Tuesday, February 14, 2012



When I first started my blog in 2009 I wrote about a
on Valentine's Day of that year.  I never dreamed then that three years later he would still be with us.  I count it a privilege that for the most part my father still knows who I am.  Dementia in any form, albeit Alzheimer's or any of the other mind-robbing diseases out there, can be nothing less than devastating to a family.  It's a long, long, sad good-bye and speaking personally here, if I'm not careful with my emotions the brain monster that lives inside my father's head has the potential to steal away more than just my father's memories...
Preacher Man and Poet

Yesterday morning as I walked down the corridor that led to my father's tiny room I stopped for a moment to look at some of the red and pink hearts that lined the walls.  Instantly I was taken back to the days of my childhood when each year my then tiny fingers would fashion a homemade Valentine for the man I've always called daddy.  On the 14th of February I would cut a huge pink heart out of construction paper and inside would carefully trace around my right hand.  Across my palm I would write this simple sentiment....

To: My Favorite Daddy
From: With Love,
Becky Sue (age 6, 7, 8, etc.)

Not too long ago I came across one of my handmade Valentines and I believe it's the only one that still exists.  Thanks to my mother's foresight it was tucked away years ago for safe keeping.  My father, ever the sentimentalist, inscribed in his own handwriting onto the backside of my tiny paper heart the following words:

"This Valentine was given to me by my little daughter,
Becky Sue, February 14, 1968.
One day she will find out I am
not just her favorite daddy, but I'm 

You were right, daddy!
You will always be my
(forever and forever)


(Gosh~how I miss him...)


Happy Valentine's Day to you all.

Love to you...


  1. Dearest Rebecca,

    Sentimental journeys... It is tough and such words become a treasure. Thanks to God that he did scribble them onto the back of your special card. You have your only Daddy inside your heart forever and nothing can ever take that away. He has sealed you inside his heart, even though that is for the time being camouflaged by the 'brain monster'. Just see beyond that and trust that at one point there will be peace again and the beautiful memories will WIN big time.
    Love to you and a Happy Valentine's day that spills over onto all 365 days of the year and to all that come within your warmth!


  2. awww love how he wrote on the back of your heart .... you can tell how much he loved you :) love mouse xxxx

  3. This was a beautiful tribute to the man you call Daddy. He is so handsome and obviously loves you so, as you do him. He will be always in your heart and sweet memories.

  4. As you speak of your walk down the hallway to see you Dad it is me. I have walked these halls. It was probably one of the hardest times of my life. My prayers are for you to handle this for as long as need be.
    Happy Valentine's Day!!

  5. My heart breaks for you and this long goodbye..it is so sad and I pray that The LORD continues to keep you strong.

    Have a Happy Valentines Day with your sweet hubby! xo

  6. Oh how hard this must be for you dear heart.

    We are walkin' the Alzheimer's walk with my sweet MIL right now. Breaks my heart.

    I also lost my daddy about a year ago. These holidays always bring back the memories of the fun times.

    This was a beautiful tribute to your daddies heart.

    God bless ya and have a wonderful Valentine's Day sweetie!!! :o)

  7. Rebecca...this is just beautiful. I continue to pray for a cure for this heartwrenching disease~xoxox

  8. Ohhhh sweetie what a beautiful a sweet post....
    Wishing you a very Happy Valentines day....


  9. Awww you are making me cry.How sweet.Happy Valentines day.

  10. Hi Becky--

    Thank you for your sweet words and faithfulness in isiting your dad.
    We had ice cream and Kit Kats to Celebrate Valentine's Day.

    You are truely his daughter and he your Daddy, but he is MY BELOVED.

    Happy Valentine's Day to you and yours...

    Love you Forever-- Mom

  11. Dearest Rebecca,
    Your words & tribute are so beautiful. I too walked down those halls for years. I'm am so glad your Daddy still knows your name, my Dad didn't remember me.
    You are in my prayers, that you may continue to have strength & peace.
    Happy Valentines Day.

  12. Lovely posting.

    Happy Valentine's Day.

  13. Wonderful post! May you keep your happy times in your heart I have many thanks for sharing joann

  14. What a sweet post Rebecca. I loved my Daddy so dearly... the sweetest man I've ever known. But he passed when he was 62 so at least he was spared the horrible brain diseases. It was my Mom that had to endure Dementia. I certainly feel your pain sweetie. It's a scary thing to watch and it's always in the back of your mind... will this happen to me? So we have to keep healthy and fit and use our brain power as much as we can to keep everything in it's best shape! That's one of the reasons I blog. And as a bonus I've met some of the most wonderful people in the world... such as you.

    Happy Valentines Day to you and yours sweet Rebecca!

    Blessings & hugs, Sherry

  15. Happy Valentine's Day, Sweet Rebecca!

    What a beautiful post and loving words to cherish from your Daddy!! I also love the comment left by your mother...such sweet love!!

    I received my sweet little Frances Brundage pillow trimmed in cream! I absolutely love it! A Valentine's Day gift to myself!! :D

    XOXO Carolyn

  16. how wonderful of your mother to have saved this. It will always be your ticket to memory lane and the wonderful words of a daddy to his little girl. So very, very sweet! My daddy used to give me a small box of chocolates on V-day, even into adulthood he would remember...how I miss him.
