Monday, January 30, 2012

~~~~I'M DREAMING OF A WHITE KITCHEN~~~~ Mr. AGPMan, Tear Down This Wall

My Mr. AGPMan and I woke up this morning with sore bones and pounding headaches.  Such is to be expected when a weekend is spent ripping out a very dated 1970's kitchen and some of her surrounding walls.  We are both very tired so I know today is going to be a slow motion day.  I'm going to escape the construction site (which thankfully has been cleaned up) and burrow my way back into my studio.

I'm thankful for work that calls my name.  
(Drawers Removed)

Today I'm going to show you pics my UGLY kitchen...or rather what is left of it.  I've never really shown photos of it before because, well, quite frankly I hate it.  Galley style kitchens are totally non-functional in my opinion and it was the single thing (aside from the dated baths) that ALMOST kept us from purchasing our La Chaumière de Briarwood nearly twenty years ago.  I hated it that much.  But, because I loved the rest of the house (and she had great bones) we signed on the dotted line in July of 1992.
(Water Pipes Behind This Wall)

If someone had told me then it would take years and years before we could see our way through to a total makeover I wouldn't have believed it.  But...raising kids, schooling, college, weddings, etc., do take a priority and our children came first...I love that.  They always will.  Now that they are grown and on their own our time (and ca$h) have been freed up just a little bit.  That brings us to where we are today...

This is a fairly good shot of the entry into our kitchen.  At the back of the photo and to the right you can see the exit to our garage (white door).  This door will be removed  (closed up) and a new exit will be made that will lead to a new bathroom and laundry room with doors to the outside and garage.  Our new kitchen will be made up of what was once our existing kitchen, downstairs bath and laundry room and will be roughly double the size of the old one.  Everything has now been removed except the cabinetry/sink/fridge on the left.

They will be the last to go...
(Love This Look)

The reason our remodel is going to take so long (I've had some emails about me saying it was going to be a year-long project) is because each updating step must follow the one before.  Flooring can't be put in until doorways are enlarged and pipes moved.  Each step has led to something else needing to be done first.  Plus,  #1) we aren't made of money and remodeling is expensive #2) my Mr. AGPMan is a hands-on guy and he will only hire out what he can't do.  Since he's still in school (out in November) his time is limited between classes and study-time.  And finally #3) we are going slow with the re-design because we will live with our decisions for the balance of our lives.  That said, we hope to do it right, not fast!
(Love This One, too!)

As you can see I am favoring something cottage with just a hint of rustic charm.  I'm not crazy about the black in the tiles or the seating at the island, but that's all stuff that can be changed.

Except for the super-big sink I love this layout as well.  Even with our kitchen being enlarged it's still not going to be huge.  So everything will need to be scaled down to look and feel functional and inviting!

And there you have it!  Where we are at present!  It's all exciting, but as I shared with you yesterday it's easy to feel overwhelmed.  All the more reason to stay focused on only what can be done today and nothing more.  The remodel will be finished when it's finished.

Hope your Monday is wonderful.  I'm off to work.

Love to you...


  1. I think you have a great plan. I call this Al a Carte remodeling...step by step design. And it's easier on the pocketbook!

    I love your inspiration pictures. I SO wanted wood countertops but The Husband thought they were totally not practical. Sigh. I'm looking forward to seeing your remodel!


  2. Gorgeous already.I can see the light.I am sure you can too.I may have a white kitchen soon too.I live in a newer home so I don't have to renovate much.Just a built in desk that has to go.And then I am going to be painting some white.Can't wait to see your finished kitchen.

  3. It is fun to see it evolve, isn't it? I can remember living in messes for long stretches of time. If I could just have a cleared area to work that always was the balancing factor for me. You are so lucky that MrMan is so handy. My own hubby? Not so much and he was raised in a lumber yard/DIY figure.

    I can't wait to see it all done but I am glad you have a good start on it. Good things are always worth waitig for. xo Diana

  4. Boy, are you in for a workout, sugar. I had the same attitude when we bought this home 6 years ago. I hated the kitchen, but since I'm not fond of cooking and think of Applebees, Olive Garden and Outback as MY kitchen since they not only cook but also do the dishes for me, I decided to buy it anyway. Galley kitchens are for New Yorkers actually. Just keep up the good work and it'll all be worth it just before you meet Heavenly Father probably!! ;-) This last move I thought for SURE I was going to die. I'll never move again!

  5. I love your plans; we used to have a galley style kitchen and I know what you mean. I love the ideas that you have; in fact I would love to redo our kitchen but hubby doesn't want to stay in this house permanently so that won't happen. Have a wonderful evening.
    Love, Noreen

  6. It's looking so good already! I love all of the ideas you have pulled together and can't wait to see your finished kitchen!

    Slow and steady always wins the race. :)

  7. Howdy Becky Sue!
    I really like the white cottage kitchens.. When we finally get to the place where we can redo our miniature kitchen, I'm pretty sure we will be going white as well.

    I totally understand life first, remodeling second. We are busying ourselves with what we can do before the kitchen gets worked on. And there has been a multitude of things pop up before kitchen remodeling comes to the front line.

    You asked about Hubs....biopsy on Thursday and all the prayer power you can muster up would be appreciated. Prayer Chains, Prayer Partners are appreciated.

    Thank you!

    Love what you have accomplished on your lovely home. She's gorgeous. Love the light colors and whites.

  8. Your ideas sound great, and I'm sure your step by step approach will pay off. Looking forward to seeing your progress along the way.

  9. Loving the third photo and especially love the large sink. I always did favor farm house sinks & islands. I think you would do well no matter which one you choose. They are all beautiful.

    I DON'T envy having to live through it though. If you can keep your upstairs personal spaces clear of ANY remnants of what is happening down, you'll come through this with flying colors and lots and lots of prayer. Your very lucky to have married a handyman/carpenter/man of GOD. Remember that when the occasional cussing might ensue. It usually does and goodness knows, i'm no angel. hehe. HUGS and hang in there. Tammy

  10. You have some wonderful images and ideas to work with, Rebecca. You guys have accomplished so much, can't wait to see what happens in the kitchen! Love your new blog look, just beautiful! xoxo

  11. Did I miss the pictures of your previous reno...I have been waiting to see the finished product....
    It's funny how one istey bitsey tiny wee project can keep going and going and going.....I'm sure it will look great when finished.

  12. I will tell you the truth - I think it will look beautiful when finished. I have always wanted to redo mine too into an expanded room. You're so lucky - I want to see pictures when you are done!

  13. Rebecca, i wish you luck on your new kitchen. My husband does all of our remodeling himself and does a great job but also with limited time. He built me a brand new kitchen and believe or not I had my refrigerator, microwave and table and chairs in my living room and my stove in the hallway for 9 months and I washed dished in the bathroom sink while he built the new kitchen but it was so worth it and now all of that is just a distant memory. I feel for you living in the middle of it all but I can't wait to see the end result, I know will be fabulous like the rest of your house.

  14. I love how your kitchen looks opened up. It is a glimpse into the future....

    Also your taste is the exact same as mine where our kitchens are concerned. I will look forward to seeing the finished beauty later on in the year, blessings, Maureen

  15. At our former house we were able to put in white cabinets and I loved them! Then we moved and now have oak-yuk! In my mind I'm planning on doing some painting this summer, so wish me luck in getting started! I'm hoping for a healthy summer with no stupid accidents/illnesses so I can get something accomplished. And, I don't have a wedding to plan. Just dreaming about baby news someday...! (is it OK to do that?)♥♫

  16. Oh Rebecca I am so excited for you!!!
    Your kitchen will be lovely and how wonderful your hubby is so handy.
    I can't wait to see the end result.
    Suzann ~xoxo~

  17. Forget to tell you I like your new Header!!!!

    Suzann ~xoxo~

  18. Good morning, Rebecca...just read your latest post and was sort of surprised that you were going to be remodeling the kitchen, too! That is a smart it while the other wall removing is going on..(someone else asked if you had completed that project, as I didn't see any pictures on the finished results either??) But probably it is all going along together...which makes sense.
    I love the look of the kitchen in the pics you showed us. I think you will end up with something beautiful, no matter which way you go. Between you and Steve's eye for design and decorating, it is bound to be magazine
    lay-out perfect!! I can't wait to see the finished results.
    As you go along working, and cleaning up after the progress, just remember it took nine months to carry those precious babies of yours, and how thrillled you were with each new phase, so the remodeling time will result in a new BABY of something you have waited on for so long!
    I am so happy for you and know it will be a "dream come true" at the end
    Take care and have a happy week..
    Love and hugs, Francy

  19. oooo hope you are both feeling a wee bit more flexible today ... and just love your kitchen to be peeks that you like ... we have very similar tastes but you will defo get there before me ...
    and as they say Rome wasn't built in a day ;) love mouse xxxx

  20. I love the "look" in the pictures. Yours will be beautiful too!
    It's so wonderful that your husband can do so much of the work himself......
    I'm excited for you....tired! Looks like so much work.

  21. How ex-cite-ing!!!! You must be busting at the seems to have your new kitchen Rebecca. I just can't wait to see it all done when you've worked your decorating magic and gussied it all up. All of those inspiration pix are lovely.
