~~~~ How Long Has It Been?

I've had a busy week...lots of pressure and little time to spend with the Father.  Whenever my life gets hectic and I fail to make room for the most important thing in my life, my days and nights end up running into each other and become nothing but a huge blur...

Not long after I first started blogging in January 2009 I shared with you the lyrics to one of my favorite old hymns.  Before my beautiful mother lost her hearing she use to sing the song I've shared with you below in church.  This morning I spent some time reflecting on parts of my childhood and today I'm so grateful for all the things my parents did right.  I'm thankful I was taught at an early age about such a loving God and how He cares about every single thing going on in my life. 

(Mosie Lister)

How long has it been since you talked with the Lord
And told Him your heart's hidden secrets?
How long since you prayed?
How long since you stayed
On your knees till the light shone through?
How long has it been since your mind felt at ease
How long since your heart knew no burden
Can you call Him your friend?
How long has it been
Since you knew that He cared for you?

How long has it been since you knelt by your bed
And prayed to the Lord up in heaven?
How long since you knew
That He’d answer you
And would keep you the long night through?
How long has it been
Since you woke with the dawn
And felt that the day’s worth the living?
Can you call Him your friend?
How long has it been?
Since you knew that He cared for you?

Blessings to you today as you spend time with the Most High.

Love to you...


  1. I remember this song too! Oh how I wish we sang more hymns at church...get I am OLD FASHION!! But I love them!

  2. Hey sweets...
    Once again...your words have been used by god...God has sure been trying to get me to spend more time with him...our pastors series reminded me again that when i know i should be putting him first and dont...well it is sin. Guess id better make a more concerted effort to spend more time with my lord. I love how real you are dear girl! Ive been struggling with this in my blogging and trying to figure out where i fit in.

    Big hugs and love,

  3. Some of our hymns have better sermons than you will hear anywhere. I love to play them, too! ♥♫

  4. Beautiful post once again Rebecca! I hope you have a wonderful week. I love to visit your blog, so spiritual on Sunday mornings.

    Oh and when you get a chance stop by and see my latest post, pretty cute & comical. After this you will think twice about Shih Tzu... gotta love 'em!


  5. Sweet hymm! I hope your week ahead will be a little less hectic and more time for praying:)

    Have a blessed day dear Rebecca, HUGS!

  6. A wonderful sermon in this beautiful hymn.
    Here's hoping you have a peaceful week.

  7. What a beautiful hymn and thank you for sharing it. I have tears in my eyes as I read it and know how I could not have faced many things without being able to talk to Him in prayer. xxoo

  8. I so enjoy reading your post on Sundays Rebecca, and I love the words to the hymn, it's very touching. I hope you have a more relaxed week. I do understand about having a lot to do and not enough time to do it all. That's the way I feel most of the time. I'm trying to do better though!
    hugs~~ Daphne

  9. I had forgotten about this hymn and it is a beautiful one. I'll bet you can still hear your Mom singing it! xo Diana

  10. Rebecca...I found your blog via Dolores'. This hymn is just is your blog. I'll be back~
