Sunday, May 6, 2012

~THOUGHTS ON A SUNDAY MORNING...Your Own Unique Calling~

I think my two children are brilliant.  I'm not just saying that either...I really think they are!  Both are highly gifted and amaze me with all they do with the talents God has given them.  One is a math whiz and makes a living at a well known university as a computer programmer.  The other one has learned a second language and hopes one day to master a third.  I'm a proud mother for sure!

I always wanted to be good at
and longed to make good grades in Spanish as well.  Sadly, I nearly flunked out of both of those subjects and to this day don't like either one.  I did love music though (still do!) and each and every art class I ever enrolled in.  So I guess I shouldn't be too terribly surprised that my best grades were earned in those two classes.
Yesterday morning I read a little devotional by Max Lucado (The Applause of Heaven) that gave me a clearer understanding of some of the blessings that come directly from the Father.

He called it:


"Antonio Stradivari was a seventeenth-century violin maker whose name in its Latin Form, Stradivarius, has become synonymous with excellence.  He once said that to make a violin less than his best would be to rob God, who could not make Antonio Stradivari's violins without Antonio.

He was right.  God could not make Stradivarius violins without Antonio Stradivari.  Certain gifts were given to that craftsman that no other violin maker possessed.

In the same vein, there are certain things you can do that on one else can.  Perhaps it is parenting, or constructing houses, or encouraging the discouraged.  There are things that only you can do, and you are alive to do them.  In the great orchestra we call life, you have an instrument and a song, and you owe it to God to play them both sublimely."

"I praise you because you made me in an amazing and wonderful way.

Psalm 139:14
 Do you believe you are called?

I do.  I believe we all are!

Blessings to you today as you seek His EVERYTHING for your life.

Love to you...


  1. Max is one of my favourites! He always has me thinking...and yes, I have been called and I pray fervently that I have answered that call to the best of my ability. Happy Sunday Rebecca.

  2. Good morning, Rebecca. Yes, I do believe we are all called to something. It is just trying to figure out what that true calling is sometimes, isn't it?

    I think you have found YOUR calling in providing the world with your beautiful bits and pieces that you paint or restore or sew. I think God has given you artistic talent and you use it to His glory.

    As for me...I'm still trying to figure out what I'm going to do when I grow up!

    Blessed Sunday to you- xo Diana

  3. You are blessed and I feel so blessed too for SO many reasons! I have a loving family and precious friends:) All are blessings! HUGS! Have a special day my friend!

  4. My dear friend, you have another calling--your writing here blesses many people with what you share from your heart!! You are an encourager--what a blessing to us.♥♫

  5. Rebecca,
    What a beautiful post.I agree just as God has a purpose for all of us he also has blessed us all with gifts.And these gifts should in some way help others.Thank you for this reminder.
    Have a great Sunday.

  6. A wonderful Sunday post! Thank you for sharing.


  7. A wonderful Sunday post! Thank you for sharing.


  8. Such a beautiful way to spend a Sunday afternoon visiting with you.
    This is a lovely post so glad I came by.

  9. Isn't God wonderful to call each of us in special ways that no one else can be just like us?

    Check your e-mails! I sent you one that I need an answer to. Blessings to you this wonderful day!

  10. Just beautiful Rebecca... yes, I believe my calling in life is helping all of God's precious little creatures... I know He always sends them to me... xoxo Julie Marie

  11. PS And I believe you were certainly called upon to follow the path you have taken in life with your beautiful creations... xoxo again... Moi

  12. Such beauty in your words. Love your encouraging thoughts! Continue sharing. God has also gifted you wth words that uplift!

  13. beautifully stated. thank you for starting the week off with some wisdom and inspiration. xo

  14. Thank you, Rebecca. So true.

  15. Beautiful, Rebecca. I was never good at either one, (math and languages) but I love to sing, write and create art to His glory!

    Those are things I do, but my real calling is to be a wife and mom, in which it seems there is always a new learning curve to tackle!:)

  16. Dearest Rebecca,

    Great post for a Sunday morning. I´m late reading it but its value is still the same. You sure are blessed having two children that are gifted. And you should not downplay your own talents in many areas! Don´t be bashful.
    Like Pieter´s Dad always said to make sure that you leave a mark. If we all try to do that in one way or another than we have not failed our God.
    Love to you,


  17. Rebecca, this was so beautiful! You know why your children are so talented? Because they have you for a mother!
    Many more blessings, dear lady!

  18. beautiful post!

    God bless and you are a blessing to me,
