Monday, April 9, 2012


I so loved being in my home state of California last week and a big part of me didn't want to come back home to Oklahoma.  I'd have stayed longer if I could have...I miss my family so much!

  Cali is already so green and lush and flowers are blooming everywhere!  It all took my breath away and I came home with lots of wonderful landscape ideas for my La Chaumière de Briarwood!

 I'll talk about the shopping later...  I found so many fabulous things I had to ship them back home via Fed Ex Ground! :)
I snapped the picture you see at the top of a sweet ranch style house near my brother's home.  I have always wanted a picket fence and this one stole my heart away!  I love how the gate area is recessed and not flush with the sidewalk.  I showed it to my Mr. AGPMan and someday we hope to do something similar...
(Can't you just see my guy rolling his big blue eyes?  He is!)
I'm dreaming here...  We are smack dab in the middle of a kitchen makeover and THAT is the priority right now!

On Saturday a big box was delivered to my front porch and I thought at first it was the one I'd shipped back to myself.
But when I looked closer I realized it was from one of my longtime friends I first met via eBay.
When I opened up the box it was filled up and over flowing with the most gorgeous vintage linens, lace doilies and old bolts of ribbon I've seen in a long time.   I know for certain gathering up so many treasures would have taken lots of tag-sale-shopping to acquire!
 Even then finding just the old ribbon would have taken a miracle.  Very, very hard to snag these days...especially the soft shell pinks sent to me!
I can't wait to dig in and start creating with these wonderful old finds!  Thank you, Michele.  You are such a sweet, precious friend to me and so very, very generous!  I hope someday to meet you in person and give you a huge hug...
You bless me more than you can know!
I came home with a pile of work to tend to and for that I'm grateful.  I also returned with a pretty nasty upper respiratory thingy and so I'm feeling pretty crummy so you may not see or hear from me for a few days!

I'm still blog-hopping and trying to catch up on your most recent posts!  I've missed out on so much!

More soon!

Love to you...


  1. Oh I so love that house and white picket fence! What a perfect dream house! I am so glad you enjoyed your visit. It is always so nice to go home! I am sorry you are under the weather! Feel better soon! Lots of tea and honey!
    Your box of goodies was so amazing! What fun you will have created so any beautiful treasures!
    Have a wonderful week!
    Hugs Anne

  2. so glad you had a wonderful time!!! we have had the perfect weather here in CA...rain and sunshine....can't wait to see your kitchen!

  3. i have two children in california, so
    i know how you must love it.

    . . . but our flowers are blooming
    gloriously here, too. :)

  4. Now that's a treasure box, lucky you. Hugs...Lu

  5. LOVED the fence... it would be my dream too, but in our little planned community they're a big no-no.....darn it all. :-(

    And, what a great pressie.... And, such a wonderful surprise. I'm always amazed by the love and generosity of blogging chickies. Isn't it just the best?

    Now, about your yukkies....I do hope and pray you'll be all fixed up soon. Maybe allergies? Or, something somebody passed along to you while you were having such a great time?.... Darn those germies.

    Big huggies and get wellies.....


  6. Lovely post, thanks for sharing.
    PS I always wanted a white picket fence and actually have one here now. However would never have thought it meant leaving my home and living so far away from everyone I know. Life is hard sometimes. I know how you feel missing your family.

  7. Glad you had a nice trip. I also love a picket fence.
    Feel better soon.


  8. I love a white picket fence, too. I think it would be the perfect "finish" for your beautiful home. We got all the stuff to put one in last year and started pounding to put the posts in and hit bed rock about 8" down...ALL ACROSS the front. No way to deal with it without blasting. And, as you can imagine THAT is not going to back everything went. sigh...

    I love all the goodies that your friend sent you- how special is that!?!

    I hope you get feeling better soon, Rebecca. Take good care of yourself. If you get a chance to visit my blog at all my favorite latest post is yesterdays...Monday...with the kids in their Easter finery and egg hunting. Love to you- xo Diana

  9. I always dreamed of a picket fence and now I have one:) When we built our house 10 years ago... it was added and I love it! In fact, my fella is repainting it now! Have a blessed day my friend! You sure were blessed with a lovely gift from your friend, HUGS!

  10. I would LOVE a picket fence.Only in my dreams.How sweet for a fellow ebay friend to send such a lovely gift.

  11. Dearest Rebecca,

    Welcome back home! It is always like a punishment after having been away. At times our immune system gave way to some virus, as you contracted now yourself. Impressions, emotions and the heaps of laundry and things to sort through...
    What a treasure you received from Michele, loved the embroidered Edewlweiss flowers, the one below the butterflies.
    Rest up and fluff back!
    Love to you,


  12. I haven't been over to visit you recently, and I've got to find the time to do so. Did I tell you my youngest daughter is moving to Edmond? This week in fact.

  13. Glad you had a good time, hope you are feeling better soon.
