Sunday, November 11, 2012


Can you feel it coming?  Life is changing.  For me, the dry, sunny days of autumn are starting to wane and the northerly wind is beginning to sweep down the Oklahoma plane.  The branches on our trees are going bare and the emerald green grasses of summer have fallen asleep under a leaf blanket of harvest gold and nut brown.

The flowers are closing up while our furry friends burrow their way into the warm nests they prepared weeks before. is changing again.

We pull our coats close and curl up indoors.  We look forward to bundling up, warm steaming cups of coffee, tea and cocoa in our hands...  Time to conserve our strength for winter is coming.  Part of the natural cycle of the seasons to slow down and do less~shed the old and familiar and let go...

That is exactly what my hubby and I are doing.

My Mr. AGPMan's college education couldn't have been completed at a more fitting time.

God appointed.

On Thursday my guy will attend his last college class and I can already feel the rhythm of our lives returning to normal.  This morning I watched as the once familiar smile returned to his slightly older looking face...  He's tired.  I'm tired.  But, at peace.  Together we are excited about letting go of our dried, shriveled up cares and willingly invite the Oklahoma wind to blow them all away.

Indeed life is changing.

Today I'm grateful for God's grace.  His mercy.  And for giving us the strength to meander through the changing seasons of life while allowing us the chance to weather the unexpected storms.

Yes, life is changing.  But it's good.

So good.

Blessings and love to you... 


  1. Beautiful Sunday post on this Veterans Day Rebecca... sending much love to you all, xoxo Julie Marie PS Miss K's package should arrive on Tuesday...

  2. I'm so happy for you both the moment you have been waiting for is here. You are both to be commended for the strength and enduranced it has taken to get to this point. Congratulations to you both.

  3. Hurray for your husband...what a great accomplishment! And you are the sweet lady that stood behind him so bravo to you, too!


  4. You have such a sweet way with words.

    Write that book as life slows!

  5. Thank you for your beautifully gifted way of sharing about the changing seasons of our lives. So, so true! Congratulations to you and your dear husband! What a life changing moment for both of you, at last!

    Blessings in God's abundant love!

  6. Dearest Rebecca,
    Yes, autumn is nearing. Here it was perfect today, sunny and very mild.
    Is your husband changing jobs after his graduation?
    Enjoy the coming week.
    Hugs to you,

  7. Beautiful! I love it that your Fella is finishing up! HE has worked SO HARD and you have kept the home fires burning for him! Hugs to you as you enjoy these changing times!

  8. As always look forward to your post. I enjoy each time I read through. Thanks for sharing. Hugs, Cindy

  9. The weather has been so weird lately. Last week 4" of snow, and today it was 70! I love fall, and the beautiful leaves. Indeed it is time to curl up with a good book, and snuggle under the covers. Congrats to your wonderful hubby! There will be time now for lots of snuggling, and coffee talks!

    Love Deb xxoo

  10. As we change and things change around us we are richer in so many ways. As you turn the pages to a new chapter, enjoy changes and stay open to all the possibilities that come your way.

  11. You will appreciate your life even more now that you are getting it back.I always find myself a little melancholy this time of year, I hate it getting dark early, at least I don't have to worry about cold weather!

