Sunday, March 4, 2012

~~~~~THOUGHTS ON A SUNDAY MORNING~~~~~ Just To Thank You

To My Father
From Your Daughter...

For as long as I live
I will be forever grateful God saw fit
to bless me with you for a father.
From the very beginning
you set my feet upon solid ground
and have never failed
to lead me towards the Light.

Happy 82nd Birthday beloved father of mine.
You are
and always will be,
my hero.

Love you most~

Your Middle Girl
Becky Sue


Blessings today as you celebrate the lives of those you love.

Love to you...


  1. Very loving post, Rebecca! Congratulations and tresure your wonderful moments with him.
    Love from Holland,

  2. Happy Birthday to your father.

  3. Happy Birthday to your sweet Daddy. Beautiful post.
    Have a great Sunday.

  4. HAPPY Birthday to your handsome and loving Daddy!

  5. I adore this post. So poignant and so very heartfelt and positive.

    Daddy's are a special blessing aren't they!

    So please allow me to join in and say "Happy Birthday to Becky Sue's Daddy!"

    Glad you wrote posted this, it touched my heart. (And I secretly suspect that you will be responsible for a great many phone folks making phone calls to their Daddy's today.)

    Blessings to you and yours.

    In Him,

  6. Becky Sue- Your family name for you. I can so tell how much you love your earthly father to the depths of your soul. God bless him today on his birthday and God bless you as you see him age one more year~ xo Diana

  7. Happy Birthday to your HANDSOME Daddy! Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

  8. Good Morning Rebecca,
    I was just thinking about you a few minutes ago and wondering how your Father was doing. Today would have been my favorite uncle's 88th birthday. His name was Manley, but we called him "Uncle Doc" or just "Unk". Remembering happy times is so important. God Bless You on this Beautiful Sunny Sunday.
    Warm hugs from Ontario Canada, Laura.

  9. Happy birthday to your sweet daddy my friend... and blessings to you and all of your family on this day... I know sometimes it is so very hard for you, but he is still your same beautiful daddy that raised you, and the love he has for you will always come through... much love, xoxo Julie Marie

  10. Oh Happy Birthday to your sweet daddy. I know it is difficult these days, but what a blessing that you can still even just give him a hug!!

  11. So precious, sounds like you were a daddys girl too, oh how I loved my daddy, and praying you have a great day..Hugss

  12. Becky Sue,
    hope he had a sweet birthday and you had a pleasant celebration.

    God bless and comfort you,

  13. Becky--

    It was so good to see you today at your dad's Birthday Celebration. He had a good day and was happy to see Adrienne and Micha too. He loved his cards,

    It is impossible for me to realize he is 82 years old, but he sill captures my heart with his sweet smile.

    Love you forever, dear daughter.

    Hugs-- Mom

  14. Dearest Rebecca,

    Happy Birthday for your Daddy! Great tribute you wrote here and it is very special.
    As for your question about the Followers Gadget that has vanished, well mine did too. First I thought while we were on vacation on the island of CuraƧao, that it was because of my iPhone. We got home on Sunday morning (3:00 AM) and sure enough my Google Chrome didn't show it either. I have not had the time to look at it and my bet is, I leave it alone as I've had this before. It will suddenly show up again. I'm too afraid that if I remove it that ALL will poof. Blogger is tricky. So just be calme and patient; I will be too...
    Love to you,

