Tuesday, December 6, 2011

~~~~~~AN EARLY CHRISTMAS PRESENT~~~~~~ Photo Altering Software


As much as I hate the thought of spending the money before long I will need to purchase a new computer.  Now...if you know me then you'll understand my mode of thinking when I say that I have a quietly held belief that things that cost me the big bucks should NEVER WEAR OUT.   I base this simple, yet totally illogical and ridiculous thought primarily on the fact I seem to have a mini-stroke each and every time I'm forced to write out a check (or whip out the plastic) to pay for such high-priced things...

I can still remember the conversation I had with my then young son, Brandon, when he said he (umm...that would be ME!) wanted buy a home computer.  I said (feeling quite smart and superior)...

"What does it do?" (bahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh....)

Just for the record my computer programmer son has NEVER let me forget that statement...

My life these days revolves around my home-based business and learning to manipulate vintage graphics via my computer is a huge part of what I do.  Ten years ago I was afraid to even turn on a computer monitor and yet today I wonder how I lived without one!   Although purchasing a new computer will have to wait until after the first of the year Christmas has come early to my La Chaumière de Briarwood.  I sprung for a new version of PHOTOSHOP and over the Christmas break I'm going to jump in with both feet and learn all I can about this software.  Currently I use an older copy of PhotoShop even though I started out using Paint Shop Pro.  Much has changed and I'm excited about seeing what's NEW!

So...for all of you peeps out there wanting to learn all you can about altering aging graphics you must check this program out...

The two images above show you what you can do with different photo-style software programs!  Amazing, huh?

I'm back in my studio working on special orders today so I'll be in and out once again.  Such is life for the self-employed...

Blessings for a wonderful day~  More Christmas decorating photos coming soon!

Love to you...


  1. Oh that is beautiful, Rebecca! I hope someday that I will be able to have the time to "play" and learn about doing some of the techniques I see you doing! You are amazing. I remember when MyHero bought his first computer and I kind of thought- What a waste.....Bwahahahaa-jokes on me! xo Diana

  2. Hi Rebecca,
    You have been one busy girl...
    I have not tried to altered a photo yet, I have been chicken LOL
    Maybe I'll give it a try. I'm lucky just to press the right key to add photos and post to my blog LOL.
    Wishing you and your family a very Merry Christmas and Blessed New Year!
    Big Hugs, Elizabeth

  3. I use GIMP but it is not super user friendly and I am limited on what I can accomplish.

  4. I have my copy and have started learning what I can with it. I need to do as your are going to do which is dedicate a slot of time strictly to learn that and other programs I've invested in. Between learning art minipulation and tracking programs.. my mind is mush. Smarter, but mushy none the less. Best of Luck learning all you can of these really cool programs. hugs.Tammy

  5. You know how they say "YOU CAN"T
    living proof you can't!! I do not think I could ever wrap my mind around the new "stuff" on market now computer-wise and other electronics.....I have a brand new Iphone that i received free when we renewed our phone contract and about the most I can do with it right now is dial a number and call someone...I need to get one of my young grand-girls to come over and teach me how to use this darn thing,,,they are wizards at all of this type "stuff"!!
    Going to peek and see if you have new pretties out today on your site
    It is turning colder here!! How about your area??
    Hugs, Francy

  6. I absolutely, positively hate to read directions but try to do things on my own as I might I always end up READING THE DIRECTIONS! !
    I have figured out how to change the html to change the blog background... all by myself!!
    Hey, I guess you CAN teach an old dog new tricks!! LOL!!
    Happy Holidays!!

  7. I love what you did with that Rebecca!... and it was so much fun talking with you yesterday... I hope one of those special orders is mine!... such is life...(wink)... love that you just said that!... tee hee hee... we swore we would nevah evah have a computer, a cell phone, or a BMW... well, we now have two computers, two cell phones, but no BMW... too fancy for me, waaayyy too expensive, and I love my CRV... before I started blogging, all I knew how to do on the computer was shop (hmmmm... I told Jack that was a good way to learn how to use the computer and sharpen my skills, good one huh?) and now I have taught myself alot more... have fun with your new program!... xoxo Julie Marie

  8. Rebecca, I read your blog faithfully and I love all of your posts and your work is beautiful. I am in awe that you can do such beautiful graphics. I have a copy of Paint Shop Pro and I am intimidated by that and can do very little with it. Apparently you you have moved on to this new program so you must think it is better. Once again I am behind the times, nothing new for me though. I am hoping some day to devote some time to learning all these new tricks. Do you have any advice for me?

    BTW, I can't wait to see all of your Christmas decorations. They are beautiful.

  9. I do need to get outta the manure and play more!!!

    You never cease to amaze me with your talent sweetie! Your the bomb!

    God bless ya and have a magnificent day!!! :o)

  10. Hello Rebecca
    I've never attempted photoshop as I felt it would be beyond my capabilities. I love how you changed the vintage girl - that would be fun.
    It helps to have someone in the family that knows computers and software well, lucky you to have a son in the business. For me, I'm pretty much on my own.

  11. Rebecca,
    Perfect timing! I was telling my husband last night I wanted a Photoshop program to play with for Christmas. I researched online and wasn't sure which one I wanted ... now I know! Although I don't have a business I just need a new "toy"!
    Your photos are always gorgeous!!

  12. Besides knowing HOW to use a program, one must have the talent to make something as beautiful as you do. Your "eye" is the best...plus I bet you would be good at explaining things to someone who is challenged in the tech department. BUT, I now have a nerdy SIL! Yea! Sarah's words, so he can't think I'm the mean MIL!♥♫

  13. Wow, that is the coolest!! I have PS Elements 8 & still don't know how to use it!! I have just not taken the time. My computer is biting the dust too, so I know the feeling. Thanks for sharing your new program!

  14. Pretty cool how we can learn new tricks!!!

  15. Hello Rebecca, You will love CS 5 I have been using CS 3 for nearly two years and I recently upgraded to CS 5.5 MASTER COLLECTION and I am going to begin learning In Design and Illustrator. I am not looking forward to it but I am up for the challenge.

    I know that you will have the best time working with this software, happy early Christmas. Digital art is one of the best things about computers, Maureen.

  16. That is fantastic, I can't believe it is the same graphic. Well, I can, but you know what I mean. I wish I could do things like that, sigh, but even though my son has tried to teach me, I am pretty useless at layers etc, as I keep forgetting what to do, lol.
